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Chapter 23 love from a flower

Poetry is not clear 潘向黎 1377Words 2018-03-18
What keeps a poet alive in our hearts is often not the big details, but the details.In spring, if you blurt out "The rain of apricot blossoms makes your clothes wet, and the wind of willows blows on your face" (Southern Song Dynasty Seng Zhi Nan sentence), you will admire the delicate and fresh lines of these two lines, but you don't think that the author is a member of the corrupt court. Eagle Dog is also an expert in the world. Since "Gift to the Eight Priests of the Guard" made Du Fu step down from the altar in my mind, I began to reread Du Fu intermittently.Gradually, I discovered the cuteness of Du Fu.Yes, he is a kind-hearted person. He has such sincere love and deep pity for all the people in the world, his wife, children, friends, and neighbors. to" evaluation.Yes, he is also a person who is extremely attached to life and never despairs. That kind of painful affection makes him like an unrequited lover.More importantly, he is a sensitive and meticulous person to beauty.As long as life gives him a moment of peace, his eyes will find some surprising beauty, even if it is only a fragment, even if it is very small.

How he likes flowers and plants.In the thatched cottage in Chengdu, he wrote "the wind is green and clean, and the rain is red and fragrant". "Green hanging bamboo shoots in the wind, red blooming rain and plump plums", and the color is placed at the beginning, which is very eye-catching. The word "blossom" and the word "fat" are so vivid. Wherever he went, his eyes were full of flowers, and the fragrance of flowers was everywhere: "the stamens of the flowers are disordered, there are many bees and butterflies flying around", "the river moves and the moon moves stones, the stream is empty and the clouds are next to the flowers", "the mountains and rivers are beautiful in late days, and the flowers and birds are fragrant in the spring breeze", "Birds in the river are over white, and the blue flowers on the mountain are about to burn", "The clouds cover the first crescent moon, and the fragrance spreads to the small trees and flowers"...Because of cherishing flowers, it is inevitable to hurt the spring-"A piece of flowers flying reduces the spring, and the wind blows thousands of points Worrying about people." He protested against the damage of flowers and trees: "The peaches and plums planted by hand are not without owners, and the wild old wall is still home. It's like the spring breeze bullying each other, blowing off several branches of flowers at night." Although it is tactful, it is still very distressing.

The one that embodies his love of flowers is "Seven Quatrains of Looking for Flowers Alone by the Riverside".One of them is like this: "In front of the Huangshi Pagoda, the river is east, and the spring is lazy and leaning on the breeze. Peach blossoms are in clusters, and there is no owner. Love the deep red and light red?" Facing the peach blossoms in full bloom, the white hair is gray Du Fu actually had a childish question: Should I love dark red or light red? The other song is: "Huang Siniang's house is full of flowers, thousands of flowers are pressed down on the branches. The lilian opera butterfly dances from time to time, and the free-spirited oriole just sings." The lush and dense flowers, the branches that are suppressed and drooping, The butterflies flying at that time, and the oriole singing just when the guest came, formed a dynamic and charming spring picture scroll, which contained infinite joy.

The most common love for flowers may be this poem: "If you don't love flowers, you want to die. I'm afraid that the flowers will grow old. The branches are easy to fall one after another, and the tender pistils bloom carefully." The first line of the poem explains that it is to cherish The fleeting time is not just about loving flowers to death (in fact, it just proves that love flowers are extraordinary).The last two sentences say that once the flowers are in full bloom, they will wither one after another, so those that have not yet bloomed should be discussed and carefully bloomed slowly.These two sentences are his exhortations to the flowers, and he even thinks that the buds know how to "negotiate".

This kind of love for flowers and plants, in my opinion, not only does not damage his great love for the country and the people, but also makes his love for the motherland and the people more flesh-and-blood and more touchable. . Similarly, what I like the most about Lu You, the great poet of the Song Dynasty, is not his bold and unrestrained words of "Iron Horse and Autumn Wind" (I have doubts about the political and military talents of poets, let alone Lu You, a majestic seven-foot man. I can’t even keep my beloved wife, talk about how to protect the family and defend the country), but the optimism and wisdom of "the mountains and rivers are full of doubts, and the willows are dark and the flowers are bright in another village", but "the small building listens to the spring rain all night, and the deep alley sells apricot blossoms in the Ming Dynasty " is fresh and bright. In such a sentence with the fragrance of rain and flowers, I feel his sensitivity and love for the poetic beauty in life. Just because he cannot tolerate such beauty being destroyed and trampled, he will also be patriotic.

At least for the foreseeable future of mankind, patriotism has always been a valuable emotion.In the past, it was often said that patriotism is a sacred territory, that is, five thousand years. In fact, daily life does not need to be such a "grand narrative". To love the motherland, you might as well start with a flower, whether it blooms in Tang poetry or just in yours. underfoot.
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