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Chapter 8 Chariot Horse Sansheng Stone

Poetry is not clear 潘向黎 1542Words 2018-03-18
This "Yue Yao Song" is really cute.According to records, "When you first make friends with others, you are polite, seal the earth altar, sacrifice dogs and chickens, and congratulate:..." The above is the content of their "congratulations" in this ceremony.It reflects the customs of the Yue people, and furthermore, it reflects their understanding of friendship-the acquaintance of the poor and the humble, the rich and the noble, and their sincere wish for this friendship to last forever. This is a vivid commentary on friendship.Isn't that what true friendship should be like?Connected minds, congenial temperament, treat each other with sincerity, no scheming, no matter how the status changes, it will not change.This kind of friendship is as pure as a clear spring and bright moon, and as rare as fine gold and jade. It is one of the most precious gifts from God.

Speaking of friendship, this reminds me of two stories.One is the story of the Sansheng Stone in the Tang Dynasty.One is the story of Zhang Yong and Fu Lin in the Song Dynasty.The story of Sanshengshi was read in Zhang Dai's "West Lake Dream Search", but the source is Su Dongpo's "Yuanze Biography".It is a story of two confidantes, friends of life and death.Li Yuan in the Tang Dynasty, his father was Guang Luqing, and later died in the Anshi Rebellion. After his father died, Li Yuan, who was famous for his profligacy and profligacy, changed drastically. My own home, and later Huilin Temple.There is a monk named Yuan Ze in the temple, who is proficient in music, and he is very congenial with Li Yuan, who was originally good at singing.Later, the two traveled together, via Jingzhou, which Li Yuan insisted on, and halfway through the boat, they met a woman drawing water. Yuan Ze sighed, "I don't want to go this way, I just want to avoid this woman." Yuan was shocked and asked, Yuan Ze said, "This woman's surname is Wang, I should be her son. She has been pregnant for three years, and if I don't come, she will not be able to give birth. Now that we have met, it is fate that cannot escape. When you come to see that baby in three days, I will smile at you as a proof. In another thirteen years, on the moonlit night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, I will meet you outside Tianzhu Temple in Hangzhou." That night, Yuanze passed away and his wife surnamed Wang person giving birth.Li Yuan went to visit three days later, and the baby really smiled at him.Thirteen years later, Li Yuan went from Luoyang to Hangzhou to attend an appointment. On a moonlit night, a shepherd boy came and sang while clasping his horns: "The old spirit on the Sansheng Stone, don't talk about watching the moon and singing the wind. I am ashamed that my lover is visiting from afar. Although the opposite sex lasts forever." Li Yuan asked loudly: "How is Zegong always good?" The shepherd boy replied: "Li Gong, you are really a man of faith. But you have not finished your common relationship, so don't come near me. If you practice hard, you can still see each other." The shepherd boy left without knowing where he went.Li Yuan never left the temple until he died in the temple at the age of eighty-one.

Among the poems sung by the reincarnated shepherd boy Yuanze, the most moving one is the sentence "Although the opposite sex will last forever", not to mention the change of identity and status, even the physical body is not important, as long as the soul and temperament are there, There is a tacit understanding, concern, warmth, and faith, and the cycle of life and death cannot change the sincere and profound friendship between each other. It turns out that the covenants on the Sansheng Stone are not necessarily love, but also have the same precious friendship.This story can be said to have reached an extreme.If the story is said to be mythical, then the friendship between Zhang Yong and Fu Lin is completely real.Song Dynasty poet Zhang Yong and Fu Lin were good friends. Later, Zhang Yong became a prominent official and became a minister, thinking of his old friend, but Fu Lin did not want to be an official, so "you can't get Lin if you ask for thirty years." In his later years, he was an official in a certain place. Fu Lin dressed in rough clothes and rode a donkey to find him, knocked on the door and shouted, "Tell the minister, I am Fu Lin from Qingzhou." The gatekeeper ran in and reported to Zhang Yong, who said, "Mr. Who are you, how dare you call him by his name!" Fu Lin said with a smile: "I have been separated from you for a lifetime, and you still maintain a childlike innocence. How does he know that there is someone like me in the world!" Fu Lin's original words were "Don't Son I, Shang Er childlike innocence".What a rare visit to the old age, what a rare childlike innocence.Back then, one was wealthy and did not forget old friends;This kind of friendship has not been distorted by the ups and downs of life, nor has it been bleached and faded by the long years. On the contrary, it is like old wine, becoming more and more mellow and intoxicating.

"After farewell, we meet each other in memory, and we share the same dreams with you a few times. Tonight, I have left a silver photo, and I'm afraid that the reunion is a dream." It should be such a friend, such a meeting.Although I know that this piece of "Partridge Sky" was originally written about the relationship between the lyricist and the singer. Presumably there were also dirty people and snobs at that time, and they would betray their friendship because of various interests or dark psychology.However, because the prevailing concept at that time was to value faith and respect integrity, I am afraid that those villains still felt a lot of pressure when they did this.At least not as confident as some people today, "friends are used to deceive", and even chilling words like "kill familiarity" have become everyday expressions.

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