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Chapter 35 About Meticulous

I am completely a big and three rough person, not meticulous, impatient, and do not understand the joy of life. This is what I found in the supermarket.The more times I go to the supermarket, the more I discover this truth. Those invincible female comrades mother Sang Shenxian inadvertently hit my confidence in life time and time again.The old saying often says that life should be more meticulous, and I have been working hard in this direction, hoping to make myself more meticulous and not ruin life, but in the face of cruel facts, in the face of countless young women, old women, old women, aunts, and aunts. In front of me, I was dwarfed again and again, and finally found sadly that I was a person who would never be able to live my life so meticulously.

In fact, when I first saw those meticulous humans picking vegetables and meat in the supermarket, I didn't feel anything.People carefully pick a vegetable and hold it in their hands, and then start to break off pieces of damaged or rotten vegetable leaves around the vegetable. Seeing a vegetable as thick as a thigh be broken into the thickness of a forearm to give up, I am a little depressed, as for it?Are you shopping for vegetables or are you shopping for vegetables? I also saw meticulous human beings buying meat there, picking up a chicken leg and rubbing it vigorously, slipping their fingernails into the muscles and rubbing it back and forth. The same is true for buying chicken necks and duck necks. After holding it with both hands, twist it hard in the opposite direction, and all the water is wrung out. Well, this makes sense. Is the water pressure measured? The twisted chicken neck was dried up, and I didn’t want it, and threw it back on the counter... Damn, I haven’t bought this kind of thing in the supermarket so far, who knows what kind of mystery these meticulous human hands have touched before twisting the chicken neck area.

Well, all the above may be reasonable. Do you have to be meticulous in your life, but some people who sell crabs are so meticulous that their lives are overwhelmed. They jumped a few meat crabs or hairy crabs and counted their legs, hey?This crab was missing a hind leg, so I grabbed the other one, snapped off the crab claws and threw it into a plastic bag, sealed the bag after weighing it, and went to check out happily, why didn’t I pick another one? Whole legs?Because the legs are relatively large, the big ones are expensive.I guess this guy will have to brag to his neighbors when he gets home. Seeing that I took advantage of it today, I bought an extra crab claw. Hahaha, before the Chinese New Year, I will eat it tonight!But aren't the crabs depressed in the water tank?Malagbi's, before he died, was scourge into a one-armed nun.

Well, this is considered normal. If you are careful, if you buy the whole crab, you will have to make up for the missing legs.But I saw those who bought oranges and had to pick off the butt of the oranges. When buying tomatoes, they also picked out the green boils. If they were broken, they were thrown in and picked up again. After picking more than 20, I started to open the bag and bowed my head to check whether there were any dissatisfied jujubes that had been picked one by one, and the jujubes were selected for the rematch... These are considered meticulous? Well, forget it, how about living a life, you must be happy when you buy things and pick food.So if you look at those who stay in front of the coarse grain counter in the supermarket for several hours, those are the kings of meticulousness-picking red beans and mung beans, one by one, picking soybeans and small beans, one by one, and even buying bulk rice. Picking one by one, picking one and looking at it, is like picking a diamond!

You think I'm exaggerating?Then let me tell you another thing about seeing the ultimate meticulous king with my own eyes. Just a few days ago, in the supermarket, the two mothers were picking things there, and gently picked up a small amount with the thumb, index finger and middle finger, and rubbed it together. Rub it, and put the remaining few grains into a plastic bag. The thing the two of them picked was called sesame.
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