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Chapter 19 Thank God for His blessing

elope with youth 高晓松 2806Words 2018-03-18
Someone once asked me if I haven't had God hold my hand to create for a long time, will I have a sense of fear, will I be afraid of being surpassed by others?What I want to say is that this really doesn't exist.I've written quite a few good songs, it's ok, enough, so what am I supposed to do?Am I still delusional to become Beethoven?I did have a perm, but I didn't become Beethoven.I didn’t perm this hairstyle deliberately according to Beethoven’s hairstyle, because everyone thought my chin was too big. Later, the hair stylist said, I’ll lift it up on your chin. If the top looks bigger, balance the bottom. In fact, Beethoven Fern looks like that, too, with this hairstyle.But Beethoven is not only handsome, he can also create the famous "Moonlight" after emotional frustration, and the well-known "Seventh Symphony". I don’t need to wait for God to say something. Write a song with your hand. Beethoven is deaf and still writes such beautiful things, so I know my "ceiling" is there, and I have every talent "ceiling".I don't have to daydream about being a famous musician like Beethoven or Tchaikovsky.

So I develop my comprehensive ability, and I can make my road wider if I develop sideways.Beethoven didn't have a "ceiling" and he could see the moon when he looked up. My "ceiling" was not far from the top of my head, and I reached it with all my strength.It is a good thing for people to know their own shortcomings, which is called self-knowledge.Only by knowing your own weaknesses can you maximize your strengths and avoid weaknesses.I know exactly where my own "ceiling" is in my movies, music, and texts, and I have reached this point at most, because when I discovered Marquez's book, I just took both the golden elixir and the elixir. Swallow it, I will let myself fall in love one hundred times in my life, and then I will go on and on. I have wandered all over the world, and I have gone to Antarctica. I can’t write such works, because I am As a person who writes, I will know if I have something and whether I can write something when I stretch out my hand.It is just one book that has been remembered by history, but it is not only this book, Marquez's works are well written.The same goes for some movies. I want to watch them. Whenever I see a good movie, I will sigh a long time, and then say that if there are so many people, why are there so many people? Isn’t it just one or two key points? Can a character become a master?

There are many movies that can make me sigh, such as the Italian director Giuseppe Tornadore, I will sigh after watching every movie of his. I have contacted his staff three times because I happened to meet in New York, or In Grande, I applied to work with him, and I am willing to work with him even as a reporter, or other staff members.I can learn something by following such a person, seeing how they direct movies, so I would rather do a small part-time job.Don't you let out a long sigh after watching "Cinema Paradiso"?The film was an unprecedented success and won a Golden Globe and an Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film.These awards not only show the success of the film, everyone who has watched the film will also deeply feel the infinite charm of the film.The movie talks about everyone's childhood, everyone's first love, and everyone's dream.After watching it, there is an indescribably familiar and warm feeling.Don't you let out a long sigh after reading "The Beautiful Legend of Sicily"?And that "1900", we translated it into "Sea Pianist", can you not let out a long sigh?Tonadore's works are all classics, and we can only sigh.I am really impressed by his cinematic performance.But then you became more relaxed, because after you sighed many times, you felt that it was very good. Since there is no such thing as a master, isn’t it quite easy?Then I don't have to study hard on a certain thing, because I can't become a master anyway, so it's better to do a few more things to enrich myself for a lifetime. If I can find that I can be a master in a certain thing Potential, I guarantee that I will not do anything else, and it is enough to achieve the ultimate in this one.But I didn't find that I have the potential of a master in any one, so I can only develop horizontally and broaden my route.

I am not a person who likes to play the piano every day. I am not a very quiet person. I am very noisy all day long.I often say to the old wolf: "We got it wrong, you should go to the back and read your books and do your creations honestly, and I will go to the front and compare pictures." Because my personality is more outgoing, the old wolf doesn't go out and walk around. I just stay at home and read a book. I run around anyway, and I always have the energy to travel the world. I rarely have the kind of quiet time to play the piano and write.So in the end I was still able to release various records, give concerts, and publish books with hundreds of thousands of words. Everyone was very surprised and said, "Do you still have time to sit and write?" I said I didn't know, and I just said Occasionally pick up a piano and play for a while, occasionally write a few words, and make things together.

"Those half a year" I was quiet for a period of time, and I gained a lot.Creation is actually the smallest gain, which is particularly utilitarian. I think the most important thing is that I have not been in a daze for a long time in so many years. I have read thousands of books and traveled thousands of miles, but I have never sorted out these things quietly. Pass.In a daze inside, the books I have read, the roads I have traveled, the people I have met, and even the anger, dissatisfaction, and all kinds of arrogance and prejudice that have been covered up over the years become very clear.This is the most important.I used to think that I was special and extraordinary, and that I would live a very different life.Especially when I was young, I felt that others were not as good as me, and my ego was too inflated.But over the past ten years, I found that I am like all men. I wrote "Youth Without Regrets" and "You at the Same Table" when I was 20 years old. At that time, I felt that I was the only good man in the world.But now I'm like everyone else, and that's why I write mundane but interesting songs.Everyone has been arrogant and inflated when they were young, but when we are older, the years have taught us too many things, among which is humility.Gradually, I don't take myself so seriously, because I see more people who are so good, so people can't help but respect them.

I always think that I am relatively lucky, I am not a hard worker, and I especially don't like to go to the recording studio.I’m actually ashamed to say it. When we were in a band in college, we had no money, and the speakers were all refitted with red-light brand tube radios. Sometimes when we were rehearsing, we would listen to the “Central People’s Broadcasting Station…” on the radio. A serious speaker is our guitarist's girlfriend. All six girls in the dormitory donate 360 ​​yuan of living expenses to help us buy a speaker.At that time, we had a recording when we rehearsed, and when we listened to that tape many years later, we were still very moved, moved by our persistent and serious love when we were young.We also said at the time that if we had a set of Budweiser speakers, we would rehearse every day without eating or sleeping.I think back then we were all passionate young people!But what if you have it later?I sit in the best recording studio in the world every day, Budweiser speakers are a fart?Don't need such a broken speaker!But no matter how good the recording studio is, I can't get back the feeling I had back then. It's not as passionate and passionate as it used to be.When I sit in the recording studio, I get a headache for a while, a stomachache for a while, and the air is not good for a while. Anyway, I just can’t sit still in the recording studio.In fact, it's like my childhood ideal, that is, if I can be with a certain girl, I have sex with her every day, and I buy roses for her every day, what a wonderful thing that is.When you are really with that girl, 10 years, 15 years, see if you can still be what you thought at the time.So the most ruthless thing is life. It takes away so many things from us, but I still vaguely remember what I used to be like and what kind of dreams I had.But later, there were various reasons or I changed myself, so it didn’t seem like I did it.So I think, whether eating music as a meal is a lucky thing, in fact, I don't know.It's better to drink music like wine, because no one can drink with wine, but they often eat with food.Drink or not drink, or drink some good wine, I can choose not to drink bad wine.So I was extremely lucky to be the industry's "famous musician" with the industry's lowest output of only 70 songs released. It seems that I am still in the front line.When my daughter was born, I counted 10 fingers and toes. When my wife was pregnant, I was very worried. After that, I was very grateful, and I said God, you really took good care of me even this last time, thank you so much.

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