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Chapter 40 Every frown and smile can be seen and heard

Poetry is not clear 潘向黎 1241Words 2018-03-18
I have never liked this poem, but one day when I faced it, I suddenly laughed: "Let's go together to Danbi, divide Cao to limit Ziwei. The dawn follows the sky, and the evening provokes the royal fragrance to return. The white hair is sad and the flowers fall. , the blue clouds are envious of the birds flying. There is nothing wrong with the holy dynasty, and there are few consciously admonishing books." The title of this poem is "Ji Zuo Sheng Du Supplements".The author is Cen Shen.That's right, it turned out to be Cen Shen, who is famous for his frontier poems.When I first read it, I felt that it was a disappointment for Cen Shen, who was full of pride and eloquent, to write such mediocre verses with a eulogizing atmosphere.Then I realized that this was irony, a high-level complaint.I don't feel mediocre anymore, but I still don't like it very much.

The reason why I laughed that day was because I noticed that this "Zuo Sheng Du Supplement" was Du Fu.I suddenly "discovered" that Cen Shen and Du Fu had been colleagues.And their classes are also very depressing: they also have to work "nine to five", they will not meet their interests, and they will have nothing to do... Even, they also have workplace complaints, and they will helplessly complain to those who can be trusted among their colleagues, such as Many people grumble on MSN at work today.This is so much fun.Of course, their boss can't be offended.

From the second year of Emperor Suzong Zhide to the first year of Qianyuan (757-758), Cen Shen and Du Fu served in the court together, and they were both admonishers.Cen Shen served as You Buque, which belonged to Zhongshu Province, and Du Fu served as Zuo Shiyi, which belonged to Menxia Province and lived in Zuo Department. This is what "Fen Cao" means.The general idea is: we walked up the red steps quickly together, and lined up on both sides in front of the emperor during the court meeting.In the morning, he entered the palace majestically with the emperor's guard of honor, and in the evening he returned to the mansion with the fragrance of the imperial furnace on his official uniform.When I saw the flowers falling, I was sad that my temples were already white. When I saw the birds, I envied that they could spread their wings and fly high.Nowadays, there is no bad government in the Taiping era when Mingjun is in power, and we all feel that there are fewer and fewer memorials for admonishment.The last two sentences are ironic. It is not that there is no bad government, but that the emperor does not listen to loyal advice, conceals mistakes, and restricts speech. Naturally, the admonishing officials cannot fulfill their responsibilities.What he complained about was his old age. Although he was in an official position that was supposed to save the people and benefit the country, he could only waste his time and talents, and lived a boring life full of stereotypes and bad habits in his heart.

Cen Shen and Du Fu were colleagues, and they would complain in private about their inaction.All of a sudden, these two giants in the history of literature and in my mind turned into ordinary people of normal height, and they were very close to us, so close that we could see the tangle between their brows and hear their heavy sighs. Another song that makes me feel interesting and brings me closer is Han Yu's "A Spring Outing in Qujiang, a Foreign Member of the Ministry of Water, Sending White Twenty-two Households": "The desert is light and cloudy at night, and the blue sky and the sun reflect the towers. The Qujiang water is full of flowers. Qian Shu, you won’t come when you’re really busy.”

"Ministry Zhang from the Ministry of Water" is of course the poet Zhang Ji (the one who wrote "Huan Jun's pearl with tears, wishing to meet when she was not married", and cleverly refused to be wooed by the rich and powerful), he is a student of Han Yu, and Han Yu made friends with him Very good, he is featured in several masterpieces: "Tiao Zhang Ji" ("Li and Du's articles are here, the flames are long"), "Early Spring is the Eighteen Members of the Ministry of Water" ("The light rain on Tianjie is as moist as crisp") ... Bai Ershiersheren is none other than Bai Juyi, who was then a member of Zhongshushe — needless to introduce, except for Bai Juyi who wrote "Pipa Xing", there is no second Bai Juyi.

Han Yu made an appointment with Zhang Ji and Bai Juyi for a spring outing in Qujiang, but Zhang Ji came, but Bai Juyi didn't.So Han Yu said: "Although the weather is a bit cloudy, it will clear up in the evening, and the blue sky is shining on the building in daylight."The Qujiang River is full of spring water, thousands of trees are full of flowers, and the beauty is so beautiful. What important things do you have to do, but you just don’t want to come? Writing about the beautiful scenery first, and complaining about friends breaking appointments later, not only regrets and disappointments, but also implicit ridicule: You are the official of the court, are we ordinary people and idlers?We can all come in time, but you can't let go of mundane affairs, live up to the promise of friends and the beauty of the beautiful day?I find it interesting to imagine the expression of Bai Juyi who is being blamed, and Han Yu who is brooding over his friend's "wrong behavior" is even cuter.

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