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Chapter 57 056. Vinyl record store

In Tokyo, what do you want to learn, what do you want to be, although you may not be able to become, but you can definitely get close. For example, if you like DJ and want to become a DJ, you can buy a lot of teaching materials, then buy turntables and mixers, go directly from hardware equipment to professional level, and then go shopping for vinyl records. There are three well-known vinyl record stores in Shibuya. The vinyl inside is placed vertically in cardboard boxes. Many DJs come here to choose. After picking it out based on feeling, take a stack and listen to it on the record player. A group of DJs each hold a stack and wait in line for the audition.Put the good ones aside and pay the money directly.Then practice at home until you feel that you can become a qualified DJ, then you can go to various clubs to apply.

The vinyl records in these record stores are second-hand goods collected by the shopkeepers from all over the world. There is only one piece of each type, and each DJ has its own set of technical methods. Since vinyl records are different, everyone The discs played are also unique. The Japanese like a professional feeling, even if they are amateurs, they should enjoy professional treatment. There is a Japanese who likes to be a train driver. He collects the uniforms of the drivers of various tram companies and keeps them at home. He often wears clothes at home, recites the station name, and imitates the voice of the train captain.

Work professionally, play professionally.
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