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Chapter 72 Corner meets French restaurant

But a bowl of human fireworks 陈大咖 1249Words 2018-03-18
One day, when I had nothing to do, I went to hang out in the Guangzhou Tianhe Community near my home.This is the earliest petty bourgeoisie gathering place in Guangzhou. Most of the first floor of the community has broken through the walls and opened shops. There are many cafes, clothing stores, and small bars. In the early years, it was considered one of the landmarks of literature and art. Now it is becoming tacky and the scenery is no longer there. Near Tiyu West Road, at the end of a path that seems to have nowhere to go, suddenly found a delicate small garden, like a restaurant.Going around to the main entrance, it really is a place to eat, but there is a piece of paper pasted at the entrance, which says "The owner is back to France for vacation, and will open on another day".OK, very poseable.

I have been thinking about this restaurant for a long time, and I went to eat the first meal after a long time, and it feels a bit good.The owner is a Hong Kong couple. They have been in France for decades and have eaten all the delicacies in the north and south of the country. The first thing they thought of after returning to China was to open a restaurant with French country dishes.The restaurant has a French country atmosphere, with big red walls and large windows with white grids, and white flower curtains floating up, the visual taste of the store is correct.The owner also planted mint, basil, and herbs in the flower beds around the small garden, which are not only decorations, but also the source of fragrance in the dishes.

This shop is called "Olive Garden". The male shopkeeper is very personable. He always sits at the door with a pipe in his mouth and puffs away, with a gray and vicious little pug squatting next to him; the female shopkeeper seems to be more worried about the floor. The thing is, every time I go, I see her walking around with her curly hair on her head, and her high-heeled shoes don't stop.Once, I went to her with another sample book introducing Guangzhou cuisine, hoping to interview their stories.The proprietress was very polite with a little disdain, she just said to keep the sample booklet for a look before replying.A few days later, I went to visit again and asked about this matter. She turned around and found the sample booklet from the utility room. ", so I stopped pushing, hoping to leave them another piece of "olive garden" that will not be disturbed.

The spaghetti here has the same personality as the owner's. They are all processed in accordance with the traditional French village handmade method. Each piece is as long as longevity noodles, much thicker than usual, and more chewy.Feta cheese, mushrooms, tomatoes and olives also add to the country style, which is the only one in Guangzhou.In terms of serving rhythm, Olive Garden is also a typical French style, taking it easy and serving one by one.In the eyes of Chinese people, this is a waste of time.But in such a lazy, laid-back restaurant, rushing is inappropriate, right? Compared with the thick base of American pizza bread and the incomparably grand cheese, Olive Garden's freshly baked pizza is much more elegant.The pizza base is thin and crisp, and the ingredients on the surface are just right, beautiful and delicate.Tear off a piece, drizzle with rare chili olive oil, and send it to your mouth. The aroma of various spices and ingredients, guided by olive oil and just the right cheese, spreads quickly, chewing a little, the pizza bottom is natural The sweetness jumped out again, quite nice.

The creme brulee here is a must-eat every time I come. The big red porcelain bowl with small ears contains a seemingly large pudding, which seems to be very cost-effective.When you poke it, you know that there is only a thin layer of custard under the layer of caramelized sugar.This is completely right for my taste. I love the caramel layer more than anything else, and the wide-mouthed bowl can maximize the caramel layer.It can be seen that the dining experience can only be attributed to the word "willfulness". A is honey, and B is arsenic. Don't trust others' recommendations.

This one can be regarded as the civilian form of French pastoral cuisine in Guangzhou.It may have been considered a great western restaurant in the past, but now five-star hotels have settled in one after another, and they are also proud of the authentic French chefs who have traveled across the ocean and excellent western food. The positioning of authentic French cuisine is not so rare. Can't ask for it.But maybe this is the only place where you can still see the owner of the pipe with an ugly face, sitting in the small garden with the natural wind blowing, and chatting up the French girl who is the waiter in the name of being afraid of mosquitoes... This is also a job A taste of it.

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