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Chapter 9 photos in my heart

never ending embrace 张小娴 537Words 2018-03-18
Forgot which foreign movie dialogue, a man wants to date a woman he likes.The woman said frankly: "I'm sorry, you are not my type." "So, what are your types?" the man asked. The woman scratched her head and said, "I don't know which ones are, but I know you aren't." We may not be able to say exactly which type of opposite sex we like, but we almost all know which types we have absolutely no possibility of being with. Everyone has an old and broken family photo in their hearts. Love is memories and expectations. We will look for the people in that photo.Types have already been formed, just waiting for us to encounter them.When that person shows up, you know he's your type.

If he is really your type, then the sad story of A liking B and B liking C will not happen.Your type must also like you, and if he doesn't like you, he is not your type.We don't fall in love with the type we like, it's just that our type doesn't find us. It's definitely not your type, you can tell at a glance.At a party, a guy of the opposite sex you've never met shows up. He may seem pompous, but you're hardly even interested in glancing at him.The only thing you have in common is that neither of you sees any potential loveliness in the other worth discovering.

In the process of finding types, sometimes mistakes are inevitable.There are people who look like your type and get to know them a little better, only to be disappointed to find out they're not.Sometimes, even after falling in love with him, you realize you've got the wrong guy, he's just almost your type. When we are attached to someone for no reason and promise to die, then he must be a yellowed impression in that old and damaged family photo.
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