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Chapter 19 Yunsong

Chen Trace·Qing Huan 白落梅 2078Words 2018-03-18
I have imagined countless times that one day I can be an idler, carry my luggage, and go to the rivers and lakes by boat.In a certain breeze and drizzle, stepping on the green moss, passing through the haze and mist, I went to visit the hermit expert in Zhongnan Mountain.On the top of the cloud cliff, under the green pines, there is a simple wooden house, and there lives a white-haired old man, who has long forgotten the years. Later, I really went out, traveled all the way, stayed in many unknown post stations, saw many scenery I had never seen before, and met many passers-by who came and went in a hurry.Only then did I know that the mountains, rivers and earth are the destinations that cannot be reached no matter what.If you keep a broad heart, even if you live in a deep valley, you can know the vicissitudes of the world and the ups and downs of the sea.Most of the time, I just guard a small window, watching the clouds fly and the sunset outside the courtyard, spring gathering and autumn separation.

I lived in the countryside when I was a child, and I am no stranger to the memory of Qingsong.Pine is a hermit, and only in the depths of the mountains and forests can one see its tall and tall figure with dense shade and verdant.At that time, I often traveled dozens of miles of trails with my companions to go deep in the mountains and clouds to pick up pine needles and pine cones.In a sparsely populated place, the green pines stand proudly against the clouds. After years of beating, the ground is full of thick pine needles, which are easy to pick up.The mountains are stretching and the hazy scenery is a beautiful gift from nature to the people all over the world.

I think of a sentence in Lu Fangweng's poem: "Mirror Lake belongs to idlers, so why should it be bestowed by officials." The same is true for mountains, rivers, plants and trees.But we are always too obsessed with prosperity, and make the originally leisurely life miserable, which is not as carefree and indifferent as a pine tree. Walking in the mountains, you can see the green pines standing in the clouds, vigorous and vigorous, with vertical and horizontal postures, and clear and strong bones.There are some pine trees, which live by the cliffs, where they are alone, hiding in the white clouds;

But I was hidden in the depths of the smoke and mist, like an erratic hermit, a questioning fairy.I still remember "Seeking Hermits Are Not Encountered" by Jia Dao, a poet of the Tang Dynasty. "Matsushita asked the boy, saying that the teacher went to collect medicine. It is only in this mountain, and the clouds are deep." In just a few words, the writing is concise, clear and beautiful, and the artistic conception is far away.The vigor of the pines and the elegance of the white clouds set off this master of mountain medicine picking even more immortal. I am just a woman who picks up pine needles. I have no chance to meet the hermit in the deep mountains, but I have crossed paths with green pine countless times.Every time I enter the mountain, I am always scratched by thorns or bitten by insects and ants, but I am not deterred by it.But since then, I have inexplicable emotions for everything in the world, and I have started to respect and cherish every life.In my memory, the pine tree is obviously very close, but it is always separated by a distance of clouds and mist.

The recovered pine needles and pine nuts are used to make fire and cook a table of rough tea and light rice.At dusk in the countryside, several families, with green smoke on the black tiles, against the setting sun, are so beautiful that they are speechless.The rosin permeated the whole countryside, and the farmers who returned from the hoe, and the boys who returned from grazing, hurried home looking for the fragrance.Under the kerosene lamp, a few small dishes, a pot of old wine, living a simple fleeting time. Cooking tea with pine needles, brewing wine with pine flowers, and using pine nuts as medicine are considered elegant things in the world.However, most of Song and I only meet again in books, or briefly meet in a certain mountain forest in the city, and forget each other.I also visited the Yunsong of Lushan and the cedar of Huangshan, those hermits in green shirts and white clothes, attached to the cliffs of Cangyan, proud and heroic, seeming to pass through the misty haze and go straight up to the blue clouds.

The pine trees in those famous mountain resorts have been admired and admired by emperors, generals and scholars of all dynasties, and have already become a magnificent and unrivaled scenery.Its tenacious quality, noble character, and lofty aspirations will not be changed by anyone.It is far away from the hustle and bustle, hidden in the mountains and forests, has a clear understanding of the world, and is not dragged by the world of mortals. In the vast world, there are many living beings.Throughout the ages, pine has been endowed with different personalities and bearings by poets.There are hermits who live in secluded mountains and forests, there are poets who look forward to appreciation, and there are monks with a Zen mind.These green pines have life and soul because of their pen and ink.Compared with the pine I saw when I was young, it is less plain and simple, and more elegant and connotative.

Fan Yun, a poet of Qi in the Southern Dynasties, wrote a poem about the cold pine. Green and tall.Although he is in the world of mortals, he is dressed in white, and the snow branches are proudly displayed, with a graceful demeanor, which is fascinating. "There is a solitary pine in Nanxuan, and the leaves are plentiful. When there is no leisure in the breeze, it is unrestrained all day long. The ancient moss is green in the shade, and the color is dyed with autumn mist. Why should it soar to the sky and go straight up thousands of feet." The pine of Li Bai in Tang Dynasty is lonely The land grows in Nanxuan, a corner full of moss, which is unknown.He is a handsome person, riding a flat boat, wielding a sword in the rivers and lakes, flying high and domineering.However, as soon as he entered Chang'an, he was lost in the lights of the imperial city.He is full of ambitions, hoping that Ruo Qingsong will resist the clouds and show off his talents.But in the end, he still passed out drunk on the ancient Lanshan Road, and his dream of Chang'an was shattered.

"The high pines stand out among the trees, and accompany me to the end of the world. After the guests have dispersed and the sun is clear, when the monk comes and is silent. There is a wind to pass on the elegant charm, and there is no snow to test the quiet posture. The medicine will be treated with each other. He visits Fu Gui every year." The same guest of the Tang Dynasty, Li Shangyin's pine is a bit more romantic and elegant, with a leisurely Zen feeling.He didn't have too many lofty ambitions, he just put aside his distant official career, temporarily forgot about his love, and invited eminent monks under the pine wind.He also has a wish in his heart, only hoping that the green pine will become a medicinal turtle and be appreciated by others.

The majestic green pine, in Wang Wei's poetic writing, is also a little more light and gentle. "The pine on the Qingqing Mountain, I can't see you for a few miles, and I will meet again today. If you don't see you, you will remember each other. This heart should be known to you. For you, the color is high and leisurely, and the pavilions stand out among the clouds." Song is like his old friend, who misses each other when he sees him Remember, when we meet again, we will know each other and promise each other.Wang Wei's heart is as leisurely and elegant as a green pine, and his fame is just a gorgeous coat, so don't worry about it.

Bai Juyi loves pines and planting pine trees. There is a poem: "Love the king and embrace the late festival, pity the king and contain the straight text. If you want to see the court, you must plant the king before the steps. If you know the king is dead, you will be dead. If you don't die, you will rise to the clouds." See, plant pine trees in front of the courtyard steps.And for these several inches of branches, I hope that if the green pine survives, it will definitely be proud of the world.When Bai Juyi was in his old age, he became Mr. Zuiyin, forgot his name and surname, and didn't ask about his past.Drinking and reciting poems every day, with green pines as company, and white clouds as home.

The taste in the world is happiness, if you can't compromise on this floating world, it's better to let it go as soon as possible.It should be known that the achievements of thousands of years, the prosperity of a lifetime, will eventually be paid by the sunset.You spend time looking for the answer to life, and in the end, it may not be the ending you want. How much I want to go to the deep mountains and old forests to pick up pine needles again, and sit and watch the clouds rise with the green pines by the cliffs.How much I want to be an idler with nothing to do, boil a pot of pine needle tea, brew a jar of pine flower wine, and taste it by myself.Not for faith, even one day, dying of old age under an old roof in the south of the Yangtze River is also a good fortune and a good death.
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