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Chapter 17 source of inspiration

elope with youth 高晓松 2270Words 2018-03-18
When it comes to inspiration, the word "calling" comes to mind.Now you can feel that you are being "called" by inspiration less and less frequently.When I was young, a gust of wind blew over and opened the neckline, and the coolness hit my heart and lungs, so I felt especially summoned.There is a wind blowing on the mountain, and the grass moves with the wind. Sitting there at night and looking up at the stars in the sky, I can feel that I have been summoned. At that time, it was very easy to be summoned.I use "called" to replace the word "inspiration", because I think inspiration is an inexplicable thing, but being called is clear, you can feel whether you have been called.Later, this kind of calling became less and less, and sometimes I had to force myself to wait there, saying forcefully: I need this calling, but the problem is that it doesn't come.This thing is one-way, it doesn't come just after you shout to God.Of course, there are many other artists who use many ways to find the feeling of being called, such as taking drugs. Although I don’t do that, I understand that when people are high, they can feel the calling of inspiration.It’s okay to be broken up sometimes, but the level of the call of broken love is relatively low, and it’s not that interesting.I guess no one breaks up with their lover on purpose just to find the call of inspiration, but some people use it to hype and increase exposure.

The summoning I mentioned, to be more specific, means that suddenly there is a formed rhythm in my heart.Writing a novel means that you know how to control the language, and the structure of the writing is clearly presented in your mind.To write music is to know the rhythm of this music suddenly, or this movie suddenly appears in your mind.The difference between them is the width and depth of occupying the brain.Movies occupy a particularly large width of the brain, spanning from life to life, from all memories to future imaginations, novels have depth and breadth, and there is a little bit everywhere.But music goes deep into the soul and bone marrow, and it can't be found on the surface.

Although there will not be a state where God holds my handwritten songs for two or three years, I will not be without a sense of happiness, because I have experienced that kind of happiness, and I know what kind of pleasure that kind of creation brings.I didn't say that I was a little angry because I couldn't write a song, because if I didn't understand it, I wouldn't write anything at all.It’s just like how many times in your life you have eaten that kind of special delicious food, and then met the best and most fragrant love, and when there is nothing left, there are only some left. I feel like I am suddenly liberated. All the beautiful things have become like that, and I can no longer wear good-looking clothes, and I have to wear Lenin clothes instead.Just that feeling, because you have experienced it many times.So I am really a very happy person, and I have experienced the climax brought to me by creation many times.Later, I couldn't find a partner, and I didn't have an orgasm.But this is the law, that is, people don't have to shy away from it. Every creator will have such a situation, there will be times when they are exhausted, and they will all face the bottleneck period of creation.In the end, I stopped occupying the latrine and didn't shit. I decided decisively to become a producer, so I stopped writing and gave more opportunities to young people who can write good songs.Now I seldom write songs, and I will continue to shine and heat up in this circle as a producer.

I once recorded 4 of my songs in "Campus Folk Songs Ⅰ". At that time, I sold 8 songs to Dadi, which were collected in "Campus Folk Songs Ⅰ" and "Campus Folk Songs Ⅱ". The collection "Youth Without Regrets" released by Ryefield Music includes the later release of Lao Lang's "Lian Lian Feng Dust". This album is considered to have included a very important part of my works at that time.Lao Lang and I both like "Lian Lian Feng Dust" very much. This song is the finale of every concert we have. Every time, the audience sang in chorus and burst into tears. Some people even shouted, "Stop singing, it's hard to cry." no more.This song is quite simple and has no chorus, just a very relaxing melody.I still remember that when we recorded this song in the recording studio, we said that we needed to add a melody at the end, so we wanted to add the violin in the end of "The Last Waltz". As a result, the song was not only complete but also perfect .At that time, everyone in the recording studio could come up with many ways, and then we made music better. At that time, it was really called making music, unlike now, it is called being made by music.The quality of my serial publishing works is still above the standard, so everyone thinks that I am a good musician, or my name and name will be forgotten long ago.I also have a collection of works called "Youth Without Regrets". When I was young, I had a lot of vanity, and I always wanted to show everyone that I could do everything. I was not just a campus ballad. At that time, my creation was also relatively surging, full of love for everything. Describing desire, I feel that God is holding my hand to write, and now I don’t know what is worth singing about my own life, and I want to make an album for others, because other people have lives and can write better than me.Zeng Yike wrote well. I think Zeng Yike's pen was written by God himself, and he could write so many interesting words.I have said many times about Zeng Yike: first-rate lyrics, second-rate music, third-rate guitar, and fourth-rate singing, there is no dispute about this.The controversy is because many people can't understand the words and have dyslexia, and others follow suit.Fortunately, Xiao Zeng didn't take it seriously, so I didn't care. We didn't have any disputes about her in our own industry.Her creative talent really cannot be overshadowed.It's great to have someone like Zeng Yike, then I'm done as a producer, I use my experience to create.Creation is a priori, but making is an experience.There are fewer and fewer times when you need a priori, so you rely on experience.Children have no experience, so I will do it, let me, an elderly person, take their beautiful works, God takes their handwritten things, make it, record it, and let more people hear it. Don't I think that's great?I was not originally a musician, but I am very pleased to have achieved what I have achieved in music.I majored in radar at Tsinghua University and directed at the Film Academy, but music is not a major.Since I was a child, I have been good at playing piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. Later, the "music" "hat" was too big and I put it on my head, and other small hats were buckled inside.But there are also many things that cannot be expressed by music. For example, the attitude towards the world can be expressed through talk shows like "Xiao Shuo", and the attitude towards life can be expressed through movies and novels. Fortunately, I still have relatively good achievements in various fields. of.Inspiration cannot be obtained by force. When the masters occasionally get the best works, it is God who favors us.One day when we can't calm down in our hearts, we can no longer face the world simply and directly, and accept the call of inspiration, there will be no good works to speak of.That's the thing about inspiration, don't be too eager for quick success and quick success to hold back any work there, because it is not a good work, good works are obtained by accident, and they are gifts from heaven that are inadvertently obtained.The years when I was young are really nostalgic. Although sometimes I feel that I am very second, but at that time I felt smart when writing. When I am old, writing songs is like going to the bathroom. I came out, and I was too old to squat for half an hour, and it might not be there.

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