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Chapter 8 Pangolins do not include postage, dear

But a bowl of human fireworks 陈大咖 1243Words 2018-03-18
There is a saying in the West: You are what you eat.The meaning can be understood as: people are what they eat. So, in the eyes of Chinese people, Cantonese should be——turtle, cat, dog, scorpion, crocodile, civet cat, sea cockroach, sandworm, pangolin, owl, field mouse... right?Sometimes when I meet new friends from other provinces, they always like to ask me about my eating habits, as if I wish I could pick my teeth while saying calmly, "Oh, so what, I only ate pangolin at noon, it's good", Only then were they willing to confirm the various speculations in their hearts for many years.I really want to say: Master Bao!Injustice!

When it comes to family life, who doesn't eat some chickens, ducks, geese, cows, sheep, and pigs?If I were to talk about those ingredients that seemed ordinary to me but that surprised some people, they might be blood cockles, the culprit that once caused the hepatitis epidemic in Shanghai.In a typical Chaoshan family, hot blood cockles are an indispensable reserved dish on the dinner table during festivals and distinguished guests.I still remember the first time my husband came to eat, the elders cheerfully introduced to him that this is "a good food that cannot be eaten in Sichuan", and then the whole table started to eat calmly.When he opened the cockle shell, his whole face was convulsed.In his words, "I didn't dare to offend my father-in-law and mother-in-law when we met for the first time", so I bit the bullet and ate one. It felt "too fishy to swallow", and I retched for a long time afterwards. After repeated psychological counseling, I didn't want to pick it up. Throat induces vomiting.I myself like to eat blood cockles very much. I think the taste is luscious, the meat is fat and tender, and the blood-like juice is indescribably sweet. I couldn't help scolding him as "Zhu Bajie eats ginseng fruit".

Although it is said to be eaten raw, it takes a little skill to handle blood cockles.First of all, after buying blood cockles, soak them in light salt water for half a day, carefully clean each cockle with a hard brush, wash away the sediment, and then filter and dry.Then boil the water until it is about to boil, quickly pour it into the cockles, bake for about three minutes, drain the water and eat.You can also put a few coriander in the water, so that it looks good and takes its aroma.If it is overcooked, the shellfish will be dry and tasteless; if it is not blanched long enough, the blood cockles will not be able to be opened.Knowing the relationship between boiling water and blood cockles is something that the person in charge of the spoon is proud of.

I am rational, but sometimes I still feel uneasy.On the one hand, I feel anxious about the water quality pollution in the environment, and I am afraid that parasites will enter my brain and die suddenly. On the other hand, I can't make a choice because of the delicious taste.I had no choice but to comfort myself silently, I won’t get caught if I eat it once or twice, and besides, I don’t know if the end of the world is true or not, it’s up to him. Regarding the Cantonese dare to eat, I don’t know how much you will know.Is the tofu sweet or salty?This topic has been debated by countless celebrities on the Internet.In my opinion, the view of food needs to be as open as the view of the world.If the source of ingredients is legal and reasonable, and the way of eating is scientific and civilized, you can eat as much as you want.If you go to the vegetable market in Guangzhou, the pork stalls, chicken stalls, and fruit and vegetable stalls are bright and fresh, and the stalls selling scorpions and crocodiles are also prosperous, and you will know that this kind of "dare" comes from the grassroots.Ordinary people live their lives as they please.

Finally, to kill another carbine, the statement "You are what you eat" is by no means groundless.I once ate with a bulky friend, and I kept waving chopsticks to fight, and he himself said that he was full with just a few chopsticks.I said: "Impossible, your appetite is so small?" He smiled all over his face: "Yes, I am a fat man who has been wronged." Later I observed that although I have a long-lasting fighting power, I usually just drink a little I have a clear soup with little water, eat some fruits and vegetables, and love to look for small, frivolous, flashy and exquisite things to try and eat, so it creates the illusion that there are beautiful shadows everywhere, and my "wronged" fat friend , but I like to eat noodles, fatty meat, high-calorie carbohydrates, etc., which is my worst bite.From a scientific point of view, sir, you have not been wronged.

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