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Chapter 50 049. Year-end Party

It was the end of the year, and the director of the Disabled Care Office asked me if I could teach the housewives in Kunitachi to cook Chinese food, and hold a year-end party by the way. No problem at all.The place was in a government building in Kunitachi City, and I gave the director the materials I needed to prepare in advance.On the day of the lecture, I came to the designated place on time. It is really a special cooking classroom!There is an operating table on the podium, with a gas stove, a sink, and a table for chopping boards on the top, and a cabinet below, with all kinds of pots and pans, which is very professional.Facing the podium are four identical consoles.A total of five operating tables constitute a professional cooking classroom.

The recipes I prepared are all my specialty dishes, which I think are quite amateurish now, but they are all dishes I like to eat. The cold dish is deep-fried tofu mixed with spinach. The deep-fried tofu ready-made in the supermarket is cut into slices, and the spinach is washed and removed. These methods are handy for housewives. Then put raw minced garlic, raw green onion, dried chili noodles, and soy sauce on the fried tofu and spinach , vinegar, chicken essence, and then heat the salad oil, pour it on top, and there will be a sizzling sound, and the aroma is tangy.Grease, this is a practice that housewives have never seen.

One of the hot dishes is sweet and sour lotus root slices, lotus root slices, meat slices mixed with oyster sauce, pepper, and dumpling powder, stir-fry until half-cooked, take out, and then stir-fry lotus root slices, and finally add meat, sugar, and vinegar. Let housewives feel fresh. Green pepper beef, Japanese beef is very good, and it is a perfect match with green pepper stir fry. The rest is to make dumplings. I like to eat stuffing mixed with leeks, shallots, minced meat, shrimps, and raw eggs.The housewives are in groups of four or five, a total of four groups, and learn from me to mix stuffing, knead noodles, and then make dumplings.

The dumplings were cooked and the dishes were fried. The director brought all kinds of wine and bought snacks such as fried chicken nuggets and French fries. I had a year-end party with the housewives of Kunitachi, forgetting the old year and welcoming new year.
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