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Chapter 25 Returning from the hustle and bustle to a peaceful New Year's Eve dinner

What do you eat for Chinese New Year?It is a question that plagues every Chinese family.For New Year’s Eve dinner, if you have a round meal in a restaurant, not only do you have to make an early reservation, but the dishes are also stipulated.I don't really like restaurants around Chinese New Year. I always feel that the taste is not refreshing enough, and I come and go with the same taste, and the entertainment is more than the reality. For this year's New Year's Eve dinner, I plan to order Poon Choi to have a lively meal at home. If Yangcheng Lake male crabs are at that time, I can also collect a few, and I will catch them in the steamer after zero o'clock. The whole family has one, and the fun is simple. Don't bother the New Year's Eve dinner market that is fighting for the head.

The protagonist of winter should be the steaming pot. Every year, as soon as Poon Choi is on the market, it seems to hear "what a winter jasmine, everyone loves it" playing in my ears in a loop.Poon Choi is a good idea, which means that everyone will be full of food in the coming year, and it is quite decent to bring it to the dinner table.Poon Choi is generally 3 layers from top to bottom, and each layer has a variety of ingredients: the top is mainly seafood, including abalone, scallops, fish maw, prawns and other precious ingredients; the middle is roasted pork, mushrooms, and hand-cooked dace Balls, chicken and duck feet, etc.; the bottom layer is filled with cabbage, radish, taro, etc. to absorb the essence of the soup.Eating from top to bottom, the taste gradually transitions from sweet and delicious to rich and colorful, the taste buds gradually open, and the mood is as good as it gets.

What fascinates me the most is the ceremony when eating Poon Choi, the steaming pot, the whole family sits around, and all kinds of exquisite and simple ingredients are neatly piled up to form a hill, looking like there is a small fortune Feel.Poon Choi is also a very interactive dish. Everyone works together and diligently turns the ingredients over and over to make it more palatable. Unknowingly, they also remember what each other likes to eat, whether it is radish or bean curd sticks, roast goose or braised pork, Prawns are still balls of dace. When caught, those who like them either give in to each other or pretend to fight, and there is even more indescribable tenderness.

Contrary to the hustle and bustle of Poon Choi, the way of eating hairy crabs is quiet and focused.Originally, there was no custom of eating crabs during Chinese New Year, but it was just because male crabs are being produced right now, and I was lucky to find that the quality of Yangcheng Lake hairy crabs is quite good, so it is worth looking forward to.After the family has finished eating Poon Choi, the dining room is tidied up, and I will watch the Spring Festival Gala with my parents. After the countdown is over and the turmoil of emotions has come to an end, it is time to catch crabs and put them in the pot.

My habit of eating hairy crabs is very simple, because hairy crabs are so delicious. Cantonese people only know that "the autumn wind blows and the crab feet itch", but they don't know that male crabs after winter are the best.It is best to eat crab with close people. When I savor the sweet and mellow crab paste, I can show my enjoyment unabashedly, squint my eyes and smile, and let you perform.It is best not to have other food on the table to distract attention. At most, you can ask for a bowl of Chaozhou white porridge after eating. In the early morning of the first day of the Lunar New Year, with a peaceful and open-minded attitude, the family finished handling the first Yangcheng Lake hairy crab in the new year to the singing of "Unforgettable Tonight", which is also a way to welcome the spring from the noise and return to the self.

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