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Chapter 26 Let's see the masters sing the opposite

Poetry is not clear 潘向黎 1402Words 2018-03-18
The so-called "singing a different tune" here refers to those who do not follow the stereotypes and are original.Some brilliant poets are often good at playing the opposite. Whose contradictory will it be?The first is to sing the opposite of the psychological stereotype. When parting is often sad and lost, "the only thing that is sad and ecstasy is farewell!" (Jiang Yan's "Farewell Fu"), but the naysayers are just not.For example, Wang Bo’s "Send Du Shaofu to Shuchuan" not only believes that "confidantes are always in the sea, but neighbors are like neighbors in the world", and finally said: "Inaction is on a forked road, and children will share the towel"-don’t act like a child and cry when parting of!Open-minded and firm, open-minded, not only get rid of the long-standing habit of being sad and lingering when you write about parting, but also think that the most important thing in the relationship between people is the relationship between the heart and not getting along day and night.However, Wang Changling's "Sending Chai to the Imperial Palace" sang the opposite tune tactfully: "The flowing water connects Wugang with waves, and you don't feel hurt when you send it off. The green hills are the same as the clouds and rain, and the bright moon has never been the two towns." , although the expression is similar to "a confidant in the sea, a neighbor in the world", but it is full of imagination and has a strong lyrical temperament, unlike the former with a philosophical flavor.Gao Shi's "Farewell to Dong Da" sings the anti-sorrow and parting mood most vigorously and boldly: "Thousands of miles of yellow clouds and white sun, the north wind blows wild geese and snow. Don't worry about the road ahead without a confidant. Who in the world does not know the king?" "The words come from the heart, full of the power of friendship and faith, and they are loud and loud. Not only does it not make children cry when they face differences, but it is like a glass of mellow spirits, which is worthy of the behavior of a man with lofty ideals!

Autumn is a season that is prone to melancholy. Nature is "boundless and desolate", which makes people feel desolate, desolate, lonely, and sentimental.However, some people also sang a cheerful and bright anti-key.The most outstanding one should be one of Liu Yuxi's "Two Poems of Autumn": "Since ancient times, autumn has been sad and lonely, and I say that autumn is better than spring. When the sky is clear and the cranes line up on the clouds, the poetry will be drawn to the blue sky." , How lively and inspiring to write autumn!Du Mu also likes autumn: "The building is leaning on the frost tree, and there is nothing in the sky. The Nanshan and the autumn scenery are two high" ("Chang'an Autumn Hope"), this is a relatively simple autumn hymn; Flying for the first time, bring the pot to Cuiwei with the guests. It is rare in the world to smile, and the chrysanthemums must be planted on the head. But you will be drunk to pay for the festival, and you don’t have to go to hate Luohui. This is the case throughout the ages, why should Niushan be alone in the clothes?" —— "Nine Riqi Mountain Climbing Higher is the refreshing and open-minded after fighting against depression.

There are also those who are contrary to human nature. "The sound and books outside the mountains are cut off, and the winter returns to the spring. I am more timid near the hometown, and dare not ask people." (Song Zhiwen "Crossing the Han River") I have lost news with my family for a long time, and I am coming to my hometown. I should have been eager to inquire about it. News, but what is shown here is the opposite. It is the timidity of being close to the hometown, and I dare not inquire about it. The thoughts and worries about my family are deeper.Du Fu's "Anti-fear news comes, what's the point of an inch of heart!" ("Shu Huai") has the same effect.The husband and wife reunited after a long absence during the war, but instead of writing about joy, they wrote about surprise: "Late at night, candles are held, and relatives are like dreams." (Du Fu's "Qiang Village" No. 1) is also an anti-tune of human nature, leaving a deep impression on people.

A little bit of "grand narrative" is to sing against the historical conclusion.In this regard, Du Mu is a first-class expert.For example, in the Battle of Chibi, Sun and Liu's allied forces defeated Cao's army with a fire attack, but he imagined the opposite possibility: "Dongfeng does not make peace with Zhou Lang, and Tongquechun locks Erqiao deeply." ("Red Cliff") wrote history The decisiveness of certain factors at critical moments, as well as the contingency contained in the process of historical development.He also doesn't take Xiang Yu's suicide in Wujiang River seriously: "Victory and defeat are unexpected in the military's family affairs, and he is a man who bears shame and shame. The children of Jiangdong are so talented and talented, and it is unknown to make a comeback." He has the endurance to endure hardships and the perseverance and tenacity of perseverance.Such an ingenuity, but instead of talking about the matter, the predecessors commented on Du Mu's "using the method of reversal of the case, falling to the next level, and awakening his righteousness".This method, if lacking in talent, often seems forced, but Xiao Du is a talented man, so he can use it freely.Li Shangyin also has this kind of talent. In his "Chang'e", he wrote the immortal fairy as a sympathetic lonely woman: "Chang'e should regret stealing the elixir, and Bihai Qingtian is heartbroken every night." Although it is an excuse, but the view of Chang'e is also Sing a little contrarian.

Thanks to these dissident poets, because of them, flowers of individuality bloomed on the ancient branches of poetry, and the colors are distinctive and distinctive.
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