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Chapter 2 Rediscover the beautiful accident

give you back the sky 张小娴 908Words 2018-03-18
Many years ago, I accidentally bought a beautiful cloth bag in a grocery store in Tokyo, Japan, so every time I revisit Tokyo, I will go to the same store.However, since that cloth bag, I haven't found anything satisfactory. Some things, indeed, only let you encounter once. Have you had this experience too?Because of a beautiful accident, we fell in love with a place, and I believe there will be more surprises in the future.Unfortunately, those surprises no longer appear.Even so, you may continue to visit that place until you encounter a more beautiful chance elsewhere. After countless disappointments, I still come back again, just because I don't want to miss it.

How afraid are we of missing out? Sometimes it's a piece of clothing, sometimes it's a collection, sometimes it's a person, you don't necessarily want to own it, but it would be a pity to miss it. We dare not miss the places where we have had beautiful memories or good experiences, not because we cannot let go, but because we are reluctant. In ordinary life, we are happy to embrace a small hope.What does it matter if it takes a little while for a hope, or to be disappointed again? What day do you look like? Do you find yourself looking the same every day? The Monday you are a little different than the Wednesday you.Such a subtle difference, maybe only you can see it.

I think I look better on Wednesdays and Fridays, and worse on Sundays and Mondays.Nobody understands why, we are never who we were yesterday or tomorrow anyway, only this moment is real. Similarly, after a period of observation, I found that the people around me look cuter on Saturdays than on Mondays, maybe because the work on Mondays is usually very heavy.On Saturdays, he's much more forgiving (so I pick Saturdays for my tantrums). What about the people around you?Can you tell the subtle changes in his face seven days a week?Still don't feel it anymore? Once upon a time, we tried very hard to capture everything in our lovers.The shape of his nails, the curvature of his thumb, the length of his big and second toes, the color of his teeth, the lines on his lips, the ratio of black to white in his eyes, his embarrassment when he was naked, he was full of The smell of the skin when we are in love... All these things will eventually disappear, we can only remember as much as possible.

And so, from Monday to Sunday, we look for similarities in our lovers and sing about it. We also simultaneously look for what is different from each other and forget about it. But, one day, we will become lazy and picky, and we will inevitably feel a little bit when we either recall the difference between each other or forget the difference between his appearance on Monday and Saturday.Because, from the beginning to the end, the love we look forward to is not living in silence until the face is blurred; but like the four seasons, every subtle change is full of joy.
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