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Chapter 73 Science popularization conference on pig and cow body aliases

The delicacies of two regions in Guangdong Province are quite commendable, one is Chaoshan and the other is Shunde.I like the persistence of these two regions in terms of flavor customs and the preservation of the original flavor.Shunde hot pot belongs to the popular "shallow cooking" nowadays. It only uses clean water to boil the ingredients, and eats them with simple ginger, green onion and soy sauce.This approach requires a high degree of freshness of the ingredients, to use a cheesy word - simple but not simple. There is a local hot pot restaurant in Shunde called "Songji", and it has opened a branch in Guangzhou. Although the location is far from the city center, it welcomes many experienced gourmets every day.When you come here, you only need to surrender yourself wholeheartedly, because there is only one kind of thing in the store, which is the edge stove, and there is only one kind of pot bottom, which is clear water.It's really good news for patients with difficult diseases.

According to the owner, there are two key points of Qingshui side stove: first, the ingredients must be very high-quality, fresh and clean, and second, the heat of the ingredients must be strictly controlled.The store has its own persistence in these two aspects. With more than ten years of experience in catering, they can get the best and most tricky ingredients before other stores; At the scene, you have full control over the order of cooking and the heat of the pot. When the time comes, a spoonful will be scooped into the bowl for you, urging you to eat it while it is hot. There is no menu in the store, and only fresh ingredients are provided. The daily supply of fresh ingredients is limited, so if you go late, you won’t be able to eat them.Knowing about their various hot pot ingredients, you will know that this is not a "sell at a high price", and some dishes are really hard to come by.For example, bamboo intestines are precious things, to be precise, the short section of pig intestines that exits the pig's belly, and a pig can only take out about one foot.The bamboo sausage here tastes thick, crispy and refreshing, and it is powdery and smooth. After chewing carefully, you will find the unique sweetness of pork, which is a rare experience.

Coming here to eat is like participating in a "Pig and Cow Body Alias ​​Science Popularization Conference".For example, "Niu Likeng" is the part where the beef tongue and the back of the head are connected. A big cow can only take about 2 taels. Beef throat needs to be boiled for a long time before it can be eaten, but here it can be cooked for a while, and the degree of springiness is beyond imagination.Other tricky ingredients include pork noodle meat, which is the meat from the face of the pig. Because pigs chew every day, this piece of meat has been tested for a long time and surpasses the taste of ordinary pork; There is only one piece of meat on the table; the pork teeth are pork gills, and there are only two pieces for a pig, which tastes springy and soft.

When I was a child, I read storytelling, and there was a dish dedicated to eating "the sharp point of the catfish's left whisker". Diet can be such a noble fantasy full of grassroots.Curious and fresh, some three meals may not be very delicious, but they can always give you something to talk about for a while.
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