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Chapter 40 love out of body before bed for a long time

In July 1999, I lived in Copenhagen, Denmark. On a day that left a deep impression on me, I went to STA in the rain to get my international student card. I have been hesitating for a long time between the options of shopping. You must know that it is definitely not a good idea to go shopping in Copenhagen. You will get tired of aesthetics in a few days. The most annoying thing is that you can’t afford it. Those thousands of kroner clothes and glasses... …But visiting museums and parks is a good thing. Even if you go to one place every day and change every day, you may not be able to visit all of them in less than a month.

But the rainy day is really uncomfortable, the kind of small drizzle, so small that you don't need an umbrella or a raincoat, but your clothes will get wet after walking in the open air for a while, like someone holding a clear water sprayer next to you. Stop showering, very frustrated. When I made up my mind to go back to my residence, the sky actually cleared up. Although the sun was not visible, the rain really stopped, thanks to Odin. It was noon when I arrived at the Amalien Palace. I bought a sandwich and sat in the square. The bronze statue of King Frederick V was washed clean by the rain and reflected the light. I was eating and watching the changing of the guard ceremony of the Royal Guard. There were more people on the road, and many people approached the guards standing guard in twos and threes, gesturing and taking pictures with various gestures. I could vaguely see the reluctance in the guards' eyes, but they are part of Danish culture, and they cannot help arousing the curiosity of tourists.I still remember the excitement when I first came to the Octagon to see the Royal Guard. The black suit, white trim, blue trousers, big leather boots and that huge leather hat are exactly what I remembered from the Danish fairy tale "The Steadfast Tin Soldier".

I don't know how often the Royal Guard soldiers on guard change, but I wonder what they're thinking when they're standing there perfectly still?Is it the thrill of being a star, or the helplessness of being a backdrop for being scrambled to take pictures?They are bored standing up, will they fall asleep?If so, I'll have a chance to get close and steal the beautiful saber I've been watching them for a long time... At that time, the apartment I rented was near the King's Square. If it didn't rain, it would be very pleasant to walk from the Amalien Palace.The surrounding buildings are so similar to the Danish fairy tales in my impression. Even though this is the most prosperous commercial pedestrian street in Copenhagen, the strong traditional features are not covered by the commercial atmosphere. After the rain, the ground is so clean that you can’t even pick up a penny.

There is also a Baron near King's New Square.Burton Community is a bit like Sanlitun in Beijing. I like to visit here occasionally, but I don’t want to enter a store, nor can I afford it.Once I dared to buy a bottle of Carlsberg, it seemed to be more than 20 kroner, equivalent to RMB 30, but it was always strange to spend foreign currency, so that bottle of Carlsberg was the most careful and meticulous bottle I drank in my life. Beer is like drinking tea.Then I discovered that beer can only be drunk by cattle, and the more you taste it, the more bitter it becomes. In July 2003, it was hot summer in China, but it was winter when I lived in Sydney.Although it is winter, it is not cold, and single clothes are enough to cope.The only thing that is depressing is the large temperature difference between day and night, and the continuous winter rain. If it catches up with a sunny weather, it will be enough to make people happy.

I don't live in Sydney permanently, so the streets and alleys are nothing more than cruising around.When I first arrived here, the first thing I sighed was the emptiness.Apart from the city center, there are basically no high-rise buildings. The apartment I live in is in Hurstville, and there are few high-rise buildings with enough levels.The most shocking thing is the lack of people. Compared with the hustle and bustle of domestic airports, railway stations, urban areas, etc., wandering around many places here can even cause a sense of fear. The illusion is an empty city, a dead city.Even if we went to the so-called busiest part of the city center, there were not many people to be seen on the street, which was surprisingly deserted.

Encouraged by friends, I spent 150 yuan to watch an opera.My friend filmed me at the end of the show, and I was dreaming of a sword fight with Zoro.Except that the opera house was trembling with distress.Dare to spend a few hundred RMB to sleep.Then I drove back to my residence with my friends, and was urged to try to drive for a while on the road.I dare not.On the road here, I really dare not touch the steering wheel easily.The speed of passing vehicles was at least fifty yards.No pedestrians cross the road illegally at all.In addition, there are really few people, so there are not so many taboos about driving. I often see sports cars speeding past at 90 yards and 100 yards. When I turn my head and look again, the tail lights of the cars are blurred.

After a short period of time in Sydney, I obviously gained a lot of weight.Hateful Australia, a country where milk is cheaper than water and meat is cheaper than vegetables, is really a good place to grow fat.Plus there's always a party mess.Although the streets are deserted, there are various parties every night, and there are endless transitions. Only at this time do you feel a little bit of lively atmosphere.But a few steps away from the house, away from the music and noise, the surroundings fell into dead silence. The most comfortable thing is to walk by the seaside on sunny days and be invited to visit the so-called rich people’s homes. I came to Sydney for a while and visited some other homes. I feel that this rich man’s house is bigger and better furnished. It’s not as good as imagined. Kind of regal.My friend told me that when looking at the rich here, don't look at the size of the house or how many good cars there are in the garage, but look at the size and orientation of the balcony.Sure enough, the big balcony in this house is 100 square meters, and it is facing the sea, and the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming.Looking down at the balcony railing, you can see the yacht docked by the owner's house.Sure enough, it is a sign of the rich.The size of the house is for people to live in, and the quality of the car may be for work. Only this yacht is purely for leisure and entertainment expenses, and it is purely for enjoyment. Moreover, regardless of the annual maintenance cost, the cost of the yacht alone is Parking space, the cost has been very staggering.

In the past, I always fantasized about going to a place with a good environment and few people.Cleanliness and comfort are regarded as the ultimate enjoyment, but after staying in Sydney for a few days, I feel really deserted, and I begin to yearn for the hustle and bustle of the country, jostling shoulder to shoulder, calling friends and friends to barbecue beer.Every time I stand on the street and look back and forth, I can't see a single figure. I feel like the opening of "I Am Legend" or "28 Days of Change", and I suddenly feel that my brother is not fake, but lonely.

At the end of 2005, I was really struggling for some days in Hawaii. In addition to being far from being on the same level as other tourists on the island in terms of money, this shortage also included the inability to adapt to the environment, the idiot reaction to Hawaiian English, and the various world situations. Bewildered and cautious.In short, a typical bumpkin, this idiom is almost tattooed on my expression. The time I stayed in Hawaii was very short, not to mention the many tourists, and the cautiousness everywhere made me uncomfortable.I can't understand the street signs, I can't drink cocktails, I don't know many little etiquettes, and I even dare not look sideways at the topless young girls sunbathing on the beach and peep endlessly.

I thought Hawaii was Hawaii, a very distant and very familiar name. I didn’t know much about it until I got here. I couldn’t tell the difference between Mu and Mumu in the traditional clothes here. Aloha is the name of a traditional men’s shirt besides I love you. There are two types of hula dancing: Kashako and Anona.And it’s not good to dance blindly, it’s definitely a skillful dance. It’s like before I went to Amsterdam, I thought that pole dancing was a pornographic performance. I went to Holland to chat with professional dancers. The skills and professionalism of the ballet are definitely not easier than ballet.It's hard work to go around, turn, and slide.The same goes for the hula dance, which is by no means as simple and superficial as Crayon Shin-chan's dance.

I only stayed in Hawaii for a short time. After playing Waikiki Beach, I transferred to Naila.A lot of time wasted in Hulopoe, Lanai, and a lot of pictures were made in Chisia Cavelo with the victory sign.What makes me happiest is that compared with Waikiki Beach, Hulop on Lanai Island does not require tickets. Waking up in the morning, running along the Lomon Trail, my mind is empty.This is a nature with sea and sky, without a trace of industrial atmosphere, just like a fairyland.They all say they like to travel, relax, relax, and return to nature.However, the pure natural scenery once existed in China is increasingly surrounded, polluted and corroded by strong commercial atmosphere.Just like we all say that we want to go to Tibet to purify ourselves, but we will only know when we go there, unless we can find an undeveloped place and truly feel the world.Otherwise, if you go to places that have been tampered with by developers, the artificial atmosphere will definitely disappoint.As I am, the only thing comparable to Naila Island is some natural places in Lijiang. In September 2009, I took care of the elderly in the orthopedic ward of a hospital in Chongqing.The old man accidentally injured both hands and wrists.I learned two academic names, a Smith fracture for my left hand and a Ballstone fracture for my right hand.I don't know if the chief doctor is fooling me, anyway, I have never heard of Ballstone's fracture.I have heard of Smith's fracture. I remember thinking about it when I heard the name of this fracture for the first time. Is a person named Smith the first person in history to suffer from such a fracture?So name it after him. It's really an eventful time right now, manuscripts, scripts, fraud, meetings, contract lawsuits, property disputes, one after another, many things are still pending, and now I have to take care of the elderly, very exhausted physically and mentally.I have long since disbelieved that heaven will send a great mission to people, and people also use this kind of rhetoric. It's just not going well anyway. Who can have everything going well in their life?There are times when things go wrong. The so-called unsatisfactory things in life will change in all likelihood. If you encounter difficulties, you have to bear them. How can you always be in trouble for the rest of your life?There is always a time when you get over it and it goes smoothly, that person said, what if it really doesn't go smoothly?This is what I think, in fact, if you are always in trouble, maybe you won’t feel it is going wrong, right? Because both hands are fractured, it is extremely inconvenient for the elderly.Can't take care of everything basically.Not to mention defecation, eating and drinking, even the mosquito bites him, I can only watch him, and I can only bear the itching of the nose, so my care is basically in a state of staying close to every step. Caring for the wounded or sick can be tedious and tedious.The so-called no filial son in front of the bed for a long time is also because he has no patience and can't resist irritability.To be honest, I was also impatient, but I can’t pretend to come and sit for a while every day, I can’t do it, I consider myself a filial son, and I don’t have to be worthy of anyone, what I want is peace of mind.Years later, when I look back on the past, I won't regret it for wasting my time, nor will I be ashamed of doing nothing.Taking care of the elderly is the duty of children. There is nothing to say about it. You must do what you have to do. Even if you stay in the ward all day long, your conscience is safe. Besides, there are many female nurses... As I said, taking care of the elderly in the ward all day long, and the special injury must not be far away, and it will be boring after a long time, so I learned self-hypnosis, giving myself an imagination space, and masturbating myself in those wonderful places that I once wanted to go to. Situation, obsessed with enjoying such a free-wheeling life, so little by little began to be happy.Such as Copenhagen, such as Sydney, such as the Hawaiian Islands. Obviously, I have never been to any of the above places.In other words, my physical body has never been there at all.But obviously, as mentioned above, my spirit has already been there, and I am still very happy.Just like at this moment, although my body is in the ward, my spirit has actually been wandering in the nurses' locker room.
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