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Chapter 30 unhealthy and unhappy

But a bowl of human fireworks 陈大咖 1870Words 2018-03-18
There is a joke widely circulated on the Internet - during the Chinese New Year, a female student from Chaoshan made a phone call at the station. She cried bitterly and complained loudly: "So you were with me just to ask me to send you beef balls during the winter vacation!" It attracted countless spectators. This sentence reminds me of my college days, "Where are you from?" "Chaozhou people." "Then bring me some beef balls next time when you go home." When it comes to Chaozhou, beef balls must be mentioned. It seems that Chaozhou has nothing to talk about except beef balls. Oh, by the way, I also asked if there are many brothers and sisters in your family.My husband is from Chengdu, and he is often asked, "Do you eat chili peppers for every meal?" It's okay to answer once or twice.

Counting the various non-nutritious dialogues in the human growth river, the rigid logic really emerges endlessly.Labels are popular for everything now, adding customary keywords to one thing, and then everyone uses these to understand and define each other.Just like Chinese New Year, young men and women of the right age are always talking about marriage and having children. You ask me and answer, we never seem to be bored, like a walking human flesh repeater repeating conversations with clear results.As a rebellious young woman who doesn't want to compromise too much with smoothness and sophistication, I say to this communication style-enough!I sometimes wish I could be Miss Wallflower, "you can't see me, you can't see me," so I can stay out of every topic I don't want to take a stand on.

Compared with the boring life without nutrition, the labels in the food industry are also unpleasant. When it comes to Beijing is roast duck, Chengdu is hot pot, Hunan is fish head with chopped peppers, Wuhan is duck neck, Lanzhou is ramen, Fujian is Shaxian... Really Is that so?I have rigorously researched why Teochew beef balls are so famous.I have explained to many friends that although beef balls are famous, locals in Chaozhou seldom go for the word "beef balls" when they eat. Only lazy mothers buy beef balls to make soup at home because of convenience.In addition to beef balls, Teochew also has sausage rolls, salted water kueh, fried kway teow, balang fish, salted crab, frozen fish and many other delicacies, all of which are worth talking about more than beef balls.Beef balls stand out among many snacks and become the most famous food label in Chaozhou. I think it is because of its convenient transportation and storage, simple cooking steps, and relatively low cooking requirements, so the comprehensive score is relatively high. However, it is Not the tastiest kind.

This story has always inspired me that the understanding of food must be tolerant. No matter how much you think you know about it, there will always be better food waiting for you.It is a talent to maintain a childlike curiosity, otherwise you will be like a person who only stares at beef balls and misses a lot of good people and good things.Does a restaurant only have signature dishes that are delicious?Is a city only delicious if it is on the Raiders restaurant?Furthermore, do relatives really only have topics such as "when will you get married" and "when are you planning to have children" waiting for you to talk about?

The illogical things in life deserve to be rewarded. Who stipulates that we should say the same things and live the same life as other people? Your "being" For a while, I lived with a relative's child for a few days, a two-year-old brother, the Great Demon King.When he's not making trouble and being obedient, he always holds a big towel in his hand, which he affectionately calls "quilt".This "quilt" with the smell of baby milk and sweat has been washed half-old and not new, but in his eyes, it is worthless. He has to grab food, watch cartoons, and walk around. Grabbing it, stuffing it into his mouth from time to time, holding it and sniffing it, adults will forcefully take it away, and he will cry loudly in exchange for it.

My brother's "quilt" is where his sense of security lies. I heard from my mother that I also had a special liking for a swaddle when I was young. I insisted on covering it every night, and occasionally I would cry and make a fuss when I washed it.My only safety in cotton these days is “pajama bottoms,” and assuming everything else is in place when traveling, the only thing that can drive me crazy is forgetting pajama pants.Even if I live in a sleeping shop in a hotel, a pair of soft 100% cotton pajama pants that belong to me, washed limply and slightly faded, can bring me the feeling of home in a second.If you fall asleep without pajama pants, you will always feel uncomfortable, itchy skin, and even angry and depressed.Other things, small items such as makeup remover, cotton pads, towels, contact lens water, etc., can be bought as new ones, but for this pair of pajama pants, it is meaningless to buy new ones, just want the sunshine Mixed with the familiar smell of laundry detergent, it is the true love of who else.

I was thinking again, what is my "quilt" at the dinner table?Like a friend of mine, I really like to eat cucumbers. Wherever I go to eat, as long as there are cucumbers, I have to order a dish. If there is no one, I have to create it. Thanks to him, we tried pink champagne and garlic cucumbers at the bar. It is elegant and delicious. If he is down-to-earth, then his "being" is to shoot cucumbers.I am not as persistent as he is in "being quilted". It is purely intermittent. I have tried "stir-fried Chinese cabbage with ginger sauce" before the frenzy period, and recently I have been looking for "Hainan chicken rice" everywhere, but there is no Even so, in comparison, he is still an easy person to get along with.

Everyone has different "quilts" at different stages of their life, perhaps because modern people are prone to mild autism, and they are lost without a certain taste of companionship, so they once seemed single-minded.But people are philandering, losing something that they thought was very important, the sun still rises the next day, three meals a day are as usual, and there are dragons and phoenixes as usual. Empathy is just a parting sooner or later.Sometimes I can't even figure out whether I like the "quilt" itself, or the comfort and joy brought to me by the taste and touch of the "quilt".However, from time to time in life, there will be an event that makes one have no reason to love or hate, just like a game of fighting between left and right hands, it is also a happy episode in a long day.Those who insist on being "being" to the end, whether they are lovers or fetishes, must be able to achieve positive results.

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