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Chapter 39 Chopsticks are your telltale feet

But a bowl of human fireworks 陈大咖 1252Words 2018-03-18
Studying people is a hobby of mine. Some time ago, my hobbies were often ridiculed by trendy friends, that is, "lying on the sofa after dinner and watching blind date shows fascinated". You should do such a commonplace thing, right? In fact, my enthusiasm for this kind of program is not only caused by the soul of my teacher, but also because of the pleasure of reading people.It's hard to have any other opportunities that allow you to understand the lives and personalities of several men and women of the right age in a short period of time, listen to their stories, see their excellent sides that they are trying to let others know, and laugh at those relatives and friends who are black-bellied Cheer up.If the result of the blind date is not as they expected, at this time they can analyze the reasons for the lights being turned off, their deep personality tragedies, etc. At this time, TV is only a fuse to stimulate the topic.

What's more interesting is that from time to time, this program also has some golden sentences with profound epochal significance, such as what a mother said, "One admission line is the watershed of IQ", and a male guest said, "Our daughter-in-law of Chaoshan people wants to have a boy. children", and a female guest said, "It is better to marry well than to do a good job." Can you say that they are influenced by the program group?In this way, it is full of life elements and pops out of the folks alive. Even though this kind of show is full of eagerness for quick success and flawed logic (sometimes the intention behind the scenes of "being held hands" and "being defeated" is obvious), but I'm still willing to watch, everyone is a book, with a character that can't be concealed The story is often only revealed in the telltales that you can't even see.

On the dinner table, a pair of chopsticks are the telltale signs of a person. Chopsticks can tell a person's personality and self-cultivation, and they are a pair of super cheats on your rice bowl.An elegant person uses chopsticks without unnecessary movements, clean and neat, a bit like a patient with obsessive-compulsive disorder, anyway, the pair of chopsticks are always gentle and respectful in his hands, even if they are placed on the chopstick holders, they must be neatly aligned.It's easy for rough people to pick up chopsticks unconsciously to make gestures, to pick and choose vegetables, and even the chopstick covers are so dirty that it is eye-catching.Therefore, Chinese mother-in-laws not only need to look at the brand of mahjong when they are looking for a son-in-law, but when they hold the chopsticks, they can probably make a good guess in their hearts.

There is an old relative in the family who is obsessed with cleanliness. Every time I eat with her, I need to use serving chopsticks. However, her memory has deteriorated a bit. She often inserts her own chopsticks into the food and puts the serving chopsticks in In the mouth, not very sharp.When she became a family talking point, everyone just smiled kindly, as if she was a child who couldn't grow up.From birth to old age, the use of chopsticks is also like a peak curve, from not being able to use it to proficient use, and finally returning to the original. There are three kinds of people in the world who eat with chopsticks, with a knife and fork, and with their hands.For the Chinese, chopsticks are also part of the family.It is often said in Hong Kong dramas, "Come and eat together, add a person and a pair of chopsticks." The scene where a family eats with chopsticks under the yellow light is full of roundness.

I have always felt that eating with chopsticks is more agile and delicious than a fork. It is like an extension of the finger, pointing to where to hit, can reach into the boiling hot pot to overturn the clouds, and accurately pick up an escargot submerged in the pepper.Even if you occasionally bite the chopsticks clumsily, it will not be as flashy as biting a metal fork. Chopsticks made of wood and bamboo are naturally gentle in the hand and warm in the mouth. They are more kind than plastic chopsticks.Plastic chopsticks are easy to clean, but have the grassroots flavor of a fast food restaurant.Silver chopsticks, ivory chopsticks, jade chopsticks, and ceramic chopsticks are all kinds of noble, but they should be placed in the cabinet. People who really use three meals a day, unless they are deeply poisoned by the time travel drama "Anling" Allow".

Everyone walks between heaven and earth like independent chopsticks. They search for another one that matches them all their lives. Sometimes they can find the one that is close, and they can live to old age with one deep foot and one shallow foot. Sometimes the ones they find are a bit worse. Far, maybe in the end it will be separated.If there is a wedding celebration, a pair of exquisite chopsticks is given to each person as a souvenir, which feels very appropriate.
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