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Chapter 29 gossip

elope with youth 高晓松 2625Words 2018-03-18
1. Liu Xiang said that many record companies approached him and wanted to sign a contract with him to produce records and so on.I said absolutely no, they are unreliable!Liu said why?I said that even if you sing well, you must not have as good a voice as Brother Huan of your family, right? They are not looking for you because you sing well, but because you run fast!If you get caught by them, then don’t do anything else, it’s all about announcements, publicity, tricks, gossip, clarifications, troubles all day long – when you’ve had enough trouble, you can’t run fast, no one cares about you, you guessed it What - they can run faster than you!

2. First, please pay more attention to other contestants on the stage. Zeng Yike is just one of the "diversity of players" advocated by the competition; second, my evaluation and attitude towards Zeng Yike can be condensed into four sentences, she is first-class Lyrics, second-rate composition, third-rate guitar and fourth-rate singing, I don't think she sings well, but I agree with her creation; third, the reason why I have always supported her is because I want to The action sends a message to all the young people in front of the TV, encouraging them to sing about themselves bravely, instead of just playing imitation shows, and to believe that no matter how ordinary life is, they have the right to sing.

3. In our industry, we sell our bodies and art, sell our youth, and offer love and freedom with laughter and tears.He has never taken anything by chance, and in Yurou Township, he has never done anything outrageous.After the performance is completed, I bow to the audience to thank the audience, but if the performance fails, I can't sleep in fear.Three to five years of false fame, earning seven or eight hanging pensions.In the end, it falls into mud and disperses with the wind.The audience will always have new favorites, and will not miss the old ones.Seeing that it has brought everyone a moment of joy, is it worth returning some warmth in the world?

4. I strongly recommend that everyone choose to drive for the first time to the land of dreams. The gradually shrinking mileage on those street signs is the gift of life, the wrapping paper that has been unwrapped layer by layer, and a piece of paper that is taken off before making love with the lover of your dream. Every piece of neat clothes. 5. Fortunately, the girls in that era all had a lovely vanity: they must be more free and easy than you, better than you, bolder than you, richer than you, less resentful than you when you put on your pants, and better than you on the night of breaking up. You still don't love you!

6. In fact, few children grow up to be really successful, and success is fate, which cannot be educated.Therefore, the most practical education is most needed: how to be at ease in an unsuccessful life, and spend the long years with peace of mind without complaining.At this time, those "useless" things become precious.When children grow up without pain and loss, parents are successful! 7. Someone asked me if I let my children learn piano?I said that it is not necessary to learn the piano, but you must learn more and do more useless things.The most important difference between humans and animals is that everything animals do is useful (for survival and reproduction), while humans do many useless things, such as music, chess, calligraphy, painting, love and waiting.If a child is educated to only learn courses that are useful for further education, go to college and only do things that are useful for employment, and everything after working is to buy a house, wouldn’t it be a waste to be born as a human being?

8. Those who claim to be ruined by exam-oriented education will self-destruct if they don’t take the exam; those who complain that marriage destroys their ideals cannot become Marie Curie without getting married; Even if I went to Switzerland, I couldn't find the freedom of my soul.Facing the same era, everyone finds different excuses. Everyone looks at the world from the window. Some people see only a mirror, while others can't see their fingers. 9. Good music means that you can finish listening to the music with your eyes closed, regardless of whether others are good-looking or bad-looking;

10. Music is not a meal or a bed in front of you. Music is a call from the soul. 11. I think that after entering the top five in any competition, the only thing left is to enjoy the competition.As long as it is beautiful, moving, and touching. 12. Don't cry, friendship will always be there.You are standing here, just playing.You must know that facing life is ten thousand times crueler than this competition. 13. I don't think any form of music is superior, and I don't think rock is something higher than other popular music.I think every genre of music has crap, and every genre of music has really good, really awesome music.The most annoying thing is the type fan. The type of music he plays is destined to be high-end. This kind of attitude is what I don't like the most.

14. Looking back, if I had lived on campus in the 90s, I would still be writing songs like this in 10 years.I don’t think it’s because college in the 1980s was any different. Just like falling in love, when you look back and think it’s beautiful, it’s not because of the person, but because of your mood in it.The same goes for school, you've fallen in love with it. 15. Intellectuals make trouble in any country.Intellectuals in any country feel that their own system is wrong and unreasonable; intellectuals in any country think that the era they lived in is the most sad era; they all miss the "golden age" that the intellectuals he admired before I feel like I'm living in the "shit age".Everywhere is the same, and no country is an exception.

16. Whether a man and a woman can maintain a pure friendship depends entirely on the woman. As long as the woman relaxes, this pure friendship will be over. 17. Music is the hormone of youth and the tears of old age.It is a glass of water in the middle of the night, which wets people's hearts. 18. All art work is like this. If you only feel that you are comfortable doing it, you can't do it. 19. People with a sense of happiness will think that falling in love means being happy with love, and falling in love is getting freedom.People who have no sense of happiness will think that falling in love is losing freedom, and falling in love is losing love.If you do the former, your life will be a positive one.In fact, as soon as a person is born, he comes into this world with his own script.

20. What is a good man?Don’t look for a boy who is too purposeful, has to struggle, and has too high ideals, he should marry his ideals and goals; marry someone who is happy, happy, and able to go with the flow, because you will never know the situation, even if you meet Don't even if you are successful, because for his success, you will miss those happy times for you. 21. I feel very lucky to be able to grow up in the 80s. When I established my outlook on life, there were a large number of dazzling lighthouses illuminating the sea.It was the era when masters gathered together, waiting with 10 yuan every day, should I buy Luo Dayou's new record, or Wang Shuo's novel, or Chen Kaige's movie?I don't know who to wait for with 100 yuan today, who is worth waiting for?Nothing compares to that era now.

22. I always feel that the growth of boys is far more difficult than that of girls.Because girls basically panic, that is, can I have love.But boys have five panics: first think about whether I can support myself, whether I can have love, whether I can have sex, and whether I will be respected by others, and there are some responsibilities that I have to put on myself without thinking about it. For example, responsibility to the country. 23. Having a house will make you feel safer.But can a sense of security really come from a house?In the final analysis, it is a question of value.No matter how the world changes, we still have to persist, even if it is backward.It doesn't matter that I'm not popular.I am happy every day and that is what matters. 24. Many people can't tell the difference between ideal and desire. Ideal means that when you think about it, you are happy; desire means that when you think about it, you are miserable! 25. With today's housing prices, there are only two situations for ordinary people to buy a house. One is that both parents provide financial support. This kind of person basically has their future and development controlled by their parents.The second type of people sacrificed too many development opportunities and pawned their dreams to realize a house.What they buy is actually the "sense of security" deep in their hearts. 26. Those "arts" of self-pity actually come from the sense of lack that is magnified by impatience. Once the sense of lack disappears, where is the eternal meaning?It's easy to poke holes in the window paper with tears, but with glass windows and warmth, aren't people alone? 27. In it, rich businessmen, cadres, underworld bosses, casino owners, and prostitutes all want their own wives. I am very touched by this.Because only the wife will never leave, and in the end only the wife will remember to send you a piece of clothing, and only the wife will come to see you regularly.I miss my wife too.Young people have nothing to think about, young people enjoy themselves in it.
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