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Chapter 14 When bamboo noodles meet wonton

I'm not crazy about wanton noodles, I just think it's a bowl of food that won't fill you up, it's a kind of noodle dish that makes you eat calmly, it's fast on the table, and the taste is always good. Wanton noodles, strictly speaking, are a kind of illogical food.Regardless of whether it is ancient or modern, noodles are basically sticks of flour, basically tasteless, and need the help of various soup bases or thick and colorful sauces to conjure up the charm that is popular all over the world.As for wonton, the stuffing wrapped in thin dough has its own taste, and it does not deliberately pursue soup base and sauce.It is easy to fall into a dilemma when pairing tasteless noodles with flavorful wontons, and there is no choice between the two.

When I went to Chengdu to eat noodles with my friends from Macau, everyone praised how delicious the noodles were mixed with "xiang material". Only he blinked and said in a low voice: "I really can't help it. I have been eating Zhusheng noodles since I was a child. I am still used to it." That refreshing taste.” The lack of logic did not prevent the wonton noodle from becoming a symbol of Cantonese street food. Obviously, when it comes to eating, people are always emotional animals, and logic with food will not work.Wanton noodles are cheap, delicious, and unique in taste. The more grassroots food in the neighborhood, the easier it is to become the protagonist of the narrative in collective memories.In the past, there would be noodle shops in the streets and alleys of Guangzhou, and under the arcades. After going back and forth, the small neighbors became old neighbors, and the wonton noodles became the memory of growing up.

In the early years, wonton noodles were a pastime snack, and not every household could afford them. A middle-aged friend once recalled that once he went to eat wonton noodles with the newly paid salary, he used up half a bottle of zhe Jealousy, the boss's face was so dark that it was about to thunder and lightning.Back then, the wontons were wrapped with pork that was scraped directly from the pork bones, and the back of the knife was chopped into minced meat, which was slippery but not loose.Each wonton is only the size of a finger, and wrapped in smooth wonton skin like flowing clouds and yarn, it is very delicate.Later, wonton noodles were gradually developed into a staple meal by tea restaurants. The stuffing became more and more abundant, and the volume became more and more bloated. When you bite it down, pork, shrimp, scallops, and crab roe are mixed together, and the taste becomes more and more diverse. , but can't tell the east, west, north, south, lost the original simplicity and refreshing.As for the alkaline water noodles pressed by Zhusheng, it has gradually become a product of mass production by machines, and the rustic and handmade taste is no longer what it used to be.

Different from the family's warm and gentle mother's soup, the memory attached to the wonton noodles has obvious and inherent fast food characteristics-fast, easy to eat, and full.This characteristic includes many complex feelings, such as the sense of ritual of pressing bamboo noodles and noodles, the mystery of the big soup pot, the feeling of fullness in the mouth, and even the affection for the young master, which cannot be dispelled in "In the Mood for Love". Maggie Cheung, wearing a gorgeous cheongsam, ate wonton noodles under the dim street lights, and then met Tony Leung, who was also eating wonton noodles alone.The story in the rice bowl is just like love. It doesn't need to ask about the past and the future, only the present taste is fascinating.

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