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Chapter 61 calcium in bone

Poetry is not clear 潘向黎 2124Words 2018-03-18
Once in an interview, I was asked, "What is Lu Xun in your mind?" I replied, "Mr. Lu Xun is the salt in the water, the calcium in the bones, and the light in the clouds." If this evaluation is placed in the Tang Dynasty, is there any poet worthy of it?I think: Yes, Liu Yuxi. Liu Yuxi and Liu Zongyuan were called "Liu Liu" together, and they were the two of the "Eight Sima", the backbone of "Yongzhen Reform", and they were suppressed at the same time and simultaneously, and relegated repeatedly and for a long time.Liu Yuxi was first demoted to Langzhou Sima, and later transferred to Lianzhou, Kuizhou, and Hezhou Governors.

Different from Liu Zongyuan's melancholy, depression, introversion and forbearance, his character is bright and stubborn.He seems to have a strange ability: he can obtain reaction-like energy from adversity. The more severe the suppression, the straighter the spine, the darker the environment, the brighter the inner flame. Such a person is amazing, amazing, and amazing. Respectfully. The strong is first of all a normal person, and of course there will be melancholy in adversity.In his reply to Liu Zongyuan's poem, he wrote: "Go back to your eyes and go back to the end of the geese, and you will be sad when you meet the broken ape." The resentment of Xiaoxiao's generation -- "The long-term hatred of the heart is not as good as water, and it will make waves on the ground." ("The Seventh of Nine Poems of Zhuzhi Ci") But just this, he is not Liu Yuxi.

Liu Yuxi is stronger, brighter, wider and tougher.For political opponents, he was more contemptuous, ridiculed and ridiculed. When he was recalled to Chang'an for the first time after being demoted for ten years, he made no secret of his contempt and ridicule towards the enemies: Look at the flowers. There are thousands of peach trees in Xuandu Temple, all of which were planted by Liu Lang after he went." ("Yuanhe Ten Years Called from Langzhou to Beijing Opera to Present Flowers to Gentlemen") - the upstarts of the Manchu Dynasty, But it was only after I was pushed out that the villain became successful.As soon as this poem came out, he and his companions were immediately retaliated and demoted again. Liu Yuxi was demoted for 14 years, during which he experienced four emperors before being recalled again.

At this point, Daiyu's tearful question after Zhong Baoyu was beaten could not help but hear: "Have you changed everything?" This question is actually very tangled, and the person who asked the question didn't know what he wanted to hear. Which answer.If you don't change it, you don't know how much you will suffer; if you change it, if you don't tell people who have been wronged, your noble temperament will gradually disappear from everyone, what a tragedy!It is normal for Liu Yuxi to "change" in order to protect himself, but we readers of Tang poetry inevitably do not want him to be so "wise".

Liu Yuxi answered with actions.Fourteen years later, this tough guy came back alive. As soon as he came back, he immediately went to the Xuandu Temple, which caused trouble, and went right away. Do you still write poems?Write!The title is "Revisiting the View of Xuandu".Know how to be reserved this time, so as not to cause trouble?how is this possible!Not only did he add a small preface to the poem, which originally described the disaster caused by the poem, but he also laughed and scolded even more contemptuously: "The hundred-acre garden is half covered with moss, and the peach blossoms are all in bloom. Where do the Taoist priests who grow peaches go? Former Du Liu Lang Jin is here again.”—Those who were in power in the past, where are you now?Liu Yuxi, who was framed and persecuted by you, is back again.This poem is not gnashing of teeth at all, it is the smile on the lips of a real winner, so confident, so proud, so light and careless, so it is particularly dazzling.How can such a poem, forged with life and temperament and with a shining personality, not be recited through the ages?

Yet the price of such arrogance is staggering.His relegation career has turned out to be twenty-three years in total.Bai Juyi also complained for him: "Bring me a cup of wine and drink, and sing a song with the king. The poem says that the country's hand is only for you, and life is overwhelming. There is nothing to do. The scenery is always lonely, and the official positions of the Manchu Dynasty are wasted alone. Also Zhihe is compromised by talent and name, and it is too much in twenty-three years." ("Drunk Gifts to Liu Twenty-eight Envoys") The last two sentences say: I also know that official sports will be compromised by poem names and talents, but twenty-three The annual discount is too much!The extreme admiration for Liu Yuxi's extraordinary talent and the infinite sympathy for failing to display his ambitions and suffering setbacks are all in it.

This kind of understanding and sympathy is warm and sad, even for a fighter.But Liu Yuxi's mind is broad. He replied with an eternal swan song: "Bashanchushui is a desolate place, and I abandoned it for 23 years. Nostalgic and empty, I heard the flute and Fu, and I went to the countryside like a Lanke person. The side of the sinking boat Thousands of sails pass by, and Wanmuchun is in front of the sick tree. Listen to a song of the king today, and drink a glass of wine for the time being." It is said that this poem is optimistic, but it is actually a complaint.At the beginning, I repeated the time when I was abandoned by Bai Juyi: twenty-three years, during these long years, the poet missed the friends who suffered together, and he could only recite in vain. The "Ode to the Old" I wrote, when I returned to my hometown, I was like the ancient man who went to the mountains to cut firewood and met an immortal and played chess. The handle of the ax was rotten before the end of the game. people.My comrades and I are like a shipwreck, watching thousands of sails racing past us, thousands of trees competing for spring in front of the desolate sick trees...

"Thousands of sails pass by the side of a sinking boat, and ten thousand trees spring in front of a sick tree" is a well-known sentence through the ages, but the understanding of it is different.As far as I can see, there have been at least three explanations.It can be roughly summarized as follows: One is that although one does nothing, one is still full of hope, because the society is always moving forward due to the replacement of the old with the new.Second, "Shen Zhou" and "Sick Tree" refer to myself, "Qian Fan" and "Wan Mu" refer to my comrades-in-arms, which expresses my comfort to my comrades forging ahead after lamenting my wasted time, and has the meaning of encouragement and self-encouragement.Third, "Sunken Boat" and "Sick Tree" include myself and my comrades-in-arms, "Qianfan" and "Wanmu" refer to the upstarts of the dynasty, and the poems contain infinite indignation and laughter and cursing, but they are very subtle.

According to the poet's life and the situation at that time, I tend to believe that this is a big complaint, a joke and scolding.It's just that the two sentences completely appeal to the image, vivid and picturesque, and the picture itself is full of vitality, which seems to contain a kind of philosophy, so it is often "misinterpreted" by later generations intentionally or unintentionally as "there is always hope in adversity" and "new things must overcome". old things" etc.I think, if the poet's original intention is to complain, but later generations "use" it to encourage themselves and others, is there anything wrong?If Liu Yuxi, who is cheerful and open-minded by nature, knows, he will only laugh.

Finally, the poet said: After listening to a song you sang for me today, let's drink a few glasses together, forget our sorrows, and cheer up our spirits!Changing Bai Juyi's helplessness and depression into open-mindedness and clarity, by then he has already seen the changes in the world and the gains and losses in life, and the victory of morality and character has repelled the setbacks and sufferings in reality. It is no longer "colorful clouds are easy to disperse and glass is brittle", but at the same time as high and clean as clouds and as clear as glass, it has grown hard bones, weathered wind and rain, and resisted blows.Such a strong person has added hardness to the title of poet and the humanistic bones of the nation.

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