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Chapter 4 There should be no future in the Ming Dynasty

But a bowl of human fireworks 陈大咖 1098Words 2018-03-18
At the end of May, Chengdu.I picked up the last cherry on the plate, and happily put the reddish-yellow, fragile, agate-like bead into my mouth. With the tip of my tongue, the tender peel burst open. The sweet and sour cherry juice is better than nectar, impeccable.Suddenly, I realized that the cherry season in Chengdu would be over in just a few days, and I immediately felt a slight sense of loss. Eating cherries in Chengdu is a new thing for me. Before that, my knowledge of cherries was limited to the cherries that were enshrined on fruit plates during festivals.The imported cherries have big red skin, thick flesh and strong flavor, and are chokingly sweet.I have always thought that cherries are the same as imported products such as red snake fruit and black brin. The significance of displaying and displaying abundance is greater than enjoying on the tip of the tongue. It was not until I met this kind of local cherries like Xiaojiabiyu that I knew the other side of cherries. A piece of heaven and earth.

This kind of cherries is delicate and pleasant, and it is flawless in the hand. People can't put it down. After eating one after another, they will soon forget about it. In a blink of an eye, a large bowl will enter the stomach. The rich iron in cherry flesh is of great benefit to the body, and vitamin C can also make the skin better.Do you feel that there is such a perfect fruit in the world?Of course, the Creator is fair. The shelf life of this cherry is very short, almost only 24 hours. After that, the flesh will soon start to rot and emit a fermented smell.In addition, its time to market is also very short. From the end of April to June, it will bid farewell to the colorful fruit stalls. If you didn’t rush to buy a plane ticket and rush to Chengdu, you might miss this issue for a while. fate.

In the Chengdu market, there are tender and ready-to-drip cherries every year and only in May.The cherries on the market at the beginning of the month were from the villages near Xichang and Panzhihua in southern Sichuan.Due to the suitable humidity, high temperature and abundant sunshine, the cherries in southern Sichuan are about the size of glass checkers, and they are extremely red, and there seems to be a layer of natural wax on the surface. When eaten in the mouth, in addition to the sweet and sour smell of the cherries themselves, there is more A special fragrant waxy taste.Within a week at most, the cherries in southern Sichuan disappeared without a trace, and the local cherries in Chengdu entered the market immediately.Local cherries are slightly smaller in size, golden-red in color, and not too sweet, but they have a better fragrance, are softer, and are full of juice.Around May 20, the local cherry picking was almost done, and the best Wenchuan cherries came slowly.The high-altitude Wenchuan has better sunshine conditions, but the temperature is relatively low. Therefore, Wenchuan cherries are smaller and almost completely transparent under the lamp. They are juicy and sweet, which is a gift of nature.

It is rarely seen in Guangzhou and Shenzhen.Perhaps it is because the imported freight in the Pearl River Delta is more developed, and cherries have squeezed out the status of local cherries, or it may be because of the large population of big cities, it is simply not suitable for such expensive and modest gadgets to go on the market.However, some sisters who love to eat small cherries found that through online shopping, they can buy them in boxes, and then "divide the spoils" among each household.Oh, but isn’t fruit the kind of thing that you have to take for a walk, buy something on the side of the road with nothing to do, and then wash it up and eat it right away?If you want to have it here, you can only blame it for being too sweet and pleasant.

There are many names for cherries. I think the more interesting one is the word "Hantao", which is very fresh and vivid.Bai Juyi's "Wu Cherry" is very cleverly written: "Hantao is the most representative of Soochow, with a strong fragrance and a special smell. There are thousands of Qiaqia, and two or three plants are whirling. , people trample on pearls when picking them. It is a pity that the wind blows and the rain beats, and there should be nothing in the future of the Ming Dynasty."
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