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Chapter 11 Tang poetry

Chen Trace·Qing Huan 白落梅 2125Words 2018-03-18
Spring in the south of the Yangtze River seems to be somewhat different from other places.It is also colorful, but it has an indescribable romantic charm.Flying flowers like a dream, Siyu's mood, although the flowers are short-lived, they will last longer than others.Arrive every year as promised, watch as long as the water flows, and keep it forever. Many years ago, a poet named Du Mu wrote: "In the 480 temples in the Southern Dynasty, how many towers were in the mist and rain."This season is suitable for drinking tea and reading, staying together tenderly, and seizing the day and night.

flower viewing.Cook tea.Broken willow.Fuqin.In this secular world of Qingping, I don’t know how many people would regret not being able to witness the blossoming and falling of the Chang’an Ancient Road.The poetry feast of the prosperous Tang Dynasty has long since gone, and the poets who once met with fellow practitioners and friends have disappeared in the dust of the vast years.The prosperity of the ages is only disillusioned in an instant, and it is clouded in an instant.Those poetic rhymes that are still full of meaning, echoed for a long time in the quiet time, seeming to be absent. Tang poetry, I look for you in spring, just like looking for the poetic self in my previous life.I thought that through the days of long mountains and rivers, the memory of yesterday should be silent and leave no trace.I have seen so many scenes where things are different and people are different, but I still can't let you go.Tang Shi and I only met once in a dream. It's been a long time, but it's always the same as when we first met.

In the most beautiful years, the time accompanied by poetry and books, who has been spared.Some people did not know each other at first, but because of a poem, they know each other like a mirror.Poetry expresses aspirations and expresses love. Only a few thin words can clearly see a person's heart.The Tang Dynasty was the spring of poetry, full of purples and reds, blooming in the magnificent branches of Chang'an City, hard to give up and hard to harvest.As the poem says: "The garden is full of spring, and a branch of red apricot comes out of the wall." The earliest poems can be found in the Western Zhou Dynasty to the Spring and Autumn Period.Then it went through the Qin, Han, Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties.Until the heyday of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the era when poetry was interpreted to the extreme, there has never been such a poetic spring.This is the kingdom of poetry, like a long spring, from the early Tang Dynasty, the prosperous Tang Dynasty, the middle Tang Dynasty, and then to the late Tang Dynasty, for hundreds of years.Looking back, it's just a few gatherings and partings in life, and a few changes of masters.

The later poems, no matter how they are written, will reduce the grandeur, nobility, integrity and surprise of Tang poems.The era when the poems were exported was sealed in a city called Chang'an, and whenever I think about it, it is thrilling.The poets of the Tang Dynasty are like stars all over the sky, shining brightly.Li Bai, Du Fu, Wang Wei, Bai Juyi and Li Shangyin are all world-famous poets. In order to fulfill a noble dream, they went to Chang'an and got drunk at the feet of the emperor of Tang Dynasty.The official career of these poets may have twists and turns, but in the thick literary history, they have left their names through the ages.In this splendid poetic country, you may not be rich or powerful, but you cannot lack romance and poetic sentiment.

Li Bai has a poem that says: "The emperor can't get on the boat, and he claims to be a minister of wine." Tang Xuanzong admired his talent and was willing to accompany him to sing poems and play the flute, and sing songs while drunk. However, Li Bai's ambition of Qingyun was never used. .Walking in front of the imperial court every day is just the emperor's poet boy, such favor is beyond his wish.It's better to stick to the rivers and lakes with swords, wandering in the world, and be a romantic and unrestrained poet.So he sighed like that: "Life is not satisfactory in this world, and the Ming Dynasty spreads out boats."

If the poet Li Bai is a romantic poet, then the poet Du Fu belongs to the realistic school.His poetic style is gloomy and frustrating, worrying about the country and the people.Write down the sonorous poem "And there are tens of thousands of mansions, which shelter the world's poor and happy people".He said: "When the swan geese arrive, there is a lot of autumn water in the rivers and lakes. The article hates fate, but the charm is gratifying." Bai Juyi, known as the Poet Demon, had a lifelong ambition to rise above the clouds, but in the end it was in vain.When he was demoted to Jiangzhou Sima, he wrote the eternal poem "Pipa Xing". "The same people who have fallen in the end of the world, why meet each other before." He is also suave and romantic, in order to eliminate the worries of life, he indulges himself with prostitutes, music, poetry and wine.Xiaoman and Fan Su are his most beloved concubines. When he was old, he sent them away and couldn't bear them to accompany him to suffer.One poem: "I wish to be lovebirds in the sky, and Lianli branches in the earth. The sky will last forever, and this hatred will never end." It has written all the love in the world and touched people's hearts.

Wang Wei, a landscape poet, puts painting into poetry and poetry into painting.In the inadvertent writing, there is always a touch of Zen, ethereal and flowing. "The bright moon shines among the pines, and the clear spring rocks flow upwards." "People are idle and the osmanthus flowers fall, and the night is quiet and the spring mountains are empty." "Walking to the poor water, sit and watch the clouds rise." , depicting a quiet and quiet picture scroll, leisurely and elegant, fascinating. Once upon a time, poetry became an indispensable beauty in life.We dote on it, rely on it, and indulge in its elegant artistic conception, which is hard to hold on to.Later, the era when poetry was inseparable was overwhelmed by the tide of time, and it was written in the chapters of history, leaving only the infinite emotion of "this feeling can be regarded as a memory, but it was already at a loss at that time".

Bid farewell to the flourishing flowers in the prosperous Tang Dynasty, how can we still write the empty artistic conception of "birds fly away in thousands of mountains, and people disappear in thousands of paths", and how can we still have the infatuation of "seeing each other forever, only Jingting Mountain".Although later generations are no longer as passionate about poetry as the people of the Tang Dynasty, they never dare to forget, and are still obsessed with its style.Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties also have peerless poems and elegant stories, but in the end, without the elegant posture, they have a different flavor of the world.

I think of the Grand View Garden, and the people who live in it are all capable of poetry and ci, elegant and affectionate.They are a group of women who live in seclusion in the boudoir of Xiuhu. They enjoy poetry and express their feelings with words.Lin Daiyu, who is intelligent, dexterous and peerless, Xue Baochai, who is noble and quiet, Shi Xiangyun, who has a beautiful heart, and Miaoyu, who is as beautiful as orchid and more talented than immortals, Tanchun, Baoqin, and Xiangling are all poetic women. .They set up a poetry club, serve wine orders, and spend time with the young people in the world.

once having seen the best, the rest is not worthwhile looking.The good times have become the past of clouds and waters, so many stories are buried together with the poems and the falling flowers of that spring.But we still read poetry, write poetry, and love poetry.So many landscapes are waiting for you to pursue, so many people are waiting for you to cherish, you should not be afraid of the turbid waves of the world, otherwise the encounter with poetry will be another hundred years. Eat wine and enjoy flowers, recite poems and listen to music.If you insist on being a leisurely person and willing to stay lonely, time will be tolerant to you. "There are tens of thousands of flowers in sight, but only three or two branches are pleasing to the eye." There are always some scenery in the world, which can touch the softness in your heart.Take a nap in the sun, walk in the drizzle, read a book under the night light, or fall asleep with your pillow on a quiet window, dream back to Chang'an once, and have a scene with a certain poet.

Maybe we have never really met each other in our life, and it is also fate to meet each other literally.I think no matter which dynasty you are in, you can connect with each other with a poem, a poem, or a piece of music.In this way, I will keep my life safe, withered and prosperous at will.Be a girl of autumn water, in the mild time, and happiness, both will grow old.
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