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Chapter 5 first snow daydream

It is said that it is snowing in Chongqing. In fact, several days ago, there were various rumors that it was snowing in Chongqing, who would believe it?It hasn't snowed since 1992, has it? No kidding, I'm serious. It really snowed.It's so exciting, it's finally snowing in Chongqing! During the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties about 3,000 to 4,000 years ago, a large area centered on Chongqing had formed a powerful alliance of slavery tribes, collectively called Ba. In the fifth year of Zhou Shenliang's reign, Qin destroyed Ba Kingdom and established Ba County.In the twenty-sixth year of Qin Shihuang, the world was divided into thirty-six counties, and Berkshire was one of them.During the Han Dynasty, Berkshire was called Jiangzhou.

During the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, it was renamed Jingzhou, Yizhou, Bazhou, and Chuzhou successively. In the first year of Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty, the city was surrounded by Yushui, and Chuzhou was changed to Yuzhou. In the sixteenth year of Song Xiaozong's Chunxi reign, the prince Zhao Chun successively granted the title of King Gong in the first month, and accepted the inner Zen as the emperor in the second month. He boasted that he was double festive, so he upgraded Gongzhou to Chongqing Prefecture. After the Revolution of 1911, Chongqing was established as a commercial port supervisor in 1921; it was established as a city in 1929; on May 5, 1935, the Kuomintang government issued an order to upgrade Chongqing to a municipality directly under the Central Government.

After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, the Kuomintang government moved westward to Chongqing, and designated Chongqing as the wartime capital in November 1937, and then designated Chongqing as the accompanying capital in 1940. On November 30, 1949, Chongqing was liberated and became the resident of the Southwest Military and Political Committee, a municipality directly under the Central Government. In July 1954, Chongqing was merged into Sichuan Province and changed to a provincial city. In 1983, Chongqing became China's first city under separate state planning to enjoy provincial-level economic management authority.

On March 14, 1997, at the National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China, the proposal to establish Chongqing as a municipality directly under the Central Government was reviewed and approved; on June 18 of the same year, Chongqing Municipality was officially listed. Today, it finally snowed in Chongqing! Look at the street, it is really noisy with gongs and drums, firecrackers are blasting, red flags are flying, and there are huge crowds of people! ... are all hallucinations. The snow is so light it's almost imperceptible.There is no pure white on the ground, no snow hanging on the trees, no sentimentality at all, no elegance at all, super lost, spit on it.

As we all know, I am a person who likes elegant art, and I like that kind of artistic expression that is purely literary and artistic. I don't want to say that this proves my nobility and elegance from the side, but I am indeed.cough cough. I like to be alone at home late at night, turn on the lamp, light a cigarette, and read peacefully; no matter whether it is hardcover or paperback, the whole book will do. I like to avoid acquaintances, buy a ticket, and take a tissue to go to the Grand Theater to enjoy the ballet silently, regardless of Chinese or foreign, as long as it is a woman.

I like to sit on the window sill with a cup of coffee on a summer afternoon, and quietly enjoy a book of art photography, no matter whether it is good or bad, it only needs to be the human body. I like to exercise. I take the elevator downstairs and take a taxi for 20 minutes to go to the gym to sweat profusely. I love that there is a warm light waiting when I get home. I like to wake up and see everyone's smiling faces. I like to work hard for my family and my ideals as soon as I go out. I like the whole family to look in the same direction. I like to share with you as soon as I am happy.

I like to think of your warm embrace when I am hurt. I love being angry and remembering how great you are for always being inclusive. I love bringing good memories home for you while traveling! Because we are a family, a family that loves each other... I'm schizophrenic again, leave me alone. It's snowing, cold, don't go out.And it doesn’t look like it’s really snowing. There’s so much snow that you can’t even see it. If you want to build a snowman, you probably have to collect snow from most of the city. Thinking back to the past few years, the Chongqing municipal government artificially snowed for the young and non-mainstream ordinary people to have a good Christmas, which is really extravagant.When I was in the Northeast, I was most afraid of heavy snowfall. When it snowed, the whole army was on alert. The next morning, all units, collectives and individuals all carried shovels to the streets to clear the snow.

At that time, we also thought that it would be great if there was no snow, because snow removal was too tiring. Now here, people everywhere say, if only it snowed, how beautiful it is. Alas... region, region. It's true that a full man doesn't know a hungry man is hungry, and a virgin doesn't know an old hooligan. I get bored when I don’t go out, and I read books when I’m bored. Recently, I feel calm and relaxed because I read some religious books.Like "Harry Potter Big", no, not big, "Harry Potter". In fact, I am not very interested in "Harry Potter", because I think that the whole book has a lot of flaws and is extremely unreasonable.

Harry Potter learns magic, will he ride a broom and fly all over the sky after learning magic? Throughout the ages, those who ride broomsticks flying all over the sky, regardless of whether they are good or bad, are all witches and witches.How can a man fly on a broomstick? Because it's backed by science! All male compatriots have played with horizontal bars and parallel bars when they were young, right?Does it feel good to ride on it with split legs?Crackling and pressing, I accidentally grinned in pain. On the contrary, countless great writers and writers with profound knowledge all choose women when they write about people who fly on broomsticks. This is not just written casually, but also conforms to the physiological structure!

To sum up, Rowling is a feminist. She doesn't understand, let alone men, or hate men, so she let her Harry Potter ride a broom and suffer this torture. Grandma's, don't watch it! Let's find a book that can make you happy, huh?Here is a copy, Yu Hua's...
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