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Chapter 53 bedroom triangle

Citizen's Notes 张礼士 2674Words 2018-03-18
After Lao Wang left, Lao Hu lived in our dormitory.Lao Hu used to be the leader of a group of people sent by the Provincial Academy of Sciences to Wuhan University for training. At the end of 1961, these people were all transferred back to our school to continue their studies and became our classmates.Lao Hu is also a transfer student, married, and a senior party member with several years of party experience, so he replaced Lao Wang as the "highest student leader" of the grade as soon as he came.Cheng Jintao joked with me: "What happened to your dormitory? You are always cared by the Party."

In the dormitory, I lived with Xu Guangwei and Huang Chengyuan for the longest time, and they were also the best friends.Guangwei is the leader of the group, and of course the leader of the political study group; Chengyuan is the leader of the study group, and seems to have nothing to do except to collect all the homework and hand it over to the class representatives.These two roommates are both smart, but the performance of smart is different. Guangwei's appearance can be classified into the category of "unattractive". The biggest shortcoming is his squinted eyes. When he looks at you, you will think he is looking at someone else.At the political discussion meeting he chaired, as long as Lao Wang or the future Lao Hu is not there, everyone can talk about Shan Hai Jing: which movie is good, the water supply in the school bathhouse is not normal, who is chasing whom? Said that the group discussion was very lively, and everyone supported the party's principles and policies unanimously - at that time, Guangwei had already seen through politics, and he had no requirements to join the party, so he did not make small reports.Before graduation, Guangwei and I had reached the point where we talked without reservation.

If Guangwei has seen through politics, then Chengyuan is a person who has never had anything to do with politics, and he can't even memorize political dogma.He is excellent in every professional course examination, but the general examination of political courses such as political economy, Chinese revolutionary history (party history), and Marxist-Leninist philosophy is not good.At that time, Chengyuan was dark and thin, but he walked and spoke very vigorously.He also has a pair of dexterous hands, and he does experiments quickly and well, especially in the radio experiment where the lines are arranged neatly and beautifully.strangeness!He comes from a small county, and it is impossible for him to have a radio at home, but Chengyuan can make one.It is no wonder that Huang Chengyuan will become an authority in metrology science and a great expert in pressure instruments in a few years.

In the autumn of 1962, the news of the Tenth Plenary Session of the Eighth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was published in the newspaper. Guangwei, Chengyuan and I met to go out for a walk on the campus.Guang Wei said: "He" is going to be uneasy again when he is full of food!We are not in a good mood. The years that followed proved that Guang Wei really saw through politics. The significance of the thickening of the breakfast porridge not only provides a material guarantee for the morning lectures, but also makes everyone more interested in the opposite sex.Male students who were originally slovenly began to pay attention to their own image. The clothes worn by girls have become more beautiful. The scene of couples in school can be seen everywhere, and some students even got married.

Our dormitory has also started to talk about girls, and the time is often after the lights are turned off at night, so it is called "black talk".The content is nothing more than which department, which girl looks good, which pair is a good match, etc. Even the married man Lao Hu also participated in the chat with great interest. Xu Kaishou is the most envied classmate in the dormitory. He had a girlfriend before he entered school, and he must send a letter every week.According to Brother Kaishou, they fell in love at first sight.Kaishou is from Jiangsu, north of the Yangtze River, and his girlfriend is from the same town, so he belongs to Yangzhou beauty.Anyway, we are not familiar with the geography of northern Jiangsu, as long as it is north of the Yangtze River, it will be classified as Yangzhou, and the girls in Yangzhou must be beautiful.Kaishou happily agrees with everyone's rigorous reasoning.

Zhu Qishan is called Boss Zhu by us, or Boss for short. Everyone thinks that he has the best way to deal with women.When Boss Zhu was a child, his parents ordered a family of baby relatives. The parents of the other party were probably neighbors or something, and they were both locals of Hefei like the Zhu family.Soon after the engagement, the two parties were no longer neighbors, and they may not have had much contact with each other. They grew up and did not know each other, but according to local customs, the marriage contract was still valid.So, not long ago, Boss Zhu received a letter from his "fiancée" whom he hadn't seen for a long time. The content was against feudal arranged marriages, and the engagement must be terminated!He also pointed out that Boss Zhu, as a revolutionary youth, should support him.Only then did the boss know that the "fiancée" was already a technical secondary school student, so the boss wrote back immediately, saying that he fully understood and firmly supported the other party's ideas, "How could young people in Mao Zedong's era tolerate feudal arranged marriages?"The boss also suggested that the two parties meet to discuss how to oppose the feudal parents in each other's homes. The place is about to be in Baohe Park.As a result, the two really met and found that their views on anti-feudalism were so consistent, so they continued to communicate and correspond.After going back and forth like this, the two became boyfriend and girlfriend who fell in love freely, and they planned to get married recently.

Guangwei finally confided in Chengyuan and me: He fell in love with Xiaoxie, a girl in the library, but he didn't have much confidence in himself, and hoped that we could help him.In this way, we all threw ourselves into Guangwei's love, turning what originally belonged to two people into a collective behavior of the "iron triangle". Xiao Xie is a middle school graduate who came to work in the library not long ago. He looks fair and clean, and he has a very good attitude in borrowing and returning books for everyone. In Guangwei's eyes, he is definitely a gentle and honest type.Her accent is very similar to Guangwei's, and she is from the province near Hanshan and Wuwei near the Yangtze River.Fortunately, Xiao Xie is a "public figure" that everyone can see. Chengyuan and I often have the opportunity to praise Guang Wei in front of Xiao Xie, but the results are minimal.

Guangwei adopted a roundabout outflanking tactic.He got acquainted with all the colleagues around Xiao Xie at once, especially a middle-aged woman who took care of Xiao Xie at work. See Xiaoxie.But the eloquent Guangwei and Sister Xin talked about their family life, but they couldn't say anything to Xiaoxie; Sister Xin understood Guangwei very well, and she advised Guangwei to be patient, and he would succeed when the time came. The pig's head is rotten". Chengyuan and I also followed Guangwei to Sister Xin's house to play, and sometimes saw Xiao Xie teasing Sister Xin's child at Sister Xin's house.Sister Xin’s husband is a soldier (officer) in the provincial military region. He is a deputy regimental cadre with the rank of major. He is from the Northeast.Once he told us: This year (1962) the college entrance examination, the daughter of Political Commissar Li and the son of Deputy Commander Zhang both failed the exams, which made the two chiefs very angry.It turns out that this year I only look at the scores (pure nonsense).The two chiefs are both veterans of the Red Army, one is a lieutenant general and the other is a major general. (The major made a gesture of respect and almost stood at attention.) The reason for the investigation was that the two little guys were in a relationship and didn't study hard. (Yemen is the right one) The chief was furious and locked up the little ones, forcing them to study hard and retake the exam next year, and they were not allowed to fall in love unless they were admitted to university.

The impatient Guangwei didn't listen to Sister Xin's words, and brought in another female general to rescue him.The female general is Chengyuan's relative, sister Teng who works in Hefei Teachers College.Sister Teng is different from Sister Xin who is quiet and calm. She is a quick-tempered and warm-hearted person. Under the introduction of Chengyuan and Guangwei, she immediately became hot with Xiao Xie and Sister Xin. Please also ask Xiao Xie Go to her house to play.She praised Guangwei endlessly in front of Xiao Xie, but the result was that Sister Xin didn't take her seriously.It was quite funny when I thought about it later: Iron Triangle plus two middle-aged women, the target was Xiao Xie alone, the power ratio was 5 to 1, and it still failed.

One night, I accompanied Guangwei to Xiaoxie's residence, which was a dormitory room for three single female workers.The female dormitory is really bright and clean, with 3 single beds in the shape of a square, pictures on the wall beside the bed, and some knick-knacks on the bedside table; there is also a vase with wild flowers on the desk.Guangwei was familiar with the other two, talking and laughing with them (one was a young woman whose husband was out of town, the other was an old girl who had taken off her rightist hat and a college graduate), but Xiao Xie sat silently. It seemed that Guangwei didn't come to see her.I had nothing to say, so I pointed to a bed and asked Xiao Xie, "Xiao Xie, is this your bed?" Unexpectedly, Xiao Xie's eyes widened:

"Why do you say this is my bed? Is this the most tacky bed?" Finally one day Guangwei told me dejectedly: Xiao Xie made it clear to him that she could not be his girlfriend.When Guang Wei summed up the reasons for the failure, he said that it is possible that Xiao Xie had a good impression of Cheng Yuan, while Sister Xin thought that Sister Teng was secretly trying to make Xiao Xie and Cheng Yuan better.When Chengyuan found out about Guangwei's suspicion, he was very angry and felt that he had been wronged greatly.I also advised Guangwei not to be blindly suspicious. Of course, the two cleared up their misunderstandings later, but they are not as "iron triangle" as they used to be. Men's friendships often don't stand up to women's meddling.
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