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Chapter 14 happy time

The running fitness center is on the second floor. The treadmill faces a whole floor-to-ceiling window. When running every day, I listen to music and watch the people coming and going below.It's quite like the Buddha's bird's-eye view of all living beings, which is a bit comfortable. I forgot when she appeared, slim and tall, with light makeup, long vertical hair and small facial features, wearing jeans and Converse shoes, a big T-shirt with a big bag hanging diagonally. cute. I can see her every day when I run, from appearing in sight to out of sight, it is a very short distance, the distance of a glass window.After a long time, I began to figure out the rules, when is the time when she gets off work, which direction she will go after she walks out of sight, and where she lives.

In fact, when she walked by, she could see me behind the glass window on the second floor as soon as she looked up, but she never looked up. Just thinking about it, take the time to strike up a conversation.It's impolite to peep like this all the time, and it's too utopian. Then that day, I changed my clothes, didn't run, so I didn't sweat all over, and took the time to walk and walk on the treadmill, waiting for her to show up and run down to find an excuse to strike up a conversation. She appeared, walking with a big bag on her back, and I was ready to move.Then an old woman and a child of a few years old appeared on the other side of the line of sight, who seemed to be looking at her, smiling, acquaintance?

The old woman put down the child, and she also squatted down here, spreading her arms.The child stumbled and ran over and threw himself into her arms. The floor-to-ceiling windows have poor sound insulation. I heard the child calling his mother several times. I was stunned for a few seconds, watching her disappear from sight, took off her clothes, and started running at high frequency. Very depressed, my heart is very irritable, especially at night. The weather is getting hotter and the nights are getting cooler. I want to find a way to relax, that kind of pure, long-lost, not the so-called relaxation these years, which is to go to the bar to get drunk, go to the disco to sweat, and go to the KTV to lose my voice.

I especially miss the time when I waited with Lao Fu in my hometown, wearing a vest and taking off my shoes on summer evenings, sitting on the curb drinking cold beer and singing. Sing Wang Jie, Qi Qin, BEYOND, and Black Panther. Depressedly, I suddenly remembered that year, and I really wanted to relive it, especially the initial relaxation, minimum consumption, roads, street lights, mosquitoes, cold beer, laughter, chorus, and unscrupulousness. So I found a night, but no friends. Bought canned beer, not iced, just fine. Sitting on the side of the road, wearing a vest and taking off your shoes, singing "A Game, A Dream", "The Wolf of the North", "On the Water Side", "No Place to Shame", and "Glory Days".

It's so comfortable. Singing up and raising the pitch, a black car passed by in front of me with the windows open, and I heard the person inside cough heavily, and then "Bah!" He spit out a mouthful of phlegm, it was quite thick, um, it was still salty. I went out for a walk to buy things, walked around a small supermarket for a long time, and bought a can of lotus root powder. Stomach is not good, everyone said to drink something thin, to nourish the stomach. Lotus root powder, it is said that babies can also drink it, it is suitable for me, I am relatively young and simple.

When I checked out, I found that I didn't bring my wallet, only some change. Then I settled the accounts, and when the shopping money was exchanged with my cash, I was short of 20 cents. twenty cents. Accommodate?I live nearby, that is the neighborhood. The cashier is not accommodating, and it is not a business opened by others. I searched all my pockets, but I had no money, and told the cashier to replace it with cigarettes and lighters, but they didn't want it. No way, it takes more than ten minutes to go home, just to withdraw 20 cents? Which friend do you call just to ask someone to give you 20 cents?

Suddenly I started to regret, thinking of too many times before, when I was walking on the street, I saw a dime on the ground but didn't bother to pick it up, many, many times. If I picked them all up at the beginning, how could there be a difference of two cents now? Two cents ah twenty cents. Looking around, I wondered if I could borrow it from someone. No one is short of twenty cents these days. There are many people around, I look and look, I can’t find the target, I really can’t open my mouth, I’m really ashamed, two cents, can I borrow my glory by opening my mouth. Suddenly I admire those who can directly ask for money on the street, it takes courage.

In the end, I didn’t buy lotus root powder, and if I didn’t drink it, I couldn’t die. When I was in love, it was very sweet, happy and dry.Talk on the phone when not together. A lot of nonsense, I don't know what I'm talking about, I just say it sentence by sentence, laugh when I talk, and the more I laugh, the more I want to say it. It seems that everything is happy. Does beauty come out of a lover's mouth? Oh, no. I don’t know what we talked about and how long we talked about that call, but it was happy and comfortable. Although we don’t remember anything we talked about, we still remember it.

At the end of the chat, she said she was sleepy, and I thought she was acting like a baby. Then we chatted, there was no sound over there, I thought she was teasing me. Watching the microphone and talking for a long time, I heard the other party's soft snort. After asking several times and waiting for a long time, I was sure that the other party was really asleep. Fall asleep on the phone. I am here, feeling lost, hesitated for a long time, and hung up. That was the last time I spoke to her, and the last time I heard her voice. There has always been regret, how could she fall asleep?I still have something to say, although I don't know what I will say, I always have regrets, why would I hang up?It's also quite interesting to watch her and listen to her sleep. When she wakes up, I'll scare her with an ah.

all missed. Nowadays. Startled. The computer was broken into, for the first time in my life. I believe there are masters out there, and they can walk on the wall like walking on the ground.My firewall is like a decoration. Pay tribute to the master and express my gratitude. I only modified a little setting, and nothing was lost. Documents, photos, and videos are all there, which is really a face-saving. Come and go without a trace, and helped me fix a registry error that has been bothering me. It seems that it is not a hacker, but a red guest. When I first found out that someone had invaded, I really didn’t want to lose my white hair, documents, and photos. Fortunately, I met a ranger. I just came in to have a look, didn’t take anything, waved my sleeves, and emptied it for me. recycle bin.

It's a bit like stealing the Holy White Jade Soup. But I am still afraid, fortunately I am not Chen Buguanxi, otherwise I will die. That ranger friend, I don’t know if you came in to play by accident, or you can’t wait to update and come in to read the manuscript. In short, you have seen everything about me, and you have to be responsible for me. At least the privacy part, please keep it secret for me, who There are some secrets that can't be said. If you know me, contact me privately and we will become friends. I have always been very curious about the legendary Hongke. You can also teach me two tricks. Let’s go to the cashier system of Black Carrefour together. Some things, if you think about it from another angle, you may be very happy.
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