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Chapter 36 the other side of sex

give you back the sky 张小娴 474Words 2018-03-18
After the "September 11" incident in the United States, the phenomenon of "panic sex" was triggered.After realizing the impermanence of life, the lovers make love intimately to comfort each other. All the pleasures in the world are nothing more than mutual companionship, right? Everything can change overnight.Joy can turn into sorrow, union can become separation, we can't grasp the happiness in front of us, and we don't necessarily have the future.Although you are not perfect, although we often quarrel, however, at the moment when the world fell apart, I knew how much I love you and how afraid I would never see you again.

We cannot become a person except at the moment of consubstantiality.Who knows the fate of tomorrow, we use each other to overcome the feeling of being alone in the world, and those who love each other are no longer afraid. Two German sociology professors, Elisabeth Back-Gernsheim and Ulrich Beck, said in their book "The Normal Sexual Chaos of Love": "Those who look forward to finding love are looking for salvation in this moment. The so-called 'beyond' is here, with its own voice, shape and will. Religion tells us that there is life after death; love says, life before death."

Your love and your body are my salvation.You passed through my body, I passed through yours, and we reached the other side.Where is the other side?There is no fear there, only hope and cherishment. Love is nothing but liking if it does not comfort each other. Love is the religion of others, and tenderness is its ritual. I don't care about the life after death, I only long for the poems before my death.
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