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Chapter 50 Sorry, I don't eat this

But a bowl of human fireworks 陈大咖 1171Words 2018-03-18
I once filmed a magazine feature at a Japanese restaurant with a "kid". It was a 20-year-old boy who was a newcomer singer Ou Hao signed by a friend's company. His appearance was very trendy and sunny.When everyone was eating, the sashimi platter came up, and the fresh and tender fish and shellfish were placed on the ice cubes. Everyone was eager to eat, and he said weakly: "I Can I order something else? I don't eat raw." Wow, that's really a great point of view.Sashimi has always been a relatively expensive dish in Japanese restaurants. Chinese people eat buffets based on the principle of eating enough. They love to wait around raw foods such as salmon, tuna, and scallops.And the place we ate at that time was a well-known Japanese restaurant in a five-star hotel. It must be high-end with impeccable ingredients and products.Under such circumstances, as a young and promising hipster, a young man living in a world of flamboyance, he can actually say "Sorry, I don't eat this", he can resist the top sashimi temptation, because he really does not eat raw things.Ah, I suddenly felt inexplicably moved.

After my brain flashed, I reviewed myself.As a senior foodie in Bensan, I have always had a good temper to eat what I come to. It seems that there is nothing I don’t want to eat, except for dishes that are really unpalatable—but simply because of resistance to a certain food. Taboo, really not.There is no taboo, it seems that the whole person has the temperament of a peasant woman who loves to work, her bulging face is as rough as a red apple, her hands and feet are powerful, as if there are a few straw stalks in her hair.Once you can say a few taboos, it's like supporting the delicate and slender sister Lin with a handkerchief, which makes people feel infinite love and compassion.

In a peaceful and prosperous age, with a good appetite and good health, is it difficult to decide to cut off love with something?Whether a delicious mouth can resist the desire of appetite is really a topic to test human nature.Some foods, knowing that they are good for the mouth and not good for you, and eating too much of them are not good, still can't help but get involved.After eating barbecue countless times, I told myself not to eat such dirty carcinogens again; I also thought countless times not to eat snakes and frogs. It is better to eat less of these spiritual animals; I am determined not to eat yusheng made of fish. Even the chef who made it said that he never eats it... But every time he encounters them, he always comforts himself and says, "It's okay to eat it again this time."This passage is simply a footnote to a failed life, and I feel ashamed to write it out.

Thinking about the friends around me, there are really a few who do not spontaneously make job choices because of religion or physical condition.Once when I was eating beef brisket in a tea restaurant, I had just poured green onions into the soup, and my girlfriend Xue Li suddenly exclaimed: "Oh, I don't eat green onions!" Before I could give her a look of rolling her eyes, she suddenly said discouragedly: "Oh, well, I don't eat beef either." I couldn't help asking her: "We ate beef hot pot together last year, why did the wind vane turn this year?" She said lightly: "It's nothing, it's just after forty At the age of 10, I wanted to eat less of one kind of meat spontaneously, but I almost forgot just now."

So start by building your own set of metrics like she did.Now I want to talk about another friend who has strange standards. He is called Li Changmao. He does not eat chicken, cow, pig, or sheep, but he eats shrimp.For what reason?He said: "Because chickens, cows, and sheep are relatively intelligent animals, but the memory of shrimp is only two seconds." Hey, it makes sense after thinking about it. I am also very willing to deliberately open up one or two flavors as a forbidden area for rice bowls, but whenever such thoughts flash, I will get lost in the trade-offs, and finally become a major question of "what to eat tonight".

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