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Chapter 2 no gray garlic

I don't know why such a foreign person like me likes to eat garlic so much. Once on the streets of Xi'an, I sat among a group of local uncles dressed in fancy clothes, with a large bowl of mutton in front of me, peeling garlic with scarlet nails and throwing it into my mouth, while eating large pieces of meat, which was extremely refreshing.Eating Chaozhou marinated goose is absolutely inseparable from mashed garlic and white vinegar; if there is no garlic and sesame oil in Sichuan hot pot, it is still far away from authentic; all kinds of vegetables fried with garlic are versatile; whether it is pork ribs, Scallops or eggplants, garlic is a good friend; garlic baguette makes this hard stick glow with new spring... I can't imagine how boring the rice bowl will be without garlic.

Ever since I fell in love with Korean barbecue, I have been completely conquered by garlic.Especially the beef tongue, grilled until it just changes color, then roll it up, drip some lemon juice, dip it in miso, wrap a piece of garlic and send it to your mouth, just the right aroma of oil, a slight milk taste, mixed with the refreshing and big taste of lemon The thick soybean smell brought by the sauce is already extremely charming.What I look forward to more is the moment when I bite it down, the crispy garlic will immediately give feedback, with a strange fragrance, and a layer of glistening sweat beads from the tip of the nose, refreshing and full of energy.

Garlic is native to the west coast of the Mediterranean Sea, and the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans fell in love with it three thousand years ago.The Chinese eat garlic thanks to Zhang Qian who was sent to the Western Regions during the period of Emperor Wu of the Western Han Dynasty.It is estimated that Mr. Zhang is also a friend of our barbecue gang. Before returning to China, he felt that he had no courage to abandon the cuisine of the Western Regions, so he simply brought back all the seasonings, not only garlic, but also sesame seeds, broad beans, cucumbers and carrots.With the exploration of the delicious Mr. Zhang, there is the Silk Road. Really, the desire to eat is an extremely important driving force for changing the world.

The smell of garlic is so strong that even vampires are afraid of it.But even if you make yourself smelly, garlic lovers don't know it, and they will be a little mischievous and complacent.Unexpectedly, the people around me had endured and endured for a long time, only dared to hold their breath, and forced to keep smiling.If you like garlic, you will naturally fall in love with its three aunts and six wives: leeks, onions, garlic sprouts, green onions, scallions, and so on.And garlic is an ingredient that has no gray area. Those who love it are happy, and those who hate it cover their noses and run away. There is no way to have the mentality of "then I will just eat it today". The most important is the value of "if you love, please love deeply".

If you love garlic but are lazy, a better way is to turn all your friends into garlic lovers: "Eating garlic is good, it can lower cholesterol, lower blood fat, kill bacteria, clear intestines and remove toxins, and it can also remove acne." When there are stinky people, there will be no stinky people in the world.Finally, I would like to share with you a tip: eating a few peanuts after eating garlic can quickly reduce the disturbing smell.
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