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Chapter 62 Latte, more milk and less sugar

But a bowl of human fireworks 陈大咖 1487Words 2018-03-18
Actually, I don't know much about coffee, but I love it. Coffee has two functions for me: one is to refresh my mind, I often fall asleep in the middle of the night, and if there is an announcement the next day, if I don’t drink a cup of coffee, I’m afraid I’ll have to use a toothpick to support my eyelids in the afternoon; Another function is sunshine and atmosphere.Half of this book was written in a coffee shop, because my house faces north and I can’t get the sun in winter. I would find a job in a sunny coffee shop outside, and write slowly while drying the mites on my body to death.At home, I always fumble around here and there, which distracts my energy all at once. Instead, I behave like a man with my tail between my legs, and my work efficiency is much higher.

To me, a coffee shop means: an environment with a harmonious atmosphere, standard coffee, and an appropriate mood.I appreciate the concept of "the third space" proposed by Starbucks. There is a famous copywriting that reads "I am not in the coffee shop, but on the way to the coffee shop." The coffee shop should be a place that is different from the home and work environment. A buffer zone in life, where people can relax and adjust their body and mind, whether they are in a daze, working or gossiping with friends, they can enjoy themselves. My favorite coffee shop has a quiet outdoor setting (so I can put my expensive bike next to it and soak up the sun), free high-speed wifi, standardized produce (at least I have to know what they make What brand of milk is used in the latte, this is very important to me), helpful staff and clean and convenient restrooms, the distance between the table and the stool should be suitable, just suitable for typing on the laptop, otherwise my The shoulders and waist will be crippled.As for dessert, if there is a freshly baked scone, it is 100% perfect.

What is the inextricably linked relationship between coffee and petty bourgeoisie?I often don't get it either.Is it petty bourgeoisie to sit on Weibo in a noisy coffee shop with an Apple computer?If you think coffee has the "original sin" of petty bourgeoisie, then you will think I am pretending even if I carry Starbucks to twist Yangko.Hainan Island has been a coffee bean producing area since ancient times, and it is producing excellent coffee beans until now. I once heard from a friend in Hainan that when they were young, they, the fishermen’s children, would go to the market with large white and blue enamel cups to make coffee. Go home and drink.Especially in Wenchang, Qionghai, Wanning and other places on the east coast of Hainan, drinking coffee is as common as drinking tea, and the price is similar. Coffee is a necessity of life for local residents just like soybean milk.Can you say that such a grassroots picture is petty bourgeoisie?

I like American-style instant coffee drinks, and I also like the coffee culture in Paris. If you are in a hurry, you can drink at the counter and leave.Returning to the essence of things, coffee is a cup of drink, a refreshing drink with endless changes, some people love it and some people hate it, it is not surprising at all.It's a pity that many people just drink a cup of coffee without understanding, and put more energy on discussing the environment and self-appreciation posture. The technical standard for a perfect cup of coffee is the same as that of red wine. It has a professional evaluation system. It can be evaluated from the perspective of vision, smell and taste with objective standards, and the richness and perfection of coffee can also be appreciated from a personal perspective.For example, a cup of the most basic espresso, whether the foam you see is compact and delicate in texture, whether it smells fine and rich, whether it feels plump, smooth and round after the entrance, whether the sweet, sour and bitter taste are harmonious and balanced... Even the positive smell felt in the throat and nasal cavity, and the duration of the good smell after swallowing, etc., each item has an accurate description score that can be evaluated.

Coffee can be produced in a very standardized way, but it can be sublimated with emotion.I can’t count how many cafes I go to in a year, but sitting in the “Green Island Serenade” on a section of Ertiao Street in Zhongshan, Taipei City has a different feeling.A sunny boy is sitting in a small courtyard playing the guitar and singing soft songs. It is cold and rainy outside, but the house is warm and yellow.He sang the song "The Price of Love" softly, and fashionable men and women sat comfortably, smiling at each other.The coffee machine in the counter is buzzing non-stop. This is Taipei in my heart.

Coffee lovers, don't miss the "Feng Da Coffee" and "South American Coffee" in Taipei's Ximending. The two are separated by a wall. They are the oldest coffee shops in Taiwan, and there is no pretentious meaning.The front of the store is a wholesale of various coffee beans, coffee utensils, and utensils. There are many but not messy. The back of the store has only a small number of simple seats. Sitting among a group of old men who read newspapers, have a cup of latte with more milk and less sugar. , the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise.In addition, the crema of the cup of latte in "Bee Big Coffee" is very mellow and unforgettable for a long time.

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