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Chapter 32 Steamer Rice and Little White Cat

One day I went to work in the creative industrial park in the suburbs of Guangzhou, and was forced to come to a strange place.Seeing that it was almost time for dinner, I had no choice but to walk into an ordinary-looking small shop on the side of the road for dinner. Generally, this kind of shop is not delicious, but it is economical and affordable.This is a traditional steamer rice restaurant in Guangzhou. Cantonese people have a tradition of "eating cured meat when the autumn wind blows". In the hot and humid early autumn air in the southern country, I ordered steamer rice with preserved meat.

The cashier is a guy with a crew cut, and there is a note pasted in front of the cash register, with the words "Package Talk" written in crooked characters.The turquoise plastic chopsticks are inserted into the chicken bouillon jar, everything is very ordinary.There was a little white stray cat, running around leisurely and carelessly under every table. It was a little dirty and its hair looked gray.I was seriously opening the steamer when Xiaobai came to interact with me. Seeing that I didn't care about it, he dawdled for a while and left. During this period, other guests kept coming in.There is a family of three, the father is carrying two bottles of beer, the mother has a natural frown on her taut face, and the child is dragging a suitcase-like schoolbag with an expressionless face.There are two uncles, chewing and waving chopsticks, talking about social hot spots with righteous indignation and dirty words.I noticed him, a lonely middle-aged man with greasy hair, clothes that were old but clean, and a bunch of keys around his waist.Like most frustrated social people, he has a slack but slightly arrogant look on his face.

Steamed rice with preserved meat is a kind of food that is easy to eat, because you need to take it very seriously, and objectively distribute the ratio of preserved meat, green vegetables, white rice, and pickled radish so that it will not be out of balance from the beginning. In the end, only a pile of green vegetables or a pile of rice is left.Of course, occasionally picky eaters are angry, but this game of proportion is like a trick played by left and right hands, and it is a pastime for eating alone. When I turned around after eating, I saw the middle-aged man threw a piece of meat on the ground, and the little white cat ate happily.He also buried his head in eating his meal very attentively. He swept the rice grains into a pile with his chopsticks, and then scooped them up with a spoon and sent them deep in his throat, as if he didn't want to miss every grain of rice.His eyes were like a hemp rope tightly tied to the steamer in front of him, one person and one cat, moving rapidly at a close frequency, one after another.

At this moment, the wet autumn evening wind came in from outside the door, carrying the special aroma of burning straw stalks in the nearby farmland, and instantly swept the three of us.At this moment, I felt that although you don't know me and I don't know you, you really poked a strange tear in me.
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