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Chapter 46 Chapter Forty-Six

morning starts at noon 路遥 991Words 2018-03-18
According to the pre-plan, I will finish the first draft of the third part before the Spring Festival anyway.In this way, I can go back to celebrate the festival with a more complete mood-the Spring Festival must be spent at home. Therefore, the entire work cannot be interrupted in any way, and the daily determined workload must be completed.Sometimes, serious insoluble difficulties arise on a certain day, so that the working hours are extended and sleep is lost by several hours.Less sleep means more smoking and abnormal chest discomfort.Since this is essentially the final sprint, the spirit is highly tense and completely in a state of combustion, and there is a great sense of "complete all the achievements in one battle".

As the first draft draws to a close, I keep praying in my heart not to let my body fall down suddenly.As long as one more chapter is written, there will be one less regret. A week before the Spring Festival, I finally finished the first draft of the third part when my body was almost exhausted.Its excitement cannot be expressed in words.This means that even if you fall down and don't get up now, this book is basically ready.The fate of every character in the book that people care about, I have answered with my understanding.Maybe some people will think that I am "unfinished" like the same, but for me, just like the same, the work is already complete in a big way.If someone is going to write a "sequel" like that, it has absolutely nothing to do with my work.

With this crucial harvest, I hurriedly left the icy and snowy northern Shaanxi and returned to Xi'an.Fortunately, I was able to spend the Spring Festival with my daughter in time.This will be a fulfilling Spring Festival. — On the way, I greedily browsed the land of northern Shaanxi in the middle of winter.I have a special love for northern Shaanxi in winter.There is no hint of green in sight.The boundless mountains are all naked, like huge brass statues.All the rivers were frozen in ice, and the shady slopes were covered with white snow.Broad and desolate, an indescribable and endless world.When you are in it, your world view will definitely not be as narrow or abstract as in a big city salon; you feel that you can talk to the entire universe.

On the way back to Xi’an, I decided that after the Spring Festival, I would take a little rest, strike while the iron is hot, and immediately start working on the second draft—this is the real final work. Shortly after the Spring Festival, the summer ward in the courtyard of the office quickly returned to work.This copying and reform is more serious, and I will try my best to make myself satisfied in all aspects.It feels like not writing on manuscript paper, but carving on wood blocks with a knife. Now, a long-awaited wish has come true, and I can squeeze out half an hour every day to bask in the sun outside.Whenever I sit on the old discarded wood outside the door, I feel as happy as if I am going to heaven.Smoke a cigarette quietly, think about some technical issue about the book, or ruminate over the dedication line at the front of the book.

Spring has gradually come, and the trees are once again covered with green leaves; there are a few unknown flowers blooming in the corner of the wall. The spring in my heart will also come.For nearly six years I was in long and indefinite penal servitude.Like a prisoner who has been sentenced to prison, I am excitedly heading towards the day when I will be released after serving my sentence.
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