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Chapter 32 031. Eating big meals in Tokyo often refers to French food

Roppongi Hills is a newly built high-rise building, huge. Tokyo has the highest prices in the world, so all kinds of food in the world gather in Tokyo.In the huge building of Roppongi Hills, there are Nanxiang Xiaolongbao, and the turnover in the first three months reached 150 million yen, which is simply a money printing machine for meat buns. Eating a banquet feels like eating Chinese food, and eating a big meal feels like eating French food.Japanese food is not raw, it is miso soup; British food is notoriously unpalatable; Italian food seems to be mainly pasta and pizza; American food, hamburgers; Indian food, curry chicken curry rice; yang gong); Vietnamese food with lemon and pepper; French food is probably the one that can stand shoulder to shoulder with Chinese food.

If you don't eat a lot of Western food, you still won't be able to relax when eating.When it comes to me, it can be said that if I haven’t seen many people eat Western food, I still can’t feel relaxed when I eat it myself. The earliest Western food I came into contact with was in Moscow Restaurant and Xinqiao Restaurant in Beijing. There were sliced ​​bread and butter balls with strawberry jam, then potato salad, red cabbage soup, and fried pork chops. Just a typical Russian meal. At the beginning, I paid most attention to the small salad, which is served with various lunch sets. Choose a green leafy vegetable, similar to lettuce, and the chef will tear off the tenderest leaves by hand, and only use this part to make the salad.The sauce is adjusted by the head chef himself. Every time he mixes two bottles and puts them in wine bottles. When they are used up, we make two more bottles. Our staff meal every night is to mix the leaves that are not too young during the day and This dressing was served as a salad.I can’t get tired of eating this green leaf salad because of the good seasoning. I asked the head chef to tell me how to make it, but he refused at first, and then let the female employee copy it to me, but I think it’s not that simple. The second chef who has followed him for many years , and sometimes adjust it, and then let him taste it, but it is often unqualified.

In the past, when I saw French stick bread, I thought it was delicious. It was hard and hard to chew. It was far worse than our steamed buns and Roujiamo, and it was even worse than hamburgers. Later, I learned how to eat it and loved it. up.The freshly baked French sticks are burnt on the outside and tender on the inside. If it is cooled, it is also very simple. Use a saw ruler knife to cut obliquely into slices of bread that are one and a half fingers wide, bake them in the oven for a while, and the guests break the slices of bread , the skin is crispy and the inside is soft, spread the butter directly, the butter starts to melt at the temperature of the hot bread, so it tastes delicious in your mouth, you can also pour olive oil and dark grape vinegar in a small dish, directly Break off the bread and eat it with a dip, it has a unique flavor.

There are also more advanced appetizers. Usually, the sashimi of sea bream, the tips of lettuce leaves, shredded onions, etc. are placed on the plate, and the sauce is added, which is a more advanced salad.There is also a salad made by the chef at will. This is my favorite. It contains shrimp, scallops, duck, sashimi, boiled eggs and lettuce leaves. The soup has milky pumpkin soup. Peel the steamed pumpkin, grind it into a very fine pumpkin puree in a very fine mesh cover, and then add fresh cream and milk to make a soup.In summer, cantaloupe can be cooked in the same way to make cantaloupe soup with milk, but there is an additional procedure, which is to put the finished soup in a basin filled with ice cubes to cool down to make cold cantaloupe soup.

There is always a steak set meal at noon and evening, 1800 yen, a steak, a small salad, with coffee or black tea.That day, a foreigner who practiced bodybuilding came and ordered two steaks, but he ate them without seasoning. In the evening, there are 4,500 yen and 7,000 yen set meals. The 4,500 yen set meal includes sashimi salad, a soup, grilled fish or grilled meat as the main course, and finally cake, coffee or black tea. For 7,000 yen, one more appetizer, one more seafood stew or lamb chops other than grilled fish or roast beef, and a glass of white wine or red wine.But in the evening, many guests come for zero o'clock, and some come for wine tasting or cocktails.

Cake samples are placed on a plate, which is chosen by the customer. How many of each type of cake is put in each day is judged by the store manager based on the sales volume. If it cannot be sold on the same day, it may be eaten by us during the staff meal time. Our cakes are all specially made in the factory of Riying Tea House, so there are many people who love to eat them. Sometimes, we will have a month of cake buffet during afternoon tea time, that is, from 2:00 to 5:00 in the afternoon, we can eat as many cakes as we like. Okay, at this time the celebrities in Tokyo are here, and they will really eat a lot.

We used to see that the use of knives and forks when eating western food is very rigid. After watching many people eat western food, we found that we can use the knife and fork freely, how comfortable we are, and even eat any dish with a fork , except soup of course.
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