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Chapter 4 Wanted cooking man

give you back the sky 张小娴 472Words 2018-03-18
After reading an interview by Maggie Cheung, she said that at her age, what she likes most is a man who can cook well. I do feel the same way. When young, what women want is the man in their youth dreams.Later, what she wanted was an earth-shattering love.Later, she wanted a man who would stick with her every day.Then, she longs for a like-minded man with a shared purpose in life. Women have different interpretations of happiness at every stage of their lives.One day, after she had loved and experienced enough, she suddenly realized that the happiness in her stomach was a great happiness in life.

The stage of pursuing "five good" men has passed. We are no longer obsessed with men with "good income, good appearance, good career, good personality, and good taste". We only want to recruit a cooking man. He is not necessarily a chef, but he loves to cook. He has extraordinary cooking skills and is proficient in cuisines from all over the world.A woman suddenly wants to eat taro stuffed duck today, fish-flavored eggplant tomorrow, and some home-cooked side dishes and stewed soup the day after tomorrow. A man who loves to cook has another charm.When he cooks for his beloved woman with tenderness and dominance, the woman just needs to sit and wait to eat.

As long as he cooks vegetables well, then other conditions can be slightly relaxed. How fleeting is the passion.In the day-to-day life, in the long years, turning love into the taste and the fragrance of food, projecting happiness on the lover's careful cooking, embracing a man who loves to cook, is the only way to get a true love. long-term meal tickets.
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