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Chapter 96 095. Karen Mok, two steaks

Minister Saito's requirement for artists is PLUS α (+ Alpha), which means that artists should not only have normal acting skills, but also have many additional skills. Only such artists have a future.For example, Karen Mok, the version I know is that she has a quarter of Irish blood, and she can speak 6 languages ​​including English, Portuguese, Beijing dialect, and Cantonese.Takeshi Kaneshiro also speaks English, Japanese, Hokkien, Cantonese, and Mandarin.So, under the guidance of Minister Saito's thoughts, AMUSE signed a contract with Karen Mok and Takeshi Kaneshiro. At the society meeting that day, the president grandly introduced Karen Mok. She was wearing a white tight sweater, white tight canvas pants, and Afro's hairstyle, which is the kind of curly hair all over her head. Stand in front of everyone in the company with your chest crossed, introduce yourself in fluent English, and say hello to everyone.

Minister Saito entrusted the task of taking care of Karen Mok to Mika, who had experience studying in the United States.Meijia is small, thin, with big eyes and looks like a chicken thief. She likes to wear all black and chews her tongue.When she brought Karen Karen back from shopping and reported to Minister Saito, I heard her say that during lunch time, she brought Karen Karen to a restaurant. Unexpectedly, Karen Karen ate two high-end steaks. Why does she have such a big appetite? Steaks are very expensive.Minister Saito laughed, let her eat, what a great thing to be able to eat. I didn't know much about Karen Mok at that time, but I knew that there was a piece of "Full Body Karen Mok" in which she was lying naked on the leather sofa.This entertainer just loves to surprise people.

Later, Karen Mok became the spokesperson of ZA.These all came from the secret planning of the International Department and Shiseido. At that time, they secretly planned for a long time, saying that a large American cosmetics company launched a cosmetics brand ZA for young people.Today I finally know that Shiseido sold face oil under the guise of American charm.
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