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Chapter 31 Thank you, Lee drivers

Bought a couple of big items at IKEA and was anxious to get home and get them set up quickly.I remembered that I called a taxi to deliver goods at this door two years ago. I took out my mobile phone and looked through it. I really found the number of "IKEA Driver Li". , and soon came to pick us up at the gate.Today, when the price of pork has risen so much, he still drove us downstairs with a smile at the price of 50 yuan. Really heartwarming. It has been two years, the car has not changed, the driver has not changed, I am fine, and everyone is fine.It's like every time I go back to my hometown in my imagination and go to the small stall in my memory, the dim lights in the evening breeze are still there, sitting around with low tables and low stools, and the boss who is busy before and after is not old, hanging on his waist A large bunch of keys jingled as they walked.You just need to nod your head, and he will put a bowl of shacha kway teow in front of you in less than three minutes. The chopsticks and spoons have just been taken out of the sterilized cupboard, and they are still warm when you hold them. The yellow peanut butter and brown The sand tea sauce is blended, and the taste is as familiar as an old friend.

The reason why I say it is an imaginary picture is because the owner of my favorite stall broke his leg and had to close indefinitely.There is a saying that is philosophical—it is the hometown that cannot go back, and it is the distant place that cannot go.I didn't understand this sentence in the past. I always felt that I just go back when I go back. What's the big deal, just buy a ticket and go.Until the disappearance of this bowl of kway teow, it seems to herald the exile of a kind of hometown spirit.It seems to be too serious, but the hometown on the tip of the tongue is so stubborn and unchanging. It is best to be "just like the first time I saw it" like Driver Li, and there is always a smiling and hardworking face in the imagination.

People always like the new and dislike the old, but while falling in love with the new love, they also expect the old love to wait in place as always, even though you may never go back to eat this pile of grass, so overbearing that you even have the same emotion for the city.A porridge noodle shop that I thought was okay to come back last week was suspected to be out of business this week and began to be refurbished; a dessert house that I thought was delicious half a year ago, took friends from other places to go this month, and suddenly found that the pleasant sweetness has become annoying. The taste of saccharin, bitterness in the mouth after eating, embarrassment in the heart... These changes are like annoying mosquitoes that have been disturbing the peaceful heart. Occasionally buzzing in the ear is annoying, and it is a collapse after a long time.

There is a word in Japanese that I like very much: life hangs in the balance.It was originally used by Japanese samurai to describe their determination to die, but now the word has become elegant and gentle, and it generally describes people's seriousness in doing things.Many of my friends are flawed people, but I admire them as long as they are serious about doing something, even if they hang their lives doing French nails or insist on plucking armpit hair with eyebrow pliers.Dedication is one of the best qualities of human beings. Seriousness never loses. What loses is the attitude of pursuing one thing.

People always have to do things in their lifetime, and they don't need to be bigger and stronger, just do their best every day to do what they want to do well, that's enough. So, thank you, Lee drivers.
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