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Chapter 26 025. Japanese food I can cook

A Korean friend has been in China for many years and only eats Japanese and Korean food. He said that Chinese food is too oily, while Western food is too high in calories.The average life expectancy of the Japanese leads the world, which is inseparable from their light and fresh diet. Let me talk about the miso soup first. I watched an aunt sent by the city government to make breakfast for the physically handicapped suffering from polio.She first cut off the roots of the mushrooms, or the roots of Flammulina velutipes, washed them, and put them in the water as primers.Then put the tofu and soaked kelp into it and cook it. After it boils, put the miso in a spoon, pour tap water and stir well, then slowly flow into the soup, and finally put bonito flakes on it. .Miso is red sauce from Kanto and white sauce from Kansai, also called miso.Some with or without seasoning.Later, I concluded that any kind of soup can be used for miso soup. For meat, you can put meat, fish, and shrimp. For vegetarian, you can put vegetables, tofu, mushrooms, etc. In the last step, just enlarge the sauce and bonito flakes. , so that you can make a variety of miso soup.The miso soup in our French restaurant is delicious because it has always been made with fish soup. Ito Xuexue once soaked rice in the miso soup for a meal. I tried it and it was delicious.

There is also sushi. Chirashi sushi is often made at home. Put some sushi vinegar in the steamed rice, and then you can put sashimi, egg pancakes, seaweed skin and other ingredients into it, and stir with a wooden spoon for rice. That's it.That kind of hand-made sushi is a bit superfluous to eat at home. It is better to eat sashimi than rice.I saw a boxer cook his own lunch on a TV show. He just steamed a pot of rice and ate two plates of tuna sashimi bought in the supermarket. Seeing that he ate very well, I bought a plate of raw tuna myself. Fish fillets, steamed a bowl of rice to eat.

Xinxiang is indispensable for every meal. Xinxiang is Japanese, which means small pickles.There is no need to make small pickles, yellow radishes and pickled cucumbers are available in supermarkets, just buy and cut.So, when Japanese TV programs interview elementary school students, ask where the food comes from?They will answer: supermarket. The Japanese love to eat grilled fish, and the cheapest fish is saury, which is often used to feed dolphins.I used to see people fishing with a big net in a documentary about the ocean, and there are thousands of saury in the net.One piece is 100 yen, which is the price of a can of drinks. Grilled saury is very fragrant, dipped in grated white radish and soy sauce, or squeezed some lemon juice on top, a grilled saury and rice miso soup is a meal .Other fish are also eaten with rice in this way. Salmon is usually eaten grilled. It is said that there are parasites in it, so it is not suitable to eat raw.

Good stew, good stew, I bought it at the 7-11 convenience store, they made it stewed, dipped in yellow mustard sauce to eat, in the cold weather, eating good stew is a good quality and cheap enjoyment. Tempura really has to be eaten in the store, and it has to be wrapped and deep-fried.It is not cost-effective to fry it yourself, it uses a lot of oil. Japanese soil pot hot pot, this can be eaten all winter, this is what sumo wrestlers eat every day, they have to stew large pieces of fat meat, fish, cabbage, chrysanthemum chrysanthemum, and tofu in it. Training, growing meat and fat is their task.Lux is so strong that he can break the cap of a beer bottle with his hands.

Soba noodles can be eaten after cooking, and the seasoning is also ready-made. I feel that there are still few vegetables in Japan. Cabbage is always shredded and made into salads. Many set meals outside are like this, with shredded cabbage as a side dish, as well as tonkatsu. Tonkatsu restaurants have free shredded cabbage. Natto, add some yellow mustard and soy sauce to the natto you bought, stir it until it sticks so that it can be pulled into shreds, it’s done, take a bite of natto, and then draw a circle in the air with chopsticks in your hand, this is In order to break the thread of the natto in the mouth and the natto in the bowl.

It’s almost like this, so you can cook meals for a week without repeating the same. Breakfast is milk, coffee, fried eggs and bread. You can also cook Chinese food often, and sometimes you can make pasta. Can you become a qualified “home cook” "Yes?
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