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Chapter 29 Thinking and preparation after being bitten

Something big happened last night and I was bitten. That’s right, the weather was fine last night, a little better than the average sauna day, at most it’s a steam bath, I was sweating after running, and I felt cool after taking a shower, so I didn’t turn on the air conditioner, my air conditioner is fine, listen Ever heard of that ad?The air conditioner is made by Gree, yes, the air conditioner in my house is from Haier. But the power of a good air conditioner is also high, which is too wasteful. Last month, the electricity bill was hundreds of dollars, which is unbearable.So I didn't open it after taking a shower, but hoped that the wind would sneak into the night and open the window to enjoy the coolness.Of course, God also gave me face, and there was no wind at all.I didn't believe it yet, and after chasing him, I grabbed Pi'er, pulled a bunch of its fur, threw it up, and fell straight down to the floor—as expected, there was no wind.

I had no choice but to start sitting in meditation. There is a way to cultivate a Buddha, to realize one's nature, and to be calm and cool naturally. In fact, everyone knows that these words are deceptive. Calmness of mind is not self-forgetfulness. Selflessness is the only way to have peace of mind. Who can cultivate to that extent, just to enjoy the cool?So, I lost, still hot.While it was hot, I didn't realize that the danger had sneaked in unknowingly. It was about ten o'clock in the evening, and I suddenly felt a pain in my left forearm. I looked down and saw an unknown black invertebrate the size of a sesame seed landed on my snow-white skin. The painful place was where it landed. There, no doubt, it was biting me.Before I had time to think about it, my first reaction was naturally the seventh form of Tathagata's divine palm - the birth of a thousand Buddhas.

Hands rise and palms fall, jade and stone are burnt together.The pain suddenly increased, burning hot.I didn't control my internal strength well, and it hurt me to slap myself, but at such a critical moment, it's justifiable. I didn't pay much attention at first, but after a few seconds, my forearm began to tingle and slightly itchy, so I checked carefully, it was not good!Where the invertebrate species settled just now, there was an inconspicuous tiny red spot, which was obviously a bite mark, and the surrounding edges were a little whitish. I began to panic in my heart. Throughout the ages, how many mutants, mutants, shapeshifters, supermen, superhumans... are because after being bitten by insects, the poisoning changed the biological structure of DNA in the body!

I hurried to the bathroom and used alcohol, toothpaste, hand sanitizer, mouthwash, Mentholatum moisturizing cream, air freshener, Biotherm facial cleanser, pet mite spray, Perisone triamcinolone acetonide econid cream on the bite wound ...Smear it on, after a while of disinfection, ah!The swelling got worse, and the edges of the bitten red spots turned green! It's over, it must be a bug that has been contaminated by radiation. I began to regret that I had done too much. The bug didn't even have a single bone left, so I couldn't investigate and collect evidence. I didn't even know what species it was, and I didn't even see what it looked like.How many claws, with or without antennae, with or without wings.If it had wings, then after I was bitten and started to mutate, it might also have wings. Unfortunately, it's not the angel's wings with pure white feathers, it must be the translucent wings with lines, but after the wings grow out , can it be retracted freely?It is the kind that only reveals when I want to fly, and is completely hidden in the body at ordinary times.

I stared at the mirror in the bathroom for a long time, to see if there were signs of wings growing on my back, to see if there were any other changes in the bite wounds, to see if there were any inexplicable black hairs or tentacles growing on my body, and to see if the pupils had changed Color, are the teeth starting to sharpen... It seems that the time is short and no significant changes have taken place, but for some reason, the back has been itching unbearably. Is the spine starting to mutate?Wings start to spawn?Or psychological effect? I sat on the sofa, smoking a cigarette, and thinking for a long time.If it really mutated, what would I look like?Will it turn into a humanoid insect?Or can it still maintain the human form, but with some more exclusive characteristics and abilities of insects?For example, can it fly, can it lie on the ceiling or wall?Even on glass?Have tentacles that can inspect the situation through ultrasound?Will a layer of armor-like exoskeleton grow out of the whole body when the power is exerted?Will there be many, many compound eyes?Will it be possible to breathe underwater?Will it easily lift objects hundreds of times heavier than its own weight?

If this is the case, I can also maintain world peace and other things, fight crime, eradicate the strong and help the weak, maintain social order, contribute my own meager strength to the construction of a harmonious socialist society, and become a person loved by everyone and loved by everyone. The heroes of the city and even the nation that people admire, appear in newspapers and news broadcasts, have appointments with Luyu, become judges of Dangxiu, and shoot a few issues of "Ruili", "Esquire" and magazine covers, etc. It's great. The important thing is that I can fly!I can't bear the sweltering heat like this, so I can put on beach shorts, sunglasses, pick up a surfboard, and fly directly to Bali or Hawaii... No, I can't afford it, I have no money.If I become a hero of the people, an idol of the people, or a public figure, I have to act upright and sit upright. Even if I spit everywhere, I must say that I corrupt the social atmosphere, teach bad children, and save people. For remuneration, maybe you have to become a public welfare spokesperson, a love image ambassador, etc. Not only do you have no money to get it, but you have to donate it... But how do you get money?Hey, do you think I will have software abilities?Or stealth or change color or something?Then I can sneak into celebrity gathering places, homes, bathrooms, dressing rooms... Take a lot of intimate photos, sell them to gossip magazines at a high price, wow, I made a fortune.

Oh, what if I am not human after this mutation?What if the wings cannot be retracted?What about the long tentacles on the head?In addition, what should I do if I have many siblings?Will there still be beautiful women who worship me?Do you take the initiative to throw yourself into your arms?I think any super hero has three or five stunning beauties around him. If I stare at thousands of insect compound eyes, carry two wings, and have long black hair, no one will want to make out with me. As a hero, I still have to behave. Put on, put on, keep your eyes on... no! Grab the women of the people by force!Who am I afraid of if I am super capable?Who am I afraid of if I mutate?If you want to eat, grab it; if you want to wear it, grab it; if you want to live, grab it... want to catch me?Hmph, I'm a mutant insect-man, I fly!I hide!I spit green water!I stink!I'm in a cocoon!

Hey?This is evil, it is really a fun thing! I can grab a lot of money, and then go for plastic surgery, and change a celebrity face every day. I have money, super powers, and self-healing.Then I went to every country to play, live in the presidential suite, I don’t sleep if there is a big bed, I don’t cover the white fox fur quilt, I just spread a sleeping bag on the balcony, and then eat delicious food from all over the world. What kind of caviar do you want to eat? Beef testicle sauce!Just like caviar, each one is whole, buy a bathtub full, dip it in green onion and mix it with noodles, it's so beautiful.

Oh, if I mutate, will my eating habits change?Could the unknown species of insect that bit me be the larva of a dung beetle... No!Certainly not! Well, since I was bitten last night, I haven’t experienced any breakthrough mutations. It’s estimated that the incubation period is relatively long. If one day the blog stops updating again, or I see some weird bank robbery on the news If the case is settled, it means that I have grown wings, mutated, flew away, and the evil has gone. In fact, I am very contradictory in my heart. I want to be a righteous messenger and a folk hero, everyone loves and admires me, but I also want to rob houses unscrupulously and have a lot of money and women... Oh my god, I am in so much pain, I don’t want to be a superman .

Of course, if I still haven't mutated when I'm sixty, I'll delete this blog. After all, it's a silly thing to worry about how to spend the money without winning the first prize of five million. Of course I'm not stupid, I wouldn't think about it in advance, it doesn't make sense. Okay, let's get here first, I'm going to check the information and design the uniform. How can I be a superhero without my own exclusive uniform?I must design well, not to imitate those European and American colleagues, but to have my own style and national characteristics.I think my uniform should be based on the design features of Tang suit and cheongsam. There should be a gentry belt and jade pendant around the waist. A phoenix is ​​embroidered for contrast and beauty, and a turtle is embroidered on the hat, that is, the helmet, which represents health and longevity.

Tight pantyhose with riding boots is something I have thought about for a long time, but I have been hesitating whether the socks should have lace trim.
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