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Chapter 9 Little Women's Beer Bureau

But a bowl of human fireworks 陈大咖 1327Words 2018-03-18
The reason why wine tastes good is precisely because it is bad to drink - as Takeshi Kaneshiro said in the movie "Scarred City". Every time I go home after drinking too much and vomit embarrassingly while holding the toilet, and the food smells like fuel consumption filling my throat and nasal cavity, I think of this line and ask myself what is the purpose of this.When I was a child, I thought wine was not good at all, at least not as easy to drink as fruit juice and milk, and the rancid smell of liquor after adults drank liquor in restaurants was even more disgusting.When I grew up, I had a lot of opportunities to drink, and I got used to it while drinking, and became a person who has no alcohol or joy. Although I blush like a rookie when I drink it, I no longer wonder why there are still many people who drink so badly. The pursuit of the pursuit, the dizzy, drowsy sense of disorientation after drinking, the sharpness and dullness are both audacious and bold, and the function of wine is difficult to replicate.

Beer has been in the same country as food and games since ancient times. There is only right and wrong. For sweet little girls, beer seems to have nothing to do with foreign style. Champagne in a tulip goblet is more suitable for an elegant image. The image of a girl holding a large glass of beer is always associated with wildness, sports, madness, Music, sweat, and gatherings are all connected.However, in the vast sea of ​​wine, I found a bottle of western-style beer that is suitable for drinking alone——French 1664 white beer.This is one of the few good beers with a typical feminine color. When the bottle cap is lifted, the delicate foam unique to white beer is almost about to rush out of the bottle. Pretty nice.Take a sip, the aroma of strong hops is passionate, and you can also capture a hint of citrus and grapefruit aftertaste, light and conservative.

If drinking is not for the sake of "drinking badly", and it is generally easy to chat with the other party, then you should continue to pursue the experience of taste and the atmosphere of packaging.I once drank a special drink. The golden liquid was transparent and clear, with very little foam. It tasted sweet and had a faint aroma of hops. The bitterness and astringency were almost zero, just like the children's set menu in beer.This drink can be made at home by yourself. The raw materials are beer and Sprite, blended in a one-to-one ratio. It is packed in a beautiful glass bottle. It looks very eye-catching when exposed to the sun. But very restrained girls.

In a happy drinking party, you can often toast and bless each other, but don't say "you won't be friends if you don't do it", and don't say a lot of rhyming toasts and then create a lively atmosphere by yourself. Tao", and "too high Tao" usually makes me feel very boring.Drink as much as you want, drink as much as you want, and drink as much as you want, this is the true meaning of a good wine game.A glass of excellent wine is drank by a loser willing to gamble or reluctantly. I am really sorry that it has gone through untold hardships from a grape to today.

So, I don't really like the most common small games on the wine table, such as every seven, counting, big talk dice, and guessing.Firstly, it is very noisy; secondly, it requires brains. It is obviously a so-called "casual" game, but as a result, the spirit is highly tense, and it is impossible to let it go for a while. Why bother.Guys with an old heart are just disappointing, but I also really enjoy the moment when Ye Gonghaolong puts down his cup after taking a sip and says "Oh, it's so cold", and then his friend cherishes and says "Don't drink it", I I think this is true friendship.

I don't have the ability to eat and drink, the throat is not well developed so I can't drink frozen things, and I drink too much liquid and it makes my stomach nauseous. These are all excuses.To say that my favorite is three or five close friends together, deep in the big soft sofa, spend the girl's favorite noble rot, serve some exquisite snacks, everyone gossip about the latest hot events, Chinese style The game can also be 1664 white beer and spicy duck tongue airlifted from Beijing Harbin Mirror.The dim light should be ambiguous, and when 60% of the people are slightly drunk, they should not be on guard, return to themselves, and reach the streaking of thought with each other.

But this heart-to-heart game is only suitable for people with similar tastes, otherwise how can it be said that a thousand glasses of wine are too few to meet a bosom friend.When you meet those people who don't speculate and say more than half a sentence, let's yell "Let's play big talk dice".
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