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Chapter 19 Goodbye sissies and plasticizers

But a bowl of human fireworks 陈大咖 2369Words 2018-03-18
Since Taiwan kicked off the plasticizer incident, everyone is in danger. After drinking a bottle of problematic drink, the plasticizers in the body will increase.Experts say that excessive intake of plasticizers can harm male fertility and promote precocious puberty in women.In this way, the development of boys tends to be "feminized", which is "sissy" in layman's terms. In order to prevent your boyfriend from stealing your nail polish and mascara one day, let’s pay attention to homemade safe drinks.After a period of housewife records, I have collected these classic drink making methods that are not difficult to make. Although some steps may still have a beginner's atmosphere of "washing your feet and going to the field", please forgive me.

Traditional tea culture usually brews tea leaves with hot water. From the perspective of health preservation, it is even more important not to drink cold tea or overnight tea.Today, cold brewed tea has become one of the items in teahouses, providing a refreshing choice in summer.However, some friends feel that their spleen and stomach are deficient, and they are reluctant to touch cold brewed tea, feeling that it will hurt their health. Many people like to buy "so-and-so brand iced green tea" or "so-and-so brand oolong tea" from the freezer in the convenience store. In fact, cold brew tea is quite simple to make, and it has long been a well-known living habit in Japan.People will use large kettles to make tea at home, and after making homemade tea, put it in the freezer to freeze, and then drink it when needed.Tea leaves soaked in cold water will slowly release the internal substances through cold precipitation, and the essence can also be brought out.Moreover, the cold-brewed tea does not have theophylline brought out by high-temperature soaking, and the light aroma of the tea leaves is more obvious when drinking, refreshing.

My friend POPO from Chongqing once gave me a large bag of tea. The appearance of the tea is very rough, like some kind of dried plant more than tea. It is said that this kind of rough tea is called "Eagle Tea" in the local area. Drinking it in summer can reduce the fire. And digestion appetizer.This kind of tea is suitable for cold brewing, with a thick aroma and a peculiar smell, which is just right with hot hot pot. In a teahouse I often go to, the cold-brewed tea is exquisitely made. The beauty owner, Sister Han, shared with me how to make a successful pot of cold-brewed tea.The first is to choose a glass pot that is easy to observe, and avoid using metal utensils; use pure water at room temperature for water; generally choose lightly fermented oolong tea, green tea, white tea, and fragrant black tea.After the raw materials are ready, just put the 1:50 tea leaves and cold water into the pot, and put it in the freezer for 5 hours.Cold brewing tea does not require skill at all, as long as you have patience, it is easy to operate at home and in the office, and the focus is on the choice of tea.

Gin and Tonic is the most chosen cocktail in the bar. It is cool and refreshing, refreshing from head to toe.Gin and tonic water is very classic, full of lazy hedonism in the world, and it can be made in a few minutes when you are in the mood. It is a must-have panacea for wine lovers at home.There is no limit to the amount of base wine. If you want to stay drunk, you can add double servings of gin. If you are too strong, you can also reduce it. Tonic water and gin are like a natural match. The taste is very harmonious. Beginners Don't worry about messing it up either, I like this little gospel for lazy people the most.

In terms of raw materials, just prepare lime, gin and tonic water.Fill the glass with three-quarters of ice cubes, add 50ml of gin, pour a bottle of tonic water, add a slice of lime, and a glass of the simplest and most classic gin and tonic is made. Mojito is my favorite cocktail. I want to have a drink wherever I go. How to translate this word?Some places call it "Mojito"; those who are seriously ill in literature and art call it "Don't Turn Back"; WHotel's WOOBAR even created a unique nickname for it "Moo Hee Toe", which reads like "Eggplant" Or "Cheese" with a smile, a kind of fun of young sunny beach hipsters grinning among the coconut palms and white sand.

In the crystal clear glass, cool mint pieces are accompanied by lime slices. The wine taste is not strong, but the cheeks will soon flush.The taste is a little sweet, a little bitter, a little sour, but with a fresh aroma in the aftertaste.Some people say that this is the taste of first love. The way to get back your first love is not difficult, and the raw materials are also very common, and you can buy them all in one stop in larger supermarkets.The raw materials are white rum, lime, brown sugar, mint leaves, and tonic water.My experience is that online shopping is the most convenient, and beauties should not go home dejectedly with a big bag of drinks on the street.

When making it, first mash the mint leaves and brown sugar together, gently and forcefully, full of love.I don't like the fact that there are crushed mint leaves clogging the straw when I drink it, and if the mint is smashed too much, it will taste like rotten fruit, just grind it a little bit, don't use too much force.Then add lime juice, fresh lime must be squeezed by hand is the kingly way, don't buy bottled lime juice for convenience, it will not have the aroma of fresh lime squeezed from the peel.Finally, continue to add 75 ml of white rum and tonic water, filter the wine, mainly to separate the dregs of the fruit core, then pour it into a glass with crushed ice, and add mint leaves for decoration.

Sometimes I want to have a drink when I wake up in the summer night, but I have to work until midnight, and I can’t tolerate getting drunk. Homemade Mojito without rum is a solution to the symptoms, not the root cause. This is a cocktail that looks like vegetable soup. It is colorful and flavorful, and the spirit of vodka makes it even more menacing. Just like its mysterious name——Bloody Mary, it makes people feel daunted. The bloodthirsty stimulation, the ups and downs, taste all in one bite. As for the origin of the name Bloody Mary, there are legends that it comes from a violent European baroness, but the bartender told us a story about a dick in an era: There was a man who was addicted to alcohol and went drinking until late at night every day.One day his wife gave him an ultimatum that if he smelled him drinking again, he would divorce him.So the man studied for a long time and invented tomato juice to cover up the smell of alcohol.His wife was named Mary, so Bloody Mary was born.

The St. Regis Hotel says that the Bloody Mary originated from their bar in New York.When I visited the St. Regis in Bangkok, their publicist slapped me hard enough to ask me to try the Southeast Asian version of the Bloody Mary.After just one sip, my face was like dried pickles. It was an extremely sour, extremely spicy cocktail mixed with lemongrass and other spices. It was like some form of Tom Yum Goong.It can't be said to be delicious, really, if it's not for the sake of getting drunk, it's really hard to take a rest. The taste of Bloody Mary is just like its brand story, it has infinite space to play, a hundred different people can create a hundred different flavors, even amateur players have a blockbuster talent.At first, smart New Yorkers felt that the method of mixing tomato juice with vodka was too bland, so they asked the bartender who invented this method to add various condiments to the drink, such as black pepper, chili powder, soy sauce, lemon and a lot of tart. Basco pepper sauce, to satisfy those thrill-seeking nocturnal animals.After coming to China, one of the protagonists is a kind of "喼汁" dipped in fried food. Does it sound like an upright prank game?

It's not difficult to make, just get ready vodka, celery, tomato juice, Tabasco sauce and pepper.A little touch I like is to use a lemon wipe on the rim of the glass with a thin layer of fine salt.I don’t know how much I crave salt. I feel that anything with a little more salt will not have a umami taste. This kind of Bloody Mary tastes like borscht with overturned vodka.But the vodka has too much stamina, and the little paper people like me can't bear it.
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