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Chapter 66 065. The endless inventions of the Japanese

If you suddenly want to urinate on a long-distance bus, and you are embarrassed to ask the driver to stop, you can put a bag in the corner of your seat, or quietly assemble a bag in advance. This bag is tied to your waist and hung in your trousers. You can pee in awe-inspiring manner.This is a urine bag invented by the Japanese to solve the urgency of urination. There is also a type of toilet that has been sold in China. It was a new invention in Japan. First, the seat cushion is heated, and afterwards, warm water is automatically sprayed. The position of the spray is also differentiated between men and women, and then dried. Wipe it.

There are also nose hair scissors. There are small scissors with round heads, some are electric, and they are equipped with protective nets. They are directly inserted into the nostrils, and the nose hairs are automatically cut short.There is also a patch on the bridge of the nose. After it is pasted, the elasticity of the patch will stick the bridge of the nose up a little, increasing the space in the nostrils and allowing the air to flow more smoothly.In order to prevent pollen allergies, the Japanese actually invented a micro-filter stuffed in the nose to filter the air. There are many people with athlete's foot in Japan, so there are five line socks with separated toes, which are used to separate the toes and breathe, so that the athlete's foot can be cured as soon as possible.

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