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But a bowl of human fireworks

But a bowl of human fireworks


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  • 1970-01-01Published
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Chapter 1 Sichuan cuisine that starts with the tip of the pea

But a bowl of human fireworks 陈大咖 1108Words 2018-03-18
Because my husband’s hometown is in Chengdu, some white-eyed friends would ask me, "I must eat a lot of chili when I go to their house." At first, I debated a few words, and the home-cooked dishes of Sichuan cuisine are actually not very spicy.Later, I didn't bother to explain, and smiled noncommittally under their sympathetic eyes. Sichuan cuisine should be one of the most widely copied cuisines in China, but I seldom go to Sichuan restaurants in Guangzhou. The reason is not that I am afraid of spicy food or oil.I don’t want to go to a Sichuan restaurant because I don’t want to make myself angry—almost all the Sichuan restaurants in Guangzhou produce, and the ones I can afford are all substandard. It’s not as good as the Chengdu mother’s craftsmanship I ate at home. many.

The taste of cheap restaurants on the street may be slightly similar, but the quality of the ingredients is really poor. Without the cleverness and great wisdom produced by "fly restaurants" in Sichuan, the hygienic conditions are more likely to make people hungry; And because it inevitably caters to the Cantonese-style eating habits, it loses its charm and spirituality; Well, the taste is a thousand miles away... Every time I try it, I am disappointed, and I simply give up thinking about it. What is even more sad is that these crudely made things have become the main perception of Sichuan cuisine by local people. They think that Sichuan cuisine is oily, salty, spicy and spicy, and it is directly equal to unhealthy.You can’t refute this kind of cognition in the Guangzhou-Shenzhen area, but as long as you go to Bashan and Shu, you will probably give up automatically.

You don't need to go up to the height of boiled cabbage, just a plate of fish-flavored eggplant can make you feel the beauty of Sichuan cuisine.Wrapped in a sauce with a balance of sweet, sour and spicy flavors, the fried eggplant is purple and yellow. It tastes not only rich in taste, soft and sweet, but also authentic.The focus of fish-flavored eggplant is the preparation of fish-flavored sauce, which requires the use of soaked red pepper, Pixian watercress, brown sugar, mature vinegar, cooking wine, ginger, onion, garlic and other ingredients to combine an unusually rich taste experience.

Fish flavor is just one of the various flavors of Sichuan cuisine. Compound flavor seasoning methods and condiments such as dry roast, strange flavor, pepper, red oil, hot and sour, tangerine peel, sweet and sour, lychee, and garlic give Sichuan cuisine endless variations. .Of course, spicy is still the signature of Sichuan cuisine, but well-cooked Sichuan cuisine will never be unreasonable and reckless. You can clearly feel the interaction between spicy and spicy. It rises and falls on the tongue with a sense of rhythm, but it can still keep the original taste of the ingredients, which is very wonderful.If you want to experience the spicy flavor, I suggest you try Mapo Tofu in Chengdu, to ensure that you can eat comfortably and every pore in your body will open to breathe.

The Sichuan cuisine I love is delicate and delicate from head to toe.Pea tips—tender pea shoots picked about 30 days after they germinate—are a wonderful representation of delicacy.Compared with the thin bean sprouts commonly used in Cantonese cuisine, the stems and leaves of the pea tips are thicker, but probably because of the difference in water and soil, the pea tips in Sichuan are extremely tender and very delicious.Pea tips can be stir-fried or boiled in soup, but my favorite is cold salad.Slightly put the pea tips under the boiling water, pick up, filter and let cool, add garlic paste and sesame oil, mix well, drop two drops of mature vinegar, and sprinkle evenly with salt.This Sichuan-style salad has a strong spring feeling, it melts in the mouth, it is sweet and invincible, and it is very elegant.

Next time you go to eat Sichuan cuisine, don’t be in a hurry to order big pots of big dishes like boiled beef and spicy chicken. Pay more attention to the small dishes that are usually ignored, maybe it will make you love it even more.
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