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Chapter 25 great motherland

elope with youth 高晓松 1803Words 2018-03-18
I have a personal feeling that among overseas Chinese, you can clearly feel that our country with a history of 5,000 years is still very great. No matter how many problems this ancient country has, but outside People still feel she is great.The love of overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese for the motherland is only higher than that of domestic people, not lower than that of domestic people.To give an example that I personally experienced, during the 2008 Olympic Games, overseas Chinese spared no effort to protect the Olympic torch.On the contrary, the Western reactionary media has ulterior motives in filming a large number of torch relays in China, and the national flag fell to the ground. This is all due to the ulterior motives of foreign media.Because it is unimaginable that the national flag of one's own country falls to the ground and no one picks it up. When the Olympic torch was delivered to the United States in 2008, it first called people in London and Paris to rob, block, etc., so when it arrived in San Francisco, many people from Southern California went, plus there may be some from Northern California and other places. Tens of thousands of Chinese went there, mostly to protect the torch, and a very small number of liberals like us to watch the fun.We said we went to see this historical moment, isn't this just history?This is part of history.Then I was very excited to watch the excitement on the side.

After a while, tens of thousands of people joined hands and sang together, "The five-star red flag is fluttering in the wind, how resounding is the song of victory..." to the hundreds of thousands of anti-imperialist elements. As a result, we all cried, including myself Inside.Why are we crying?Because I was really moved, because I did grow up listening to this song, and I am indeed a member of this nation. Later we said, this is homesick, which is called nostalgia.This is not a political stance, and it has nothing to do with any political views held. No matter what flag they sing, we will cry, even if they sing "The Little Boat Floats Gently in the Water", I will cry, because this is nostalgia.It’s not just the longing for my hometown, it’s the fact that I’m alone in a foreign country, seeing people from my own country and ethnicity singing the songs I’ve grown up listening to since I was a child. move.Don't we also have a saying that goes like this, "When a fellow countryman sees a fellow countryman, his eyes are full of tears." A song from this fellow countryman sang us all tears.

This nostalgia has nothing to do with a person's nationality, environment, or education. Only this kind of emotion is called a basic emotion and a root emotion.When a person reaches the age of forty, he will suddenly feel that it is quite interesting how he came to this thing.When I think of Beijing, the first thing that comes to mind is Erhuayin.Because I was abroad, I didn’t come back once in a year and a half, and then I came back to Beijing. The first thing that touched me the most was to hear the old lady in Beijing say, Yo, this guy’s car is good, and this car is emitting black smoke. , The young man has a good car, it's a briquette burner.Look at this kind of wisdom, which is really not found in other places.This is not the same as the Northeast people making trouble, Errenzhuan, it is the wisdom of the old lady in Beijing. When I heard the old lady say, "Young man, this car is good, it burns coal balls", I almost burst into tears.I can't hear such sayings and voices in other places, and this is the voice I am familiar with.

So I feel that nostalgia is so emotional. From here, we can see that national sentiments, or those things that are connected with this country, are inseparable, and will not be cut off because of different political attitudes or views. No matter what political attitude a person holds, he will love this country.So whenever there are political differences, the most objection is that others judge you by whether you love your country or not.No matter what differences there are in politics, everyone loves this country. It’s just that some people want this country to be like that, and some people want this country to be like this, but there is no one who doesn’t love this country.The country is like our mother. There is no child who does not love her mother, but some children like her mother this way, and some children like her mother that way, but we all love her.

Not to mention a country as big as ours, with more than 6 million immigrants in the United States, people love this country, and there is such a small country, whose citizens love it equally.Some people sometimes often say that there is something lovely about that small country. It is also small and has few resources.People who say this are because they have never lived in a small country, and they have never lived in a small country with few people. If they have lived in a small country, they will know whether they love their country or not.I have been to so many places all over the world, the smaller the country, the more patriotic the people are.You can think about this logic in reverse, if this small country has few people, and they don’t love this country, this country would have ceased to exist long ago, it would not need to be independent, it would have been colonized by other countries or not Into any country, merge into any country.The reason why there is still such a small bump on the world map today is because the people in this small place love this country, and they are unwilling to go to any country even if you are richer.So you see a particularly interesting phenomenon, the smaller the country, the more its people love this country, and often when they come to their country’s festivals, they will come out holding various flags, and those holding American passports also hold their own small country The flag came out.This is the love of the country and the nostalgia for the motherland.

So not only we ourselves feel that our motherland is great, but people in other countries also feel that their motherland is great.The emotion of the individual and the motherland is the kind that we can't say how patriotic I am, but when you live in this country, you may see some bad things and things that need to be improved.But when you are far away in another country after leaving, you will feel that no matter what, your roots are in the motherland, and the motherland is very great.
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