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Chapter 59 A natural couple, grow old together

Singapore is like summer all year round, and the weather is hot. When I am thirsty, I like to drink their local freshly squeezed sugar cane juice. The general price is 1.8 Singapore dollars per cup. If you add 2 cents, the stall owner will take it out of the refrigerator A can of yellow lemon wedges is skillfully squeezed with iron clips, and the beige juice will be shot into the tender green sugarcane water with a "squeak" sound.It is strange to say that sugarcane water is only a shallow natural drink. After a few more sips, it is too sweet to choke your nose. Lemonade without sugar is sour and rolls all over the floor, but sugarcane and lemon are like finding a piece of the puzzle that you have been waiting for for a lifetime. another one of it.The fresh herbal fragrance of sugarcane and another fresh lemon fragrance dance in circles with arms, which is really a great enjoyment for ordinary citizens.

Another food I love is "ginger milk".It has a wonderful sense of Zen, and it is very simple to make, but not simple at the same time.First, pour a little ground ginger juice into the bowl, then pour the buffalo milk that has been heated to a specific temperature (60°C to 70°C) straight into the bowl—the ginger hits the milk!Wait for half a minute, and you can see the changing process of the blending of the two water and milk. The buffalo milk is gradually solidified under the action of the protease contained in the ginger juice, and turns into a tofu-like shape. Wait until the surface is as smooth as a mirror and can smoothly hold a spoon. At that time, the effect of ginger bumping milk is over.At this time, when you eat it, every spoonful has a smooth and rich milky fragrance, accompanied by a fragrant ginger taste, warming the stomach and comforting, and the sweetness is just right.Two originally ordinary ingredients collided together to produce the effect of 1+1>2. I have to feel the gift of nature-isn’t this the most popular original ecological and shallow cuisine now?

In a nation that is full of opinions on eating, wisdom will always be reflected in the combination of certain food combinations, making use of its strengths and avoiding its weaknesses.For example, the most classic combinations, such as dumplings dipped in vinegar, beef stewed with potatoes, hairy crabs with Huadiao, tomatoes with eggs, and garlic slices when eaten with charcoal-grilled beef tongue, are all the crystallization of the wisdom of the people.Perhaps we have had this or that kind of job perception since we were young, and we have never thought about why it is such a match. When we think about it carefully, we can't help but nod our heads.Why is Sichuan hot pot served with a sesame oil dipping dish?There are four reasons for secretly guessing: 1. The dishes that have just been scalded in the hot pot can be cooled by rinsing with sesame oil; Save the wheat from the wheat.

Sometimes we are also surprised by the regional diet. "Whether bean curd is sweet, salty or spicy" is an endless debate.Recently, a way of eating fruit in southern Fujian - dipping pineapple in soy sauce has also attracted a lot of outcry on the Internet, and many people expressed their disapproval.In fact, when I was a child, I always thought that eating pineapple must be dipped in soy sauce!Do you want to try it next time? Finally, I would like to share with you a little tip. Steamed corn buns are rubbed with a layer of butter and sprinkled with a little coarse sugar (coffee brown sugar is fine). It is also delicious.Come, try the spring of common people.

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