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Chapter 398 Chapter 396 Asura Sonic Sword

alcatraz 流浪的蛤蟆 2210Words 2018-03-12
With the joining of the dragon god Anavadado, Aishwarya's Asura Sonic Sword was brought to the extreme, and the whole person disappeared under the night sky. On Finn's deep purple carapace, there were continuous and crisp sounds, like a long poem by a bard, full of rhythm and joy. The lightning light ball formed by Long Leijin seemed to be alive, intercepting the purple light rays shot by Finn, the god of death, one by one, which created such a fighter for Aishwarya, but I saw it clearly on the steeple. The god of death in Fengyue Continent didn't panic at all, and even since the start of the war, he hasn't moved a single step.

I covered my left eye. When I moved my palm away, this eye had already turned into a black hole-like nothingness. In the left eye, Fein, the god of death, transformed into clear data, the strength of energy, the ability to grasp, the structure of the body, The level of divinity can be seen one by one. In his body, there are two golden original god cards. Although Anavadado is more than ten times stronger than when he was on Earth, he has only reached the peak of the silver level.Although Aishwarya's combat power is strong, her divinity is even weaker than that of Anavada. I can even see that each of her swords does little damage to Finn, the death god.

This is a new technique that appeared after the ability of the time-space orderly, the eye of time-space orderly, can see through all reality. "It's strange, how come there are two divinities in the body of this death god, one of which seems to be stronger than the power he shows now, but it is deeply hidden, it seems that Finn himself cannot use this divine power .” The battle between Anavadado and Aishwarya and Finn did not seem to be of concern to the other six companions.The relationship between the eight of them is obviously a bit weird, Mihir leisurely played with a whip in his hand, as if enjoying an opera, Davaya frowned, and seemed to have no intention of making a move.

The giantess who fought against me once seemed to be full of fighting spirit, but she tried her best to restrain herself. I don't know why she seems to be very combative, but she just refuses to join the battle group. The goddess who once dissuaded Aishwarya from being impulsive has a petite figure. The perfect female body I made back then was not of such a petite size, but the breath emanating from her body let me know that she had no other choice. It was some kind of modification of the body I provided. Many women like a tall figure, perfect proportions, and slender thighs, but she made her body smaller. Either this shape is more suitable for her to display her abilities, or her original body is like this. The body attached to him became closer to its original appearance.

The lawful eyes of time and space swept across this petite goddess. There is an original god card in her body that exudes two kinds of light, silver and gold. The strength cannot be brought into full play to the true extent. I was silently calculating the strength of these enemies who came to Fengyue Continent to kill them. Suing the God of Death Fei has not exhausted his strength, as if he was worried about something.The attitudes of Davaya, Mihir and other goddesses are a bit weird. The descending goddesses seem confident, but this kind of confidence is not based on strength. After peeping around, I still focused on the battlefield. The Asura Sonic Sword used by Aishwarya is one of the most outstanding martial arts of the Asura clan.I have mastered the battle ax of God King Tamura, and I know all the martial arts of the Asura clan like the back of my hand, but I haven't specially practiced it.Aishwarya's battle with the death god Finn can just provide me with some experience.

If it hadn't been for meeting the God of Death Fein, a golden god who formed a strong shield with divine power dozens of times stronger than Aishwarya, the Asura Sonic Sword would be an almost unbreakable combat skill. Shura Sonic Sword is the fastest martial art. Aishwarya's swordsmanship even reminded me of Mostima, who was called the fastest among gods and demons by Judinana. Since this god and demon is known as the fastest in the three realms, I don't know what level his ability will go to. "This is an opportunity!" Aishwarya and Anabadado joined hands to fight against Fengyue God of Death Finn. Among the eight descended goddesses, the two with the most combat effectiveness were fettered, and Mihir and the others had almost no one to protect them.

When I was chasing and killing Michel, this woman had eight descendant souls in her body, her abilities were ever-changing, and she could always find a way to restrain me. Now that the eight of them are separated, it seems that everyone's strength has improved, but they also Losing the magic of ability superposition at that time, he could only fight alone, and could no longer use other people's abilities. "I have to kill a few goddesses who have descended, and I can't let them continue to grow, or I will be forced to escape." As an endless enemy, I put aside all my worries and exerted my strength to the limit, just like a thunderbolt shot from the nether world, flying like lightning from the steeple.

Before I make a move, Mihir has been firmly locked in by the high-pressure aura formed by the transformation of true energy into mana. Although this guardian of Heaven Mountain is not the weakest among these goddesses, she is the target I want to kill the most. She uses The body of the female assistant from the archaeological team is the biggest unknown. Anapadado's Dragon Thunder Jin is displaying the most powerful power of thunder and lightning, making everyone attracted by the battle. When I appeared in front of Mihir without warning, this goddess looked so pale, Let me be more confident, I put my two fists together, and hit her lower abdomen fiercely.The Thunder Qi that had been brewing for a long time poured into it without reservation. My punch was not intended to cause any harm to Michel, but to completely block her divinity.

All the people present, including Aishwarya who uses Asura's sonic sword, can't compare to the speed I broke through by combining the two abilities of Dapeng Xiaoyao Jue and Death's Breath.So my attack, let alone Mihir, a goddess who is not good at hand-to-hand combat, even the two most powerful goddesses who are fighting Finn, did not react. After being hit by my fist full of belief in death, Mihir's soul was entangled by countless resentful spirits, and he immediately lost control over his body, his eyes were dull, and he kept his movements when he was attacked, which looked very weird. It's like being suddenly transformed into a sculpture by magic.

"That god of death, these women are my prey, please don't act rashly!" When I carried Mihir on my shoulders, it was Aishwarya who launched a counterattack first.Her long sword exudes infinite anger. It seems that my sneak attack has completely angered this female Asura.Her long sword stabbed out, and her power became stronger and stronger, and within a short distance, she made three breakthroughs in a row. "Haha! The power of the Asura Sonic Sword is indeed stronger than the legends. It's a pity that you used it to deal with me, but you got the wrong target."

I twisted my backhand unceremoniously, and a transparent sword qi fought with Asura's sonic sword of Asura. Aishwarya's expression turned serious, and she noticed a little weirdness.
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