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Chapter 34 The stool that belongs to the taxi boss

One night, I passed by an overpass near my home, and saw a few tired-looking taxi drivers eating dinner in the shade under the bridge. While eating, he panickedly observed whether the traffic police came to copy the cards.As a result, several unlicensed mobile lunch box stalls have sprung up under the overpass. They pick up a few bricks and put a piece of cloth on them to serve as their stools. The spirit of a taxi driver in Taipei is completely different from that in mainland China. I once met a middle-aged female driver who was driving with a lot of energy wearing white gloves. When she was waiting for a red light, she took a few sips from Starbucks. Magnolia, the feeling that everything is under control.

I also took a taxi of another old Taipei gentleman. He said that his mother was old and sometimes had to be sent to the hospital when she became ill at night, so he bought a commercial vehicle for his own use, and rented it out when he had nothing to do. A way to pass the time.He speaks fluent English and the car is very clean. Guangzhou seems to be in a different situation, and the mental outlook is not on the table. The problem of eating and going to the toilet for taxi drivers has always been a well-known problem.Fortunately, there are always people in the world who are concerned about this matter.For example, in Qinglongfang, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou, a health center famous for stewing soup has set up a "taxi driver's set meal". With the taxi service qualification certificate, you can buy a preferential set meal of soup and rice, although it is only two or three yuan cheaper. My heart, but it gave me more confidence in the products of this store.

Stewing soup is a concentration of conscience. It is too easy to make, but also too difficult to make. There are not many tricks to show off skills in technology. It is rare that it is the heat, persistence and complacency.This caring heart is precious in the concrete forest. Soup is the lifeblood of Cantonese people. For example, I feel flustered if I don’t drink soup for three days. This soup supports the spirit of Cantonese people.It doesn’t matter if you say it’s psychological comfort or the truth, the stewed soup is indeed a good food therapy product that represents the dietary wisdom of the Cantonese.The health care center is loved by nearby white-collar workers and students for ten years of herbal diet and health soup.This restaurant has been managed by a Chinese medicine doctor who has been practicing for many years. The dense menu tells the efficacy of each soup, including nourishing, moisturizing, warming and spleen-invigorating and damp-repelling, including stewed lean meat with green olives and pears, Gastrodia elata stewed beef exhibition, snail stewed teal, etc., you can choose.If you have doubts and don't know how to make a choice, ask the elder sister at the cashier, who will answer your questions.

The stewed soup here still retains the traditional method of sealing with tissue paper. Each stew pot has a certain degree of soup hanging on the edge of the container. When the tissue paper is pierced, the aroma of hot air slowly rises. It is obvious that the original pot was stewed in one go. There is absolutely no possibility of splitting the cup.Even so, the consumption here is very economical, and you can enjoy a cup of real stew for only a dozen yuan at most, which is very affordable.The shop is simple and located in an inner street, which is one of the reasons why taxi drivers love this place. At least they can run out in time to beg for mercy when they see the traffic police copying the license plate.I really hope that there will be more and more of this chair belonging to the gentlemen, and it will become more and more stable.

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