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Chapter 27 026.72 grams of bread

On both sides of the tram station in Japan, there are often commercial streets, and then some office buildings, and then there are residential areas, and the farthest is the high-end villa area. People in the high-end villa area usually drive private cars. Another feature is that the closer you are to the station, the more expensive the rent, and the farther you are, the cheaper the rent. Of course, it means the same house.There must be convenience stores, bakeries, greenhouses, laundromats, and small restaurants when you leave the station. The most common small chain store is Yoshinoya, and there is also Matsuya that is opposite to it. Matsuya also sells beef rice. I usually eat in Matsuya because there are Cabbage salad.Yoshinoya in China has become a mid-range fast food restaurant, while Yoshinoya and Matsuya in Japan are very small, some of which can only seat five or six people, and require self-service, there is an automatic ticket vending machine, you put it in Coins, or 1,000-yen banknotes, don’t need more money, and then order large or medium bowls, miso soup, cabbage salad, etc. according to your needs. After ordering, a small card will come out and hand it to the chef at the bar. OK.People who eat here are poor students and workers. Of course, there are also people who like to come here to fill their stomachs. This is a relatively cheap place to eat.Meng Jinghui, a pioneering theater director, resolutely saved the 20,000 yen subsidy given to him by the Ministry of Education every day during his observation in Japan, and spent 400 yen here to eat beef rice!The main point is that there is no need to speak Japanese here.

There are long-term piles of bicycles in front of the supermarket or subway station
On the first day I went to school in Lize, when I passed the bakery in front of the station, I saw an hourly worker, but the hourly wage was quite low, it should be 650 yen an hour, so I immediately went into the store to try to apply. I can't speak a single word of Japanese, but the shop owner actually agreed with me to go to work.Work every morning from 5:00 to 7:30! In the morning, I rode a bicycle from the student dormitory to the bakery in front of the station. This bicycle was picked up from the tram station. Outside the tram station, there was an overpass full of bicycles, most of which were abandoned by people. It was easy to find An unlocked one, heck, it's really unrighteous.I came to the bakery by bicycle and entered through the back door. The uncle owner had already mixed several pieces of noodles with the dough mixer.

The tram stop, our train station
My two-and-a-half-hour task is to make bean paste bread. Uncle cuts a piece of noodles. I use an iron plate to dig out a spoonful of bean paste. Use the bread and weigh it with a balance. It should be 72 grams. More or less, uncle. It can be seen at a glance.In Japan, bean paste bread is the most popular variety. There is an animation called "Doupa Bread Jing", also known as "Bread Superman", which tells a story about a bean paste bread that wears a cloak and can fly.After I made red bean paste bread for two and a half hours, I was about to go back to school for class. My uncle would usually bring me a bag of bread from last night and let me go back to school to eat.

The uncle told me how he opened the shop. It cost 6 million yen to buy a license, and then rented the shop to open the shop. His father was his guarantor, and he made the bread by himself. I went in the morning to relieve him a little. When the time comes to open the shop, a girl will come to sell bread.

a commercial street
Later, I worked in a French restaurant at night again. I set off at 4 o’clock after class in the afternoon, and worked part-time from 5:30 to 10 o’clock. After the staff meal, I went to the dormitory after 12 o’clock. I took a shower indiscriminately, and got up to make bread at 4:30. Although I could take a nap at noon, I couldn’t hold on. I often fell asleep in class, so the days of working two jobs at the same time didn’t last long. I I quit my job in the bakery.

Cycling in general from home to subway station
Every time I pass by the bakery, I will see the uncle busy in it. The life of a baker is one seven days followed by another seven days.
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