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Chapter 35 034. Apple and Microsoft are evenly split in Japan

When I was in middle school in China, Singapore donated several small Apple computers to our middle school, and then the class began to learn BASIC language. I was not selected into the computer group by the teacher, and I felt dizzy when I saw BASIC language textbooks.Computers at that time needed to use computer language, with black screens and bright characters.When computers first became popular in China, a friend assembled parts from Guangzhou, and an assembled computer sold for tens of thousands of yuan.I designed a logo for them, a sun rising from the sea, because their computer is called Pacific Computer.

At that time, there was no Windows system, so computers were not popular, and Sohu had just started to operate in China. At that time, we applied for www.eatchina.com, and wanted to build a website that eats buns, so that when members from all over the country travel around, Invited to dinner by local members. Rize University in Japan specially arranges computer classes.I learned to type very quickly. I used to have an English typewriter at home and typed English before, so fingering is not bad. Many of my peers now have "one-finger Zen".This is even the case with a Chinese opera beauty who is 10 years younger than me. I told her, you are holding an Apple laptop, sitting in Starbucks, drinking coffee, and then using "One Finger Zen" to start chatting, how embarrassing it is!

The computer bought at the student bookstore of Metropolitan University is relatively cheap. I bought a 588, which is an all-in-one computer, which integrates the computer and the monitor. It has two systems, one is buttons, and there are buttons in the shape of squares on the screen. You can access any function when you click something, there are applications and games, my God, isn’t this the current Iphone? !Apple is very easy to use. I registered an AOL mailbox on the computer, and registered a Hotmail mailbox, and that mailbox can still be used.My computer is mostly for writing papers, it's like buying a typewriter.

Later, when Windows came into the market, I felt that it was learning from Apple. There was a long queue at the electronics store in Tokyo, all of whom bought Windows software. There was almost no pirated version in Japan.In Japan, Apple and Microsoft are still evenly divided in electronics stores, and there are always Apple versions and Microsoft versions of various software.
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