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Chapter 5 ancient painting

Chen Trace·Qing Huan 白落梅 2252Words 2018-03-18
A few days ago, at a calligraphy and painting auction in Nanchan Ancient Temple, I got a piece of "Fairyland of Streams and Mountains".The painter is not well-known in today's painting circles, and I don't have a deep understanding of paintings. I only use superficial feelings to identify its delicacy and simplicity.This freehand landscape painting is simple and far-reaching, with light ink and wash, bright colors and full of ancient meaning.The moment we met, my heart suddenly moved, as if everything in my heart was integrated into the painting. Burning incense at night, listening to the guqin, cooking tea and tasting paintings, you can clearly feel that you are in the middle of the painting when you are in the bustling world of mortals, and you become close friends with the elegant scholars who are secluded in the mountains and forests.The painter's composition is ingenious, dense and dense, the brushwork is calm and handsome, and the ink is ancient.The mountains in the distance are misty, dotted with smoke, like the first rain, and the shades of trees are orderly, far and near.

Under a pine tree, there is an elegant scholar playing the piano and listening to the waves.A boy was cooking tea in front of the eaves of the hut.A long stone path leads to the forest, with a few fallen leaves and moss stains.A woodcutter came back from collecting firewood, and seemed to be attracted by the sound of the ancient piano, so he slowed down his pace.On the far mountain, there are several grass pavilions beside the cloud cliff, looming.With a few simple and loose strokes, I also feel that the artistic conception is remote and clear.The mountain rock is dignified, gloomy and textured.The whole painting is far-reaching and timeless, ethereal and sparse, with ink and ink blending, boundless and dripping.

That's not Boya and Ziqi. High mountains and flowing water meet bosom friends, but they have the same effect.I remember seeing a piece of "Seven Sages in the Bamboo Grove" in a gallery a few years ago. The artistic conception is sparse and light, and the artistic conception is flowing freely, which is quite romantic in the Wei and Jin Dynasties.The breeze in the bamboo grove, the flowing water, the seven sages gathered under the green bamboo, drinking wine and playing chess, playing the piano and talking about mystery, with elegant clothes and elegant demeanor.The artistic conception of the painting can taste the broad-mindedness of that era. They surpassed their fame and taught them to let nature go, and their mysterious and far-reaching wind permeated the whole bamboo forest.

I have read "Ancient Painting Records" written by Qi Xiehe in the Southern Dynasty: "The master's paintings can cover the advantages and disadvantages of all paintings. The painters are all unaware of admonitions and ups and downs. They are lonely for thousands of years, and they can be learned from pictures. Although There are six methods of painting, and it is rare to be able to do it all. But from ancient times to the present, each is good at one section. What are the six methods? First, the rhythm is vivid; second, the bone method is also the use of brushes; This is also true for painting colors; fifth, the management position is also true; sixth, transmission and imitation is also true.” How many people in ancient and modern times can understand the essence of the complete six painting methods, all of them just take the essence and leave their bones, and each has his own Its shape has its own rhyme.

Landscapes, utensils, flowers and birds, figures, I prefer landscapes and figures.Fine brushwork and freehand brushwork, but also like freehand brushwork.Meticulous brushwork uses neat and meticulous brushes, focusing on realism.The coloring is rendered layer by layer, the details are clear and subtle, and thousands of objects are depicted with extremely delicate and correct brushstrokes.Zhou Fang's "Ladies with Hairpin Flowers" and "Ladies Swinging Fans" in the Tang Dynasty, Zhang Xuan's "Pounding Practice" and "Mrs. On the other hand, freehand brushstrokes use simple, free and easy brushstrokes to describe the shape and spirit of objects and convey inner emotions.Although the brushwork is simple and simple, the artistic conception is profound, implicit and concise, and the meaning of the pen is as follows.Dong Qichang in the Ming Dynasty said: "Only freehand ink painting is the best way to paint landscapes. Why? If the shape and quality are perfect, there will be no charm; if the colors are different, there will be no brushwork."The freehand paintings of Wang Wei, Shen Zhou, Bada Shanren, Shi Tao, Wu Changshuo, and Qi Baishi have clear and far-reaching artistic conceptions and are widely spread, which are highly praised by later generations.

Some paintings are between fine brushwork and freehand brushwork. Landscapes and pine clouds use freehand brushwork, while pavilions and pavilions use fine brushwork. The two blend, the ink color is clear and elegant, and the posture is elegant and handsome.Zhang Zeduan's "Surfing the River During the Qingming Festival" in the Northern Song Dynasty is written with a pen and a hand, with elegant colors and a majestic painting environment, which is breathtaking. In the form of a long scroll, the painter depicts the natural scenery and prosperity of Bianjing and the banks of the Bianhe River.In the dusk of the sparse forest, several huts, small bridges, flowing water and boats are hidden.It is expected to be cold and cold in spring, and willow buds are just blooming. There are people riding horses, carrying burdens, and sitting in sedan chairs.The busy Bianhe wharf is full of merchant ships, and some ships come and go in the river, some berth at the shore, and some go up the river.There are teahouses, wine shops, butcher shops, medical halls, inns, temples, public houses, etc. in the city of Bianjing.

In the street market, crowds of pedestrians appeared on the stage, including peddlers, storytellers, gentlemen looking at the scenery, officials on horseback, princes gathered, monks on foot, and warlocks.The picture is long but not redundant, complicated but not chaotic, with more than a thousand figures, more than 30 pavilions and houses, more than 20 wooden boats, and dozens of carts and sedan chairs.The whole painting is tight and compact, with clear paragraphs, appropriate movement and stillness, reasonable gathering and dispersal, vivid and lifelike figures, and endless aftertaste after tasting.

Because I like ancient paintings, I have collected stamps of the ancient paintings series for this purpose.Gu Kaizhi of the Eastern Jin Dynasty's "Fu Tu of the Goddess of Luo", Tang Dynasty Yan Liben's "Buying Chariot Picture", Gu Hongzhong of the Five Dynasties "Han Xizai Night Banquet Picture", Zhang Zeduan of the Northern Song Dynasty "Qingming Riverside Picture", Yuan Dynasty Huang Gongwang's "Fuchun Mountain Dwelling Picture", these famous paintings handed down from generation to generation, With the change of dynasties and the vicissitudes of life, some have been treasured and never entered the world; some are scattered in the wind and dust, and their whereabouts are unknown.

I am ignorant about the techniques of painting, the characteristics of ink, the use of water, the conception of painting, the writing test and modeling, the shape and charm.I only feel that a good painting should advocate frankness, reveal the true feelings, and write with a brush.The brushwork does not have to be rigorous and concise, as long as the painting has beauty and artistic conception, soul and charm, it is a masterpiece.A few strokes of light ink, as simple and clean as water, as simple as words, with sparse lines, seeming to be light, but showing strength of character. "Look at the mountains from a distance, but listen to the sound of the water. The spring is gone, the flowers are still there, and the birds are not surprised when people come." Wang Wei's landscape poems and paintings in the Tang Dynasty are the most spiritual.Quiet and natural, simple and plain, contains profound Zen.You don't need to know the profound principles of Zen, you can realize Zen only in the thick and light ink.His painting environment is fresh and peaceful, peaceful and comfortable, and does not compete with the world.

Wang Wei's painting theory work "Shanshui Lun": "When painting landscapes, the intention is to put the brush first. A tree is a foot in a mountain, and a horse is divided into a person. Far people have no eyes, far trees have no branches. Far mountains have no stones, faintly like eyebrows; far water There are no waves, and the height is as high as the clouds. This is the trick. Mountains are high and cloudy, stone walls are blocked by springs, and roads are blocked by people. Stones look at three sides, roads look at both ends, trees look at the top, and water looks at the feet of the wind. This is the law. Every landscape painting , the flat top is the top, the steep and connected is the cliff, the rock is the rock, the round shape is the mountain, and the road leads to the river. The two mountains are called gullies, and the two mountains are called gullies. They are like mountains and high. Those whose eyes are extremely flat are called Mausoleums, and those whose eyes are flat are called Sakae. According to this, it seems to be roughly understood..."

Wang Wei recorded those life stories and tender moments through the paintings of mountains, rivers, vegetation, spring, summer, autumn and winter.The grass and trees have feelings, and the mountains and rivers have souls. Wang Wei's poems and paintings, like the elegant breeze after the rain, hang in the noble and prosperous Tang Dynasty with its smart and fresh posture.The scenery in the world has undergone countless changes, but only the green mountains and green waters have not changed their original appearance. Qing Chaochao's "Youmengying" said: "Everything in the world can be painted, but clouds can't be painted, and the clouds painted in the world are also famous." Young face, graceful scenery, shocking for a moment, but there are also sad memories and silent past that cannot be drawn. All things have animism and all beings are equal.In Ruji's life, there are too many misty expectations. In this prosperous and prosperous age, I am still the passerby carrying the taste of the world, looking for a piece of clear mountains and clear waters.The annual rings of the years, the floating posture, just like this flow in the light ink and thin smoke.One day, it also became an ancient scroll, diluting the separation and contaminating time.
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